Congress Questions Next Gen


Well-Known Member
Thanks. It's OK that we don't have the same opinion. However, I suggest that we need Disney to provide us with open and honest information so we can make our own choices.

As the protest over NextGen continues, Disney continues to release "new" information while claiming they are not releasing anything new. Meanewhile this information is difficult to find and not in one location. You might feel comfortable with this approach. To me, it suggests Disney cannot be fully trusted on this matter.

This x 100000000%

It's all very shady, and clearly being kept secretive. There are so many questions about it all that clearly haven't been answered, and I believe the system was designed in such a way as to give Disney the ability to NEVER "show their cards".

I've got a problem with that.


Well-Known Member
The primary reason that people attend their parks is about to become rationed.
I am of the opinion that Disney is better than playing games or touching stuff in queues will distract enough people that they don't say anything. Disney seems to keep thinking they can recondition their audience to shop more and worry less about attractions. They tried FastPass and were perplexed that people experienced other attractions instead of buying stuff. They tried building a park focused on retail and were perplexed when people balked. Now they seem to be trying a technology suite.


Well-Known Member
I am of the opinion that Disney is better than playing games or touching stuff in queues will distract enough people that they don't say anything. Disney seems to keep thinking they can recondition their audience to shop more and worry less about attractions. They tried FastPass and were perplexed that people experienced other attractions instead of buying stuff. They tried building a park focused on retail and were perplexed when people balked. Now they seem to be trying a technology suite.

I think the problem is that they figured out their original intent of FP (to get people out of lines and into shops) was flawed and wasn't going to come to fruition... So they decided to come up with a way to directly make it profitable. They couldn't beat around the bush to get what they wanted... So they're taking a hatchet to it directly.

And I believe that since they were going to go down that road, they decided to have meeting after meeting to brainstorm other ways to get deeper in our pockets in the most passive ways they could design.

They say students learn the most when they don't realize they're being taught. I think TWDC's mantra here is that guests will spend the most when they don't realize they're spending.

I do believe, also, that it would make sense that these que additions and everything along those lines (I'm looking at you, SotMK) have been added with the sole purpose of trying to pacify a certain percentage of the guests that day to keep them from complaining.

It's the bright shiny object they want us to stare at while they're doing their slight-of-hand out of your view.


Well-Known Member
They say students learn the most when they don't realize they're being taught. I think TWDC's mantra here is that guests will spend the most when they don't realize they're spending.
This has long been the selling point of these types of payment systems. But what happens when people start to equate pulling out their phone or tapping their wrist to paying? Maybe it won't be as strong of an impact (cash still seems to hit harder than cards), but I would think at some people the connection will be made. Then what? Another new payment system to again change the psychology of purchasing?


Well-Known Member
Your arguments are always so rational and really add positively to the discussion. You should post more.

I wait with baited breath to view your "I know you are, but what am I???" counter-point to xdan's completely off-the-wall predictions of FP+ availability that he says are based in "reality" by simply viewing what's happened to dining at WDW and intimating that it stands to reason that this program will follow the same course. He's INSANE, right?!?!?!?!?!? That xdan. Trying to predict the future by looking to the recent past. He's nuts!

Clearly Disney Parks Management knows exactly what we all want and need as guests in their Happiest Places on Earth. In the immortal words of Kent Brockmann... "I, for one, welcome our new NextGen Overlords". ALL HAIL FP+!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now where did I put my brand new Uni AP??? Hmmm...

Enjoy Uni - that'll clear up another FP+ for me :)

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Um, so much talk about data mining this data keeping that. You give up more personal data surfing the net than you will give up at Disney World.

Jimmy's random thoughts...

Disney went from happy vacation destination to big brother stealing your personal info overnight? Iam expected to believe this from a billion dollar corporation who has a huge stake and is known for customer service?

Hasn't Iger handled himself brilliantly in the face of a paranoid Congressman? Maybe, just maybe Disney was prepared for things like this to pop up, like, oh, like a billion dollar corporation should?

