Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
You start closing everything and then millions more die from starvation than they would’ve for the virus.
That is why Disney has to step up and agree to pay all their Cast Members for up to 4 months. They need to help everyone for this short term hit. Plus if they step up Universal will also have to. Taking care of your current Cast Members is more important than adding a new park.


Premium Member
Oh yay-kick the can down the road to taxpayers later, and yay to businesses having to take out loans to cover their business that is barely squeaking by! The American way-MORE DEBT!! Or the bar owner who has the place paid off, pays employees decently, has a nest egg etc. Now they've essentially got to start over after the nest egg is depleted??? But let's be sure to bail out billionaires with "tax breaks" and oil and banks etc.
My quote was directly related to paid time off for infected employees. Not an overall economic stimulus. If a small business has to pay employees for time off when they are sick they pay them through regular payroll. The short term loans would be to cover that cash outlay and would be paid back when the tax credit comes in. No extra debt long term. No issue with nest eggs.

As far as overall business losses that’s a much bigger, longer term problem. Long term economic stimulus has to come later. I was talking about immediate needs to stabilize things and get us through this. Either way the government will be footing a large bill and that will be paid long term by taxpayers. It’s inevitable unless you just want the government to do nothing and let people go to work sick and businesses fail.


Well-Known Member
I actually noted at least one apology, admission of being incorrect, and a change in the direction of their postings (and convictions even). I believe in giving credit where credit is due.

If you look at my posts, albeit I never posted the “It’s just the flu” on here, as I didn’t join but a couple weeks ago, but fully acknowledge I was dead wrong. my wife will definitely State that I was harping that. Back when we cancelled our trip to Asia due to the Coronavirus in January she specifically stated “Are you so arrogant to think you are smarter than the experts?” (For the record I work in a hospital in ICUs and deal exclusively with caring for ICU patients, some which do get sick with flu.)

Welp, here I am two months later admitting I was totally wrong.

I will state that I find it very ironic that after 20+ years of having a war against vaccines (at least here in the USA) I do find it funny that the world is now clamoring for a vaccine.


Well-Known Member
If you look at my posts, albeit I never posted the “It’s just the flu” on here, as I didn’t join but a couple weeks ago, but fully acknowledge I was dead wrong. my wife will definitely State that I was harping that. Back when we cancelled our trip to Asia due to the Coronavirus in January she specifically stated “Are you so arrogant to think you are smarter than the experts?” (For the record I work in a hospital in ICUs and deal exclusively with caring for ICU patients, some which do get sick with flu.)

Welp, here I am two months later admitting I was totally wrong.

I will state that I find it very ironic that after 20+ years of having a war against vaccines (at least here in the USA) I do find it funny that the world is now clamoring for a vaccine.
Jenny McCarthy played a HUGE role in the resurgence of anti-vaxxers by contradicting science and claiming there's a link between autism and vaccines, and also by saying autism can be cured by a diet change.


Well-Known Member
This is where I'm at. I haven't even gotten a "we're keeping an eye on the situation..." type message from WDW regarding our March reservations (which I will be canceling), when DCL was sending me those weeks ago. I sort of would expect to see some kind of cursory acknowledgement of the situation on the main WDW website, too. It's weird.
They posted on the Disney parks blog a couple days ago.


Well-Known Member
Update: My school district is closing on March 17 (Ohio's primary day) for a planning session for possible on-line learning if the school is to close before and after spring break. Our spring break begins on March 23 until March 29---the time I will be at Disney. Standardized testing begins on April 1.
Another Update: All Ohio schools are closed for the next three weeks starting on Monday.


Well-Known Member
Ohio Dept. of Health just said evidence indicates they have 117,000 infected in the state

I haven't found any other news source that says this. If it is true, it would mean this virus is less serious than a cold if so few people had serious enough symptoms to even get tested out of 115,000 people.

I don't believe it is quite that mild so I suspect an out of context or misunderstood quote.


Active Member
They're closing down entirely for six weeks. This will be the largest loss in tourism since 9/11.

I had a conference in Manhattan scheduled for April 21st and it was canceled this week. Was planning a 5 day tourist trip prior to the meeting. Ah well..

To keep on subject, my guess is people with reservations thru March will still go to the parks, but those with vacations 20, 40, 60 days out might start canceling/panicking. I can't help but think April will be a quieter month this year.


