Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Well-Known Member
I haven’t heard that they changed masks requirements, if they did I missed it. What I can say is that there have been pictures of no masks. A video of the afternoon parade where the people are basically on top of each other as the crown to see the parade. I’m wondering if they got rid of the social distancing.
A vlogger I watch from time to time, frequents Shanghai Disneyland, and he wasn't wearing a mask for the outdoor portions of his latest video. He mentioned that the mask restrictions outside were lifted.


Well-Known Member
I'm in Michigan and we have masks required. Doesn't seem to matter. Grocery stores ask you to wear them but nothing is done if you go in without one. Some businesses no one, employees included, wears masks. My sister works at the local coffee shop and most of her customers don't wear one. My boss and the few folks still working on campus never wear them in meetings together (no distancing either).

Our state has done really well with the response but with the reopening everyone seems to think we're back to zero risk. I know people are traveling out of state again too. I'm pretty convinced we will have a second wave this fall because people just don't care.

Yup unfortunately I was supposed to be in Detroit for a car show in May and again in August for the Woodward Dream Cruise :( hopefully next year.


Well-Known Member
This is here for quite some time. At the moment, there is neither herd immunity nor a vaccine.

In your lifetime, Polio was a serious concern. It didn't get a vaccine until 1952 and still had new cases in the US in 1961, and that was with mandatory inoculations; It wasn't eliminated in the Americas until 1994; China and Australia eliminated it in 2000; Europe in 2002; India in 2014.

When and if a vaccine for this is produced, its use will not be mandatory at least initially and some significant fraction of the population will not get it for whatever reason. Even for those that do get it we won't know for "sure" how well it performs (eg: how long it lasts, etc).

You may as well accept that there are going to be cases for the foreseeable future. To believe otherwise is at best wishful thinking.
I don't really understand the point that "it'll still be around even with a vaccine." But at that time, I would be assuming that if available I would choose to get the vaccine as soon as I could do so. If others don't want the vaccine that's their choice, but for all intents and purposes I would consider the threat of covid to myself and my family over once a vaccine is obtained.

Obviously we don't know the effect yet of a vaccine that hasn't been created, but I'd like to think if it was sent out and mass produced it would need to be effective.
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Well-Known Member
I don't really understand the point that "it'll still be around even with a vaccine." But at that time, I would be assuming that if available I would choose to get the vaccine as soon as I could do so. If others don't want the vaccine that's their choice, but for all intents and purposes I would consider the threat of covid to myself and my family over once a vaccine is obtained.

Obviously we don't know the effect yet of a vaccine that hasn't been created, but I'd like to think if it was sent out and mass produced it would need to be effective.
That depends on how well the initial vaccine works. It may not incur complete immunity, but rather, reduce your chances of either contracting the disease or spreading it. We're obviously all hoping for complete immunity, but it could be like the pneumovax, which lowers the risk, but doesn't eliminate it.


Premium Member
Problem is here in Florida masks are not required. The governor and mayors need to make masks mandatory in all public places. The exception is when eating in at establishments. We are allowed to gather up to crowds of 100.

The other issue is you have those who do not believe the pandemic is real, or they feel they are fine, or they have the mind set that I am not wearing a mask if I get sick I get sick.

This is kind of like how folks on this board are talking if I have to wear a mask I am not going to Disney. Folks we could be in this for 1-2 years it is not that bad to wear a mask, sure annoying but that extra barrier of safety if fine with me.

I still shake my head going to the stores and see people not wearing them. I do wish the governor and mayors would make them mandatory it's just an extra barrier to help prevent the spread.

My family and I are 2 weeks away from our stay at Disney we have no issues with masks our kids have been wearing them to get used to them. Our July 4th weekend have always been resort pool trips so not having a park open is fine with us. I will grab food and bring it back to the room, we will swim in the pool and keep our distance. We have lysol wipes ready for the trip, plenty of hand sanitizer for the room and a bottle to take to the pool.

We will do this again for our late July trip, and our labor day trip, our October trip, and our Thanksgiving trip. It's the way of life we need to follow so one day we do not have to do this crap anymore.
I applaud you for following the rules and advocating others to do so. More people need to follow your lead. :)

It’s truly sad to see how little people really care about anyone else. For months all we heard was the economy, the economy, the economy...we have to open things now or more people will die from suicide...think of the poor workers. Those were all very valid concerns, but it seems now like for a large number of people very insincere. We have a relatively easy way to open things up and get people back to work and get economy fully open. People just need to be willing to make a little sacrifice and wear masks and social distance. Instead a lot of the same people railing on about the poor workers who they claimed they were so concerned about now could care less about their health and safety. They can’t be bothered wearing a mask to help keep the workers safe. Instead they keep trying to debunk the effectiveness of masks or point to protests and say if those people can be out without a mask then why should I wear one. Did they really ever care about workers or was that just a convenient talking point to satisfy their instant gratification? Seems like for a lot of people the latter. The real shame is that if everyone was willing to do what it takes and follow some simple rules there would be a much greater long term economic benefit. Instead in some places we are already facing a pull back on re-openings. A lot of small businesses and their workers will be much more negatively impacted from a pull back now.