Think maybe people still have no clue what NextGen is all about? Think maybe its just ignorant paranoia?

Disney, billion dollar corporation. Next time you read silly propaganda and conspiracy theories, just say that.


Disney, billion dollar corporation.
Disney, billion dollar corporation.

Jimmy Thick- Planting agents in the teacups...


Well-Known Member
I don't want to be tracked throughout Disney property. Therefore, I will take it out to enter the parks and put it away. I don't plan on using the FP+ option and will most likely make purchases with my credit card or cash instead of my room key. I find all of this tracking an invasion of my privacy. You have the choice to participate, I can choose to limit my participation.

You know by using your credit card, the credit card company knows your name, where you're at, and what you just bought right?


Well-Known Member
No one is forcing you to eat at Le Cellier
No one is forcing you to ride Space Mountain
No one is forcing you to go to Disney World

My understandig is Disney is going to limit the amount of FP+'s just like the do FP's so you and I will be able to ride Space Mountain and live in harmony
Yes, but they are making it more difficult to do things that were once easier to do, all the while not maintaining these things properly. 2 years ago, it was easier to get on Space Mountain than it will be once FP+ rolls out, and while the ride underwent a refurbishment it was a bare bones refurbishment. They are making a Disney vacation far less convenient and that's what people are opposing. We all recognize that the rides aren't going anywhere, what we do recognize is that we aren't going to have the same access to these rides that was previously available to us.


Well-Known Member
I see the malcontents have teamed up with the tin-foil hat brigade. Some of the posts around here belong at the Onion. But of course, then it would be humor and not agenda. Some here have their reputations tied to trashing NextGen and pushing their exaggerations so they are repeated through other fan sites.

I hope several who have said if NextGen is released it would be the last straw and they won't return to WDW will follow through. I just hope it also extends to the forums. Of course, NextGen will be released, everyone will figure out the concerns were for nothing, so they'll invent another crisis to rally the troops. Never let a good crisis go to waste! Drive the agenda.


Well-Known Member
From Disney's letter to Markey, it seems like, if you use the card instead of the band, you are effectively opting out of the active tracking, while still having access to MyMagic+.
That is not how I understand it as Staggs said on the Disney Parks Blog that the card will be the option for Non-Resort guests and the band will be free for AP holders, Resort Guests, and people that purchase a photo package. Anyone else will have to pay for the band.


Well-Known Member
This has long been the selling point of these types of payment systems. But what happens when people start to equate pulling out their phone or tapping their wrist to paying? Maybe it won't be as strong of an impact (cash still seems to hit harder than cards), but I would think at some people the connection will be made. Then what? Another new payment system to again change the psychology of purchasing?

That's a good question.

This is basically a cruise ship's system on steroids. A lot of times on ships you CAN'T pay with cash... You just swipe your card... And then at the end of the week you're shocked at how much you actually spent... All while the pursor's office giggles and wrings their hands.

If a person completes a transaction with something other than physical cash, for whatever reason it seems to have less of a mental impact on them. I'm not sure why that is. And maybe their theory is that the easier it is to do, the less people will notice. With this system, you don't even need to reach for a pocket. Some people might laugh... But I surmize that that's a VERY ORCHESTRATED feature of this system. I wouldn't be surprised if part of the $1.5 billion was some kind of study that showed them that the action of reaching into a pocket made 15% of the study consider the purchase more than if they didn't have to reach into a pocket. How much does that 15% mean to the bottom line at the parks in a year??

This is all INSANELY calculated.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but they are making it more difficult to do things that were once easier to do, all the while not maintaining these things properly. 2 years ago, it was easier to get on Space Mountain than it will be once FP+ rolls out, and while the ride underwent a refurbishment it was a bare bones refurbishment. They are making a Disney vacation far less convenient and that's what people are opposing. We all recognize that the rides aren't going anywhere, what we do recognize is that we aren't going to have the same access to these rides that was previously available to us.