Well-Known Member
There is such evidence...
I mean wouldn't common sense be enough? I think people focus so much on "if I get it I'm ok" or "it's only bad for older or immunocompromised people". Do they not realize EVERYONE can spread it? A kid, a teacher, a janitor can bring it to school and all those kids bring it home. That's how spreading works. That's why they want to limit gatherings over a certain number. This should absolutely inude schools. If you've ever worked with kids or at a school you know those places are breeding grounds. Imagine trying to get 26, 6 yr old to wash their hands after every sneeze! It's not always about "oh I'll be fine" sometimes it is about "how will my neighbor be? How will my parents be? How will the homeless guy I just gave food to be?".


Well-Known Member
I mean wouldn't common sense be enough? I think people focus so much on "if I get it I'm ok" or "it's only bad for older or immunocompromised people". Do they not realize EVERYONE can spread it? A kid, a teacher, a janitor can bring it to school and all those kids bring it home. That's how spreading works. That's why they want to limit gatherings over a certain number. This should absolutely inude schools. If you've ever worked with kids or at a school you know those places are breeding grounds. Imagine trying to get 26, 6 yr old to wash their hands after every sneeze! It's not always about "oh I'll be fine" sometimes it is about "how will my neighbor be? How will my parents be? How will the homeless guy I just gave food to be?".
That's just not how the majority of Americans operate...thinking of others first. I wish it was...we have 2 sons in 2 different schools, and every year they manage to bring home every bug that makes the rounds because some jack- decided to send their kid to school while they were sick.


Well-Known Member
If you look at my posts, albeit I never posted the “It’s just the flu” on here, as I didn’t join but a couple weeks ago, but fully acknowledge I was dead wrong. my wife will definitely State that I was harping that. Back when we cancelled our trip to Asia due to the Coronavirus in January she specifically stated “Are you so arrogant to think you are smarter than the experts?” (For the record I work in a hospital in ICUs and deal exclusively with caring for ICU patients, some which do get sick with flu.)

Welp, here I am two months later admitting I was totally wrong.

I will state that I find it very ironic that after 20+ years of having a war against vaccines (at least here in the USA) I do find it funny that the world is now clamoring for a vaccine.
And you'll still see people thinking the vaccine is worse than the disease its trying to cure.


Well-Known Member
Closing or not, I'm shocked by the silence of Disney on this right now (has universal said anything either?).

A further point about the “slippery slope” argument.

Vegas, smaller amusement parks, cinema, etc. should all close. Now. Disney is a leader, the kind of leader Americans - and particularly American businesses - respect more then political leaders. It is also, in a way only Apple might be able to match, a cultural leader. Disney closing will be a huge push to every other venue to close NOW. That’s another reason it has to happen right away.

It’s similliar to Tom Hanks getting the virus. When Disney closes, low-info consumers and sluggish corporations begin to realize what is going on.

Disney's obvious and intentional silence and inaction on this is indicating to me, personally, that they are no longer deserving of a leadership role in industry or to be recognized as cultural leaders. Every second that they are passed by other institutions doing the right thing comes at tremendous cost to their legacy.


Well-Known Member
And you'll still see people thinking the vaccine is worse than the disease its trying to cure.
I'm related to a NURSE who doesn't believe in vaccinations and who chose to raise her three boys in a house with lead in it even after her oldest tested with high lead levels.

ETA: There's something going on developmentally/intellectually with her two younger sons, too...but it's never spoken about. I'm not aware of them getting any services through their schools, but I really hope they do.
Disney's obvious and intentional silence and inaction on this is indicating to me, personally, that they are no longer deserving of a leadership role in industry or to be recognized as cultural leaders. Every second that they are passed by other institutions doing the right thing comes at tremendous cost to their legacy.
Drama, drama, everywhere


Well-Known Member
Yes. All of those need (not grocery stores) to close. And standing in crowds at Wal Mart is unwise. This is a Big Deal.

I don’t know if you were around for 9/11 (or, heck, for WWII) but there are moments when normalcy stops and you find yourself in big-h History, the stuff you will tell your kids about. It doesn’t feel good. It feels like you are untethered, floating. But if you don’t adapt, you’re stuck there for longer then you should be.
I was at my local wally this morning, it is in a large retirement community and was packed with seniors shopping that could have it done for them.
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Well-Known Member
I was at my local wally this morning, it is in a large retirement community and was packed with seniors shopping that could have it done for them.
Hubby just called from the Walmart near us. No TP, no Dunkins coffee, only odd-flavored baked beans, no raspberry preserves, slim selection of tuna, no deviled ham...
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