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
This is kind of like how folks on this board are talking if I have to wear a mask I am not going to Disney. Folks we could be in this for 1-2 years it is not that bad to wear a mask, sure annoying but that extra barrier of safety if fine with me.

I still shake my head going to the stores and see people not wearing them. I do wish the governor and mayors would make them mandatory it's just an extra barrier to help prevent the spread.
Two points:

1. A Disney vacation is not an essential item like going to the grocery store or the gas station. Therefore, people will have different opinions on what level of inconvenience is justified for a Disney trip. For us, we just don't feel like wearing masks all day long in the Florida heat and humidity. We would rather wait another year to visit than do that. You feel differently and that's fine. But what's wrong with people choosing to delay a vacation?

2. There is no practical way to make masks mandatory. It just won't work. I'm not saying people shouldn't wear masks. I think they should. I'm just saying that I don't think the government can effectively enforce that. Let's be honest. People who don't want to wear a mask aren't going to care if it's mandatory or not. And we're not about to start jailing people because they won't. It's just not a problem the government can solve.

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
That depends on how well the initial vaccine works. It may not incur complete immunity, but rather, reduce your chances of either contracting the disease or spreading it. We're obviously all hoping for complete immunity, but it could be like the pneumovax, which lowers the risk, but doesn't eliminate it.
This is true. However, from a practical standpoint, once a vaccine is widely available, I can't see anyone maintaining any of the restrictions we currently have. I just don't think society will tolerate it. Once there are vaccines and proven therapeutics, even if they are not 100% effective, folks are going to demand a return to 100% normal living. That may be right or wrong, but that's the way it is.


Premium Member
A vlogger I watch from time to time, frequents Shanghai Disneyland, and he wasn't wearing a mask for the outdoor portions of his latest video. He mentioned that the mask restrictions outside were lifted.
Thanks for the info. At this point, I don't think going to a large theme park is a good idea, so I wouldn't go to Disney unless I believed they could truly keep people 6 feet apart at all times. The masks are not a substitute for social distancing and I don't think they do nearly as much as people think to limit the spread (they do something, though), so I wouldn't go even if everyone was wearing a mask.

The issue will be with future trips. I have trouble breathing in a mask (that's just me, so for those who find it merely annoying, good for you!) so our October trip will be out if masks are still required then. The trip after that is scheduled for May 2021, and I'm keeping an open mind about that one. I honestly don't know how I'll feel if masks are still required at that time. Maybe I'll have found one that isn't so hard to wear. Whatever happens, we'll make the decision at that time.

Disney will have a tough time with the restrictions. As Tom P. pointed out, people seem to equate Disney with other places of business such as grocery stores or dental offices, but it's really not comparable. Disney is a vacation venue, and there are many people who will put off a visit until they can enjoy themselves without all the restrictions. No one needs to go there, so Disney will lose business as long as these restrictions are in place. Right now, it isn't an issue because they need to limit capacity, but that won't be the case for very long. I suspect Disney will follow government and health agency guidelines and will lift restrictions when it is allowed to do so. If it doesn't, then it is my right as a consumer to decide whether or not to go.

It looks like Disney has decided to change the mask requirement in Shanghai to inside only. We aren't at that stage yet, but when we are, Disney will probably change its requirement here also. Disney is a private business that can make its own rules - if people don't feel safe, they will need to adjust.


Premium Member
Two points:

1. A Disney vacation is not an essential item like going to the grocery store or the gas station. Therefore, people will have different opinions on what level of inconvenience is justified for a Disney trip. For us, we just don't feel like wearing masks all day long in the Florida heat and humidity. We would rather wait another year to visit than do that. You feel differently and that's fine. But what's wrong with people choosing to delay a vacation?

2. There is no practical way to make masks mandatory. It just won't work. I'm not saying people shouldn't wear masks. I think they should. I'm just saying that I don't think the government can effectively enforce that. Let's be honest. People who don't want to wear a mask aren't going to care if it's mandatory or not. And we're not about to start jailing people because they won't. It's just not a problem the government can solve.
100% agreed on 1. I have a slightly different opinion on 2.

I have no problem with someone choosing not to go to WDW or continuing to shop online or order take out instead of dining in. All valid options and all personal choice.

On the mask issue I agree that making them mandatory won’t result in 100% compliance but that’s not a good reason not to do it. My father in law lives in FL and we were comparing how different things were. He wears a mask when he goes grocery shopping but he said less than half the people do, but it’s not required. Where I live it is. I have yet to go into a grocery store and see someone without a mask. It’s a rare exception. So while it still happens it’s nowhere near as common as places where its not required. I think the vast majority of people would comply if it was required. When it’s not people don’t feel the need to. Many people still rely on the government for signals as to what’s needed or not.


