Confirmation of AT&T's drop from Spaceship Earth


New Member
Originally posted by jmarc63

Don't forget GE with Horizions, they just covered up all refrences to GE like the Horizions sigh with a plate over the GE Logo

Well, thats related to sinage. To tell you the truth, aside from teh post-show, there really isn't a lot of AT&T stuff. Just the stuff on the walls to either side of the building, the sign at the end of the ride, the audio bits at the begining of the ride, and the videophones which can be found inside, but are hard to find anyway.



Well-Known Member
I would think that Verizon would pick up SE if AT&T drops out. If Im not mistaken Verizon is the "offical cell phone company of WDW". I could be wrong.

Im going to have to come to the defense of Screamscape. Sure they have alot of stuff that is way off but they have been right alot. So don't go talking bad about them :p

I agree they gotta get rid of the Global Neighborhood greeter at the end. Man does that voice not fit in with the ride or any ride

Bring back Tomorrow's Child. Epcot needs their signature music back. Some of their songs were more memorable than the rides (cough UoE cough cough).


New Member
This is not "new" news to anyone working at SSE! We have known for awhile that AT&T was going to pull out of its sponsorship. There is not any offical word who the new sponsor will be! This is very sad for a lot of us at SSE, because AT&T HAS BEEN A GREAT SPONSOR FOR THE ATTRACTION. We will miss our fellow cast members (AT&T Employees) that work with us everyday at the attraction. Late October is when management is telling us that AT&T will be gone, but that could change!

SSE will not have any drastic changes in the near future! The ride is sooooo popular (the most visited attraction on WDW property) that it will NOT have a hard time finding a sponsor.


Well-Known Member
Verizon wireless could sponcer it, Imagine it.

(Can you hear me now, Good.)

Next scene: (Can You Hear Me Now, Good)

Looking at the Earth, (Can You Hear and See me now, Good, I think)

LOL :lol:

Couldn't hold it in.


Originally posted by Figment1986
Verizon wireless could sponcer it, Imagine it.

(Can you hear me now, Good.)

Next scene: (Can You Hear Me Now, Good)

Looking at the Earth, (Can You Hear and See me now, Good, I think)

Thats a good one :lol: :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by jmarc63

Don't forget GE with Horizions, they just covered up all refrences to GE like the Horizions sigh with a plate over the GE Logo

Well, Horizons closed after GE discontinued sponsorship. Disney only reopened when WoM was closing for the renovation into Test Track. That would have only left 2 attractions on the whole east side of Future World.

I think Spaceship Earth needs updated. However if they rehab it they need to not cheesify it and make it look like a budget operation (like the first JIYI rehab.) Just because it's the most popular ride has nothing to do with how good of a ride it is. Gee, I wonder if it has to do with the fact it is at the entrance of the park, and the park icon?

Rob is right, though, that it would be a good investment--being a sponsor of the "icon" (even if it's now unofficial) of a park!

The MetLife thing is interesting; shame on Disney! It did need updated! But, I kind of find it hard to believe that Disney would prevent a sponsor from renovating it's own attraction with it's own money. It doesn't make a lot of sense.


RunDisney Addict
I don't think SSE will share Horizon's fate for a few reasons:

1) It's the symbol of the park
2) Even with a rehab, the ride track is pretty much set i believe, so they'd have to go to great lengths to change a hugely popular ride....


New Member
Originally posted by Fievel
I don't think SSE will share Horizon's fate for a few reasons:

2) Even with a rehab, the ride track is pretty much set i believe, so they'd have to go to great lengths to change a hugely popular ride....

Yep, they would have to tear SE down completely.


Active Member
When SSE was being constructed, the track was built into the steel supports of the sphere. The ride could be changed, but the trackwork would need to stay. Honestly though, a good rehab and an update is all that is needed for this one. The premise is good. The most annoying thing is the squeaking of the wheels and the narration that cuts out... oh, and the fact that the "descent" is kinda crappy and there is really nothing going on there.


Well-Known Member
I hate to break it to everyone but while the ride is technically the most visited, I really wouldn't call it the most popular. Given it's location the ride could be a trip through the growth of grass and it would still be the most visited. It's the first thing people see when they enter the park. :hammer: I have not seen ONE person come off this ride with a smile on their face and I think that is more important than sheer amount of visitors to the sponsor. They want their name to remind people of a good time, not an uncomfortable bumpy trip through stale animatronics, a horrible skipping soundtrack, and a ride system that sounds like the second word war. I know they have to keep the track but that doesn't mean they have to keep the ride system. FIX IT!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry everyone, but Spaceship Earth is probably my favorite attraction at Epcot. Yes, it could use updating in some scenes, but then of course practically every ride made before the 90s could use updating. I'll give ya Wonders of Life, Living Seas, The Land, and Universe of Energy to be updated. Yes, World Showcase needs some new rides/shows. I'll even say that Test Track could have been made wilder (although I personally enjoy it as it is).

But I always thought Spaceship Earth was the one attraction that could stay the same for a while. Yes, they coud change the ending in a few years, but history never changes, so most of the ride is fine as it is IMO.

If they update Spaceship Earth, they should also update Pirates of the Carribean, Jungle Cruise, Its A Small World, Peter Pan, Snow White, Country Bears and Haunted Mansion. Yes, I really do think some of these need updating, but I do think they need updating more than Spaceship Earth does.


Account Suspended
I guess they will be removing the AT&T Global Neighborhood finally after just completing a rehab of the interactive exhibit. More then likely Microsoft will get the new sponsorship. With Compaq sponsoring Mission:Space and now Microsoft looking into Spaceship Earth, the entire park will soon be run by the computer industry.


Active Member
Originally posted by JLW11Hi
I'm sorry everyone, but Spaceship Earth is probably my favorite attraction at Epcot. Yes, it could use updating in some scenes, but then of course practically every ride made before the 90s could use updating. I'll give ya Wonders of Life, Living Seas, The Land, and Universe of Energy to be updated. Yes, World Showcase needs some new rides/shows. I'll even say that Test Track could have been made wilder (although I personally enjoy it as it is).

But I always thought Spaceship Earth was the one attraction that could stay the same for a while. Yes, they coud change the ending in a few years, but history never changes, so