Well-Known Member
Just like a mask and distancing nothing works 100% but does that mean you just give up trying?I agree that contract tracing has merit and good results, but I also concede that it difficult due to resources, logistics, and the nature of this virus. so it is limited in it's power.
I will give you this scenario:
Day 1: Dudley goes to Publix for a half hour, stops at Hobby Lobby and waits in line for 5 minutes, then is at home with his wife and two kids.
Day 2: Dudley eats at Cheddar's with his family, then is at home with his family.
Day 3: Dudley goes to work; he is wearing a mask but still is in close contact throughout the day with coworkers.
Day 4: Dudley goes to work, then goes to the park to play football with 3 friends.
Day 5: Dudley goes to work, and makes a Starbucks run and waits inside for 15 minutes for ten iced mocha lattes.
Day 6: Dudley feels a bit more tired then normal, but goes to work.
Day 7: Dudley goes to work, then goes home, nothing other then that.
Day 8: Dudley decides to meet up for lunch with a friend. They go to eat at Carrabba's.
Day 9: Dudley wakes up with cold like symptoms. He also notices his taste decreasing.
Day 10: Dudley goes for testing
Day 11-12: Dudley gets results 2 days later. In the meantime he stayed home. He is positive.
See the problem now? Because of how long this virus can incubate and shed asymptomatically, look at the myriads of people Dudley interacted with; even if a contact tracer contacts him, he has to remember who was at work, football, etc, then remember everywhere he was shopping; if his family is positive, the kids now need to inform the schools, the buses, and their friends, the wife has to remember her interactions. Oh, and did Starbucks, Cheddars, and Carrabba's take down their patrons info? Doubtful. And now you also have to hope you identify enough people positive to even know WHERE Dudley got it (which explains the reason why it's incredibly difficult to trace an "outbreak" to Disney World right now). Oh and then those people Dudley does remember, need to potentially get tested and remember who they were around! And now you need multiple contact tracers to have any hope of sorting this all out.
Now amplify that scenario to hundreds of thousands of people, especially the not so smart ones going to crowded bars, public protests, bike rallies, big beach parties and so on. Aye carumba! On a small scale, yes, contact tracing works. But right now with case numbers so high, it isn't gonna work.
Reduce points of contact as much as possible, trace what you can, treat the rest.
I don't care where Dud got it I want to know where he was the last few days so I can alert as many of those people as possible to watch for symptoms and get tested.