In the face of the present suffering, this is a minor point, but...
If the parks in Florida are going to close again (I don't see how they avoid this, really), WDW better make sure it announces the closure first. Disney lives or dies by its image, and right now WDW is the icon in both the international and domestic press for wreckless behavior during the pandemic. Tons of stories about Florida's terrible situation or the pandemic in the USA in general feature images of the castle or of Mickey's big plastic face. The late nite comedians are all taking shots. If Universal announces it is closing and highlights concern for guest safety, even if its just a day before Disney, the general PR situation will deteriorate still further.
This is quite aside from perceptions within the much smaller community of people concerned with theme parks (execs, fans, employees, etc.), where the optics will be even worse. Universal will have been the first to open (opening was still a terrible idea), at a moment when the situation hadn't begun to deteriorate rapidly, and will close first - in both cases giving the impression that they are the dominant, more dynamic company, making WDW dance to their tune.
Basically, the PR gamble WDW is taking takes increases every day it is open, and its already a really, really enormous gamble. There is a way out - if Disney closes and launches a huge public campaign for the state government to act responsibly and for the public to get more serious, they mitigate the PR damage - and might actually make things better. They can push the idea that the sooner everyone behaves responsibly, the sooner we can all get back to having fun at WDW.