1. He points out its more younger people getting the virus. So, yes, that will lower the death rate stat. However, he ignores that so many young people (and the numbers are growing exponentially) will make it more dangerous for the elderly and those with confounding conditions. The elderly go out to the stores, and guess who's their clerk? A young person that was out partying last night without a mask. It is amazing he doesn't consider the widespread increase of cases as eventually problematic for everyone. But, that's easy to do when you spout of a bunch of stats spinning them in a positive way and ignoring one essential stat: Daily deaths have been increasing. No way to spin that, so, it doesn't get mentioned. Just talk about how the surge of infected youngsters aren't dying as much and look at that percentage and ignore the absolute value of the number of increasing deaths.
ICU: "We have so much extra capacity now." -- Is that supposed to be a good thing? As if getting a surge of critical patients is OK because we won't be overwhelmed by them... so... bring them on!!!?? Where's the concern to keep critical patients from happening in the first place?
Death rate in this county: So, are we getting stats from the Tampa Bay area or from all of Florida? Because you can do a lot of spinning if for each stat we look at, we then chose whether to look at the overall Florida number, or, chose to look at a particular county's number and use the better looking stat. If Florida does not have a stay-at-home order, then people are mobile within the state and they spread the virus throughout the state. This is a lesson the Panhandle should know so well now that their cases are growing when previously they were crowing about how their area has little to no problems.
Test positive rate is down. No. No it isn't. It is *not* at 11%. But, even if that was true, he condemns himself as a hack when he admits that at one time the positive rate was 3%. Well, if it was 3% a while ago, but now up to 11%, then that's horrible. That should be panic mode. But, you know,
he's not as pessimistic as some.
Current statewide positive rate: 18% (unless maybe you're only switching to the Tampa Bay area stat to make it look better)...