Well-Known Member
2. There is no practical way to make masks mandatory. It just won't work. I'm not saying people shouldn't wear masks. I think they should. I'm just saying that I don't think the government can effectively enforce that. Let's be honest. People who don't want to wear a mask aren't going to care if it's mandatory or not. And we're not about to start jailing people because they won't. It's just not a problem the government can solve.
Have to disagree here. Mask wearing is overall quite high in Disney Springs and Universal. Much more than I saw walking through Publix last night. And I would guess much higher than Gatorland and Legoland's "recommended" suggestion. Mask requirements do work, even if they are not 100% effective overall compliance is much higher than not requiring them at all.


Well-Known Member
I don't really understand the point that "it'll still be around even with a vaccine." But at that time, I would be assuming that if available I would choose to get the vaccine as soon as I could do so. If others don't want the vaccine that's their choice, but for all intents and purposes I would consider the threat of covid to myself and my family over once a vaccine is obtained.

Obviously we don't know the effect yet of a vaccine that hasn't been created, but I'd like to think if it was sent out and mass produced it would need to be effective.
Sorry- I was addressing your blanket statement that as long "as their were new cases".

But even if there is a vaccine, we do not know if it will be similar to the flu vaccine in that it may protect you only for specific strains. There's already indications that there may be multiple mutations of the virus, so if the vaccine is only efficacious towards a subset of those mutations, then the vaccine won't guarantee your safety.


Well-Known Member
It looks like Disney has decided to change the mask requirement in Shanghai to inside only. We aren't at that stage yet, but when we are, Disney will probably change its requirement here also. Disney is a private business that can make its own rules - if people don't feel safe, they will need to adjust.
We aren't even close to that stage here. For that to equate to the states, we would need several weeks of no/very little new cases in Florida.

Not to mention the tourists and out of state guests that would throw a wrench into any feeling that the virus truly is under control in the state. I don't know if that ever happens.


Well-Known Member
What are they basing the 6 feet apart rule on anyway? While in line, for example, you are still walking right through where everyone was standing seconds before you anyway. If masks have a high protective value, what is accomplished by the distancing? If masks are not highly protective, how is walking by where people were standing any safer? I totally support masks and distancing as abundance of caution measures but is there any data to show how effective it is?


Premium Member
We aren't even close to that stage here. For that to equate to the states, we would need several weeks of no/very little new cases in Florida.

Not to mention the tourists and out of state guests that would throw a wrench into any feeling that the virus truly is under control in the state. I don't know if that ever happens.
I guess some will have to permanently cross WDW off their vacation list then. They may go out of business. That will be sad.

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
Have to disagree here. Mask wearing is overall quite high in Disney Springs and Universal. Much more than I saw walking through Publix last night. And I would guess much higher than Gatorland and Legoland's "recommended" suggestion. Mask requirements do work, even if they are not 100% effective overall compliance is much higher than not requiring them at all.
You're talking about a private company instituting a mask requirement in order to be allowed to frequent their business. I agree that works. But that is quite a different thing than a government instituting general mask wearing throughout a community. I think it is going to be far easier for Disney to mandate people to wear masks who come on their property than it would be to mandate that someone wear a mask while they are walking down a city sidewalk. Mainly because the enforcement mechanisms are different. Disney can easily deny someone entry for not wearing a mask. What is the city government going to do? Arrest someone? Even having police officers spend their time issuing tickets is not viable.


Premium Member
What are they basing the 6 feet apart rule on anyway? While in line, for example, you are still walking right through where everyone was standing seconds before you anyway. If masks have a high protective value, what is accomplished by the distancing? If masks are not highly protective, how is walking by where people were standing any safer? I totally support masks and distancing as abundance of caution measures but is there any data to show how effective it is?
The masks and the 6 feet apart rule are coming from the CDC. Epidemiologists and infectious disease experts who have spent their whole lives studying viruses are recommending it based on the knowledge that they have today about how this virus is most likely to spread. There is no study to tell you exactly how effective the measures are but even if there was a lot of people wouldn’t believe it anyway. There are also no studies proving they are not effective.


Well-Known Member
What are they basing the 6 feet apart rule on anyway? While in line, for example, you are still walking right through where everyone was standing seconds before you anyway. If masks have a high protective value, what is accomplished by the distancing? If masks are not highly protective, how is walking by where people were standing any safer? I totally support masks and distancing as abundance of caution measures but is there any data to show how effective it is?
A quick google search will provide all answer on what you are seeking. It’s one of the best things we all can do right now, but combined with the other things.. masks etc, is the best.
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