Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

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Premium Member
Yes, that's the same data, but reported on with a bit more background. thanks for the link
The new part, at least for me, was that they combined phase I and II together and hoped to have results by June on effectiveness. I knew they were in phase I and they had succeeded with monkeys. I don’t want to get my hopes totally up but if this pans out it could be a big game changer. The extra details give me hope that their initial comment on being ready by September could actually be true. Fingers crossed that it’s effective.


Well-Known Member
The new part, at least for me, was that they combined phase I and II together and hoped to have results by June on effectiveness. I knew they were in phase I and they had succeeded with monkeys. I don’t want to get my hopes totally up but if this pans out it could be a big game changer. The extra details give me hope that their initial comment on being ready by September could actually be true. Fingers crossed that it’s effective.

I’m not sure if I’m excited about them rushing the testing for a disease that is so unknown as this.


Premium Member
Without more evidence we can’t conclude whether masks or hand washing is more important.
That's significantly different from your earlier statement that having everyone wear masks is more effective than hand washing for limiting virus transmission. I don't think anyone can argue with the fact that very little is known about this virus and medical advice is changing accordingly.


Well-Known Member
I didn't read this particular article, but saw one with the same headine last night. That article was careful to note that everything was preliminary, but most signs pointed to less risk in children. Part of that was that they didn't seem as likely to spread it either. Ignore the headline (which isn't part of the article) and the takeaway from the research seemed encouraging.
Preliminary reports reported as fact is the problem with the press today. The need to be first is short ciruiting the scientific method.


Well-Known Member
Indiana has stated June 14th as a target date for phase 4- theme parks can open at 50% capacity, and July 4th for phase 5 full capacity.
So more states are looking at into June for possible openings than just Florida.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Florida's numbers:

Here are the graphs from Florida state's dashboard. The last bar for new cased is dated Apr 31 (yesterday) while the last bar for deaths is dated Apr 29 (two days ago). The text at the bottom notes that the number of deaths for the past two weeks can change because it takes awhile for that data to be gathered.


But here's what the NY Times tracker is reporting...


And IHME's data...



President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
I’m not sure if I’m excited about them rushing the testing for a disease that is so unknown as this.

The part that's being rushed is testing on a small group of people first to see if there are any side effects. They're going directly to a larger group to test for side effects. The only rush here is for the larger group of test subjects.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
I interrupt the interminable debate on masks to be on topic. ;)

For WDW, what is important is its governing agencies: Florida and (mostly) Orange County.

Florida state had a task force called Reopen Florida Task Force which gave a *recommendation* to the governor for a three phase reopening.

Yesterday, on Wednesday, Gov. DeSantis promulgated his executive order taking advice from the Reopen Florida Task Force, but not following it completely. He was more strict than the Task Force recommended. He only outlined some specific items for his promulgated Governor's Phase I that begins on Monday, May 4. He didn't give a timeline for when Phase II would start (he couldn't since that depends on certain benchmarks being met). Nor did he say what his Phase II would look like (he doesn't have to follow Reopen Florida Task Force's recommendation).

Now, on the local level: Local jurisdictions can be more strict than the state's regulations. And so, for WDW, we need to see what Orange County's guidelines will be, which can indeed be more strict than the state's guidelines. There is a local task force called: Orange County Economic Recovery Task Force. The OCERTF has had public video meetings and we've heard *recommendations* from its members as to what their *recommendations* will be to Orange County officials. Which means everything you've seen reported about what they've been saying may not be in their final report. And the Orange County officials may make other decisions. So... we don't know what will come of the OCERTF yet. Their report of *recommendations* will come out tomorrow, Friday, May 1. Then Orange County officials will have to decide what they will allow to happen. They could theoretically keep everything in lockdown.

And WDW itself could be more restrictive than state or county. E.g., the governments are *recommending* employee screenings and masks. But the parks could, on their own, implement mandatory screening and masks for employees *and* guests.

I created a handy chart comparing the Governor's Phase I to the Reopen Florida Task Force's phases....

View attachment 467538

Orange County mayor will give an update on the Coronavirus in the county along with a report from the Orange County Economic Recovery Task Force at 4:30p ET today (Friday, May 1).



Premium Member
I’m not sure if I’m excited about them rushing the testing for a disease that is so unknown as this.
They said of the main reasons they were able to combine phase I and phase II is that they had already started work on a MERS vaccine that had been through the safety protocol and was proven safe. This vaccine uses the same principles with a virus that‘s something like 80% genetically similar to MERS. The other area where they are shaving substantial time off is in production. Normally all phases of trials would be complete and government approval would be in hand before beginning the logistical challenge and cost of ramping up production. In this case a large vaccine maker is beginning to produce the vaccine today in anticipation of a successful trial. So if they get the final approval in September it won’t take 6 months to ramp up production it would be ready to go. That’s not a safety risk, just a financial risk if the vaccine ends up being ineffective.


Well-Known Member
Lots of if’s and maybe’s but a good read anyway. All based on no vaccine of course come fall. But from pandemic experts from Tulane, Minnesota and Harvard.


Well-Known Member
Lots of if’s and maybe’s but a good read anyway. All based on no vaccine of course come fall.

Read a very similar article on CNN this morning. It also assumes no improvement in treatment options. And then like you said, on top of that there are a lot more "ifs" and "buts."

Edit to say, I really dislike headlines like that. They take the worst of the worst scenarios and then slap it on the headline (thus getting clicks from people like me and you).


Well-Known Member
Read a very similar article on CNN this morning. It also assumes no improvement in treatment options. And then like you said, on top of that there are a lot more "ifs" and "buts."
I think the main point of it was just.. let’s be prepared, it could happen. Is what I got out of it anyway.

Edit to your edit- I don’t think it is misleading like a lot of articles, like some that have been shared here. Worst to best possible scenarios they are putting out.


Well-Known Member
I think the main point of it was just.. let’s be prepared, it could happen. Is what I got out of it anyway.

Yeah, I am with you and it was a decent read. Just wish everyone didn't feel the need to use clickbait titles. I guess they need the revenue though.


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Well-Known Member
I think the main point of it was just.. let’s be prepared, it could happen. Is what I got out of it anyway.

Edit to your edit- I don’t think it is misleading like a lot of articles, like some that have been shared here. Worst to best possible scenarios they are putting out.
Yes, but I don’t feel reports like these are suitable for public consumption. The government should always be prepared for the worst case scenario but the average citizen doesn’t need to. I‘m not presently prepared for nuclear attack.
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