A huge portion of deaths could have been avoided if everyone wore masks and socially distanced and continued to do so. But, those deaths are counted.
The idea that you want the death count (closing in on half a million) to be discounted because the virus got into some nursing homes is ludicrous.
Besides only 5% of the elderly population are in nursing homes, so, even if you did discount nursing home deaths, it'd hardly budge the overall numbers.
This shows that you don't know what your talking about.
You are minimizing the problem with deflection. "Look at the number of deaths X causes!" Doesn't matter.
We have a killer virus on the loose and its still killing. We don't let serial killers just go about their murders because of the number of deaths caused by car accidents is so much larger.
It has been well known and discussed when COVID-19 became problematic that is was a type of corona virus, and some types of corona viruses are responsible for the common cold. I mean, this is COVID 101. It is common knowledge now.
SARS and MERS, both very deadly, are also coronaviruses. Corona viruses can be very deadly or just a nuisance. COVID-19 is on track to have killed half a million people in about half a year. But, you're comparing it to a cold... again. This is despicable.
All your opinion of the situation.
COVID-19 has been known to kill or seriously damage healthy young people.
But, here, again, you're minimizing the toll on the elderly and those with confounding conditions. Is it OK to not worry about them because they're old and have an illness? People in a nursing home don't count?
Again, minimizing. By comparing it to something else, you then claim it's of minimal concern. Things can be concerning in their own right without having to be as bad as something else, such as killing half a million people in half a year.
I don't know. But go ahead and raise a question to intimate... something?
If you want us to look at COVID in a certain context, then provide data; not your vague broaching of a topic with an unanswered question.
You have shown over and over again that the 'perspective' you want is such as to minimize the problem.