-Fever was around 100 (about 5 days)
-Sore throat for 6 days
-Tons of thick mucus in my throat (thus sore throat) but no nasal congestion
-sporadic cough (not severe)
-shortness of breath, but I’m reasonably healthy, so not dangerous. I can usually work out for an hour and a half. With Covid, if I walked 15 min, I was gasping like I had run 5 miles
-bad headache
-lightheadedness and dizziness
-muscle and body aches
-serious fatigue
-reduced appetite and sense of taste
Wife came down with it 2 days after me, then the boys had a much milder version. 6 weeks later, the boys had a rash for a week but no fever. Pediatrician suggested it was Fifth Disease (over phone; no office calls), but they had no fever with the rash and hadn’t been near anyone else. Also, they had already had Fifth Disease. Now, word is spreading of this inflammatory condition seen in kids 4-6 weeks after contracting Covid, so I imagine that’s actually what happened here.