"Yes, but they are making it more difficult to do things that were once easier to do" - How do you know it'll be more difficult? I thought getting a fastpass was a pain in the rear personally, especially at TSM in the morning

"They are making a Disney vacation far less convenient and that's what people are opposing" - How do you know it'll be less convenient. Maybe it'll be easier to do things, or we won't even notice a difference

"what we do recognize is that we aren't going to have the same access to these rides that was previously available to us" - the standby line will be there - go early, you won't need a FP, FP+, FP+butterbeer

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
I see the malcontents have teamed up with the tin-foil hat brigade. Some of the posts around here belong at the Onion. But of course, then it would be humor and not agenda. Some here have their reputations tied to trashing NextGen and pushing their exaggerations so they are repeated through other fan sites.

I hope several who have said if NextGen is released it would be the last straw and they won't return to WDW will follow through. I just hope it also extends to the forums. Of course, NextGen will be released, everyone will figure out the concerns were for nothing, so they'll invent another crisis to rally the troops. Never let a good crisis go to waste! Drive the agenda.


Jimmy Thick- More wannb@dis please!!


Well-Known Member
I see the malcontents have teamed up with the tin-foil hat brigade. Some of the posts around here belong at the Onion. But of course, then it would be humor and not agenda. Some here have their reputations tied to trashing NextGen and pushing their exaggerations so they are repeated through other fan sites.

I hope several who have said if NextGen is released it would be the last straw and they won't return to WDW will follow through. I just hope it also extends to the forums. Of course, NextGen will be released, everyone will figure out the concerns were for nothing, so they'll invent another crisis to rally the troops. Never let a good crisis go to waste! Drive the agenda.

My main concern with this system is, and always will be, the idea of booking FP's weeks and months in advance, and the tiered nature that is evident will come along with it. It seems safe to say that those issues won't go away.


Well-Known Member
but you don't HAVE to book FP's in advance - they will have to make rides as available as they are today for those that don't use FP+ or the local crowd will get PO'd


Well-Known Member
My main concern with this system is, and always will be, the idea of booking FP's weeks and months in advance, and the tiered nature that is evident will come along with it. It seems safe to say that those issues won't go away.
This is my biggest issue as well and nothing about what I know about how Walt Disney World operates suggests to me that, in the name of operational efficiency, the reservation system will not be pushed as much as possible towards the dining situation. Yes, Disney could do differently, I just have a hard time believing they will.


Well-Known Member
This is LITERALLY the only upside I've been able to come up with for this whole thing that can't be achieved any other way currently.

So... $1.5 billion well spent, I suppose.

Wow, so that's that. You're writing all of this off before even seeing it or using it?

Disney won't even spend money to keep SpectroMagic floats up to par... they have to have a BIG reason to spend this much on RFID. I personally believe it will open up a TON of doors (not just at the resorts haha) with this RFID technology... I work in IT, there are a lot of things that could happen here and I think that's what they are looking at


Well-Known Member
but you don't HAVE to book FP's in advance - they will have to make rides as available as they are today for those that don't use FP+ or the local crowd will get PO'd

There is no way for them to encourage booking rides weeks and months in advance (which they ARE going to do) and not in some way negatively impact day-of availability or the length of the FP line. Simple math will tell you that, as many have outlined here over and over.

I believe the local crowd WILL be PO'd. The problem is that Disney won't care, just like they didn't care about LOW or Adventurer's Club. The locals (which I'm not one of) will get steam-rolled.

Either that or there will be no way for those upset to actually point to anything factual, because details of how things are done will be kept secret.

One of the two.


Think for yourselfer
That is not how I understand it as Staggs said on the Disney Parks Blog that the card will be the option for Non-Resort guests and the band will be free for AP holders, Resort Guests, and people that purchase a photo package. Anyone else will have to pay for the band.

In the letter to Markey, there was the attachment that supposedly held the answers to all the congressman's questions. In that attachment it talked about the capabilities of the bracelet vs the card. It has been posted somewhere here, but I'm using my phone to post so I can't go back and find it.

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