The last time I went to WDW in the Summer. I sweated from places I didn't even know I had sweat glands. I don't know if wearing a sweat-drenched mask is feasible or safe.
Regardless of whether you think masks should be worn or not I don't think they'll be able to enforce and I don't think people will be able to tolerate it in the heat.
While I agree with this, I do wonder if it will be mandatory for CMs to wear them. Indoor CMs won’t have too much of an issue. But if it’s potentially unsafe for guests to wear them all day in the heat, will it be unsafe for the cast as well?
If I had to go back to work to any of my old roles tomorrow (almost all of which were outdoors) and wear a mask, I don’t think I could do it. If that makes me a baby, so be it.