CoP is going BYE BYE acording to Jim Hill......


Well-Known Member
Mickeyrulz said:
Why does everyone like the idea of Stitch then if it's based on an animated movie? Not like that makes much sense.

Just as Food Rocks taught us, It's All About Moderation.


Well-Known Member
Mickeyrulz said:
Why does everyone like the idea of Stitch then if it's based on an animated movie? Not like that makes much sense.

Because there isn't any other character based rides in Tomorrowland other than Buzz. It's when you start to add oddball random things like the little green aliens UFO ride to Tomorrowland that we start to get worried.


New Member
*rushes around forums and begins to shout*

Alright General, let's get busy. I think this is a job for the D-Army. I'm ready to make signs, protest, and strap myself to the Carousel. Who's with me?!

*Calmly sits down and waits*

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Hello, everyone. Please be aware that Walt Disney World would NEVER think of closing any attraction that dates all the way back to the day the park opened in 1971, and would especially never dare close an attraction of which Walt Disney himself had personal knowledge and experience. Therefore, you do not need to worry yourselves about Carousel of Progress closing or being replaced by another attraction.


Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea


It's when you start to add oddball random things like the little green aliens UFO ride to Tomorrowland that we start to get worried.

Especially if the same characters are featured in an attraction just next door. Might as well just make the entire land an extension of Fantasyland, because there's no reason anymore to keep calling it Tomorrowland.


Well-Known Member
MKCP 1985 said:
Hello, everyone. Please be aware that Walt Disney World would NEVER think of closing any attraction that dates all the way back to the day the park opened in 1971, and would especially never dare close an attraction of which Walt Disney himself had personal knowledge and experience. Therefore, you do not need to worry yourselves about Carousel of Progress closing or being replaced by another attraction.


Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Never take anything for granted. It seems nothing is sacred anymore.

General Grizz

New Member
First, I gotta say that Jim Hill can be VERY accurate when he has the right source. His Gemini/Canada plans were on track. . .

But I can't be surprised about this CoP thing. Disney's wanted to get rid of it for years. The nerve!

To clear up a few points, the AAs got new "masks" this past winter, but they definitely need to be replaced. The whole show needs a massive rehab. But it does NOT need to be closed. No reason. Attendance has been great this September, check all the reports.

If Disney has the GALL to do this, then they will hear from the D-Army. :D

Timekeeper should not be changed unless it is replaced by an ORIGINAL attraction. I don't mind a decent replacement, but I cannot stand anymore of this character crapola in Tomorrowland. . .

General Grizz

New Member
MKCP 1985 said:
Hello, everyone. Please be aware that Walt Disney World would NEVER think of closing any attraction that dates all the way back to the day the park opened in 1971, and would especially never dare close an attraction of which Walt Disney himself had personal knowledge and experience. Therefore, you do not need to worry yourselves about Carousel of Progress closing or being replaced by another attraction.


Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
20 Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
CoP came to WDW in 1975...

OOPS! :rolleyes: :D

General Grizz

New Member
Corrus said:
So Grizz is always right??

I'm afraid you will be sadly mistaken concering C.O.P.
Hey, I don't know, for I do not have the green-tinted, money-focused mind of a high-high-up. Nothing is sacred, and I understand this attraction has been threatened for a long, long time.

But you are really making me anxious. . . .:D


Would not being able to sell merchandise play a factor in its closure? I mean, I think if they made some t-shirts, hats, plushes of the dog, and maybe some figures of the family, I'm sure people would buy.... :lol:


Cynderella said:
No one has respect for Walt anymore. If they did they wouldn't close his rides!

I agree with this 100%. Any tru Disney fan knows how important COP was to Walt and how much he loved it. It was pure Walt.

If they are to close COP, I would be heartbroken.

The only thing you need to say about COP is this: I LOVE Rock N' Roller Coaster. I love Tower Of Terror. I love all the mountains. I love the thrll rides, but I also see COP at least 3 times a trip.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I love CoP, but they need to give it some "sprucing up". It would also help to give it more "curb appeal" from the outside.

But the fact is, just because people on this board visit the attraction and see a 3/4 full show, does NOT mean this is what is going on 24/7 365 days a year.

Disney would keep ANY ride open if it had the ridership numbers, period. Everyone thinks there is some evil plot to get rid of this or that, for the sake of ing people off.

If you want to make the claim that Disney management nowadays ONLY cares about the $$$, then wouldn't they keep an existing ride open IF it had the ridership numbers? . It's simple economics. If you are cheap you are not going to spend $$$$ to replace a ride that is already popular.

Yeah Disney could attempt to spend some $$$ and make the ride better, but I doubt most of today's audience would care (as sad of a fact that is).

General Grizz

New Member
KevinPage said:
I love CoP, but they need to give it some "sprucing up". It would also help to give it more "curb appeal" from the outside.

But the fact is, just because people on this board visit the attraction and see a 3/4 full show, does NOT mean this is what is going on 24/7 365 days a year.

Disney would keep ANY ride open if it had the ridership numbers, period. Everyone thinks there is some evil plot to get rid of this or that, for the sake of ing people off.

If you want to make the claim that Disney management nowadays ONLY cares about the $$$, then wouldn't they keep an existing ride open IF it had the ridership numbers? . It's simple economics. If you are cheap you are not going to spend $$$$ to replace a ride that is already popular.

Yeah Disney could attempt to spend some $$$ and make the ride better, but I doubt most of today's audience would care (as sad of a fact that is).
I think the GRATIFICATION from the guests would be much higher if they are WOW'ed. (New realistic animatronics, etc.). I think the underdogs of WDI would have a blast making CoP one of the best Disney attractions again. A good attraction will get buzz.

Of course it isn't a new thrill ride. It just won't attract people who only want rides. But attendance has been positive this year (and these reports aren't from a few members ;) ), but, if attendance were a horrible factor, if the attraction could only be promoted (see: Park Map, and ESPECIALLY! TTA!), attendance can be boosted. As well as a more decent and attractive exterior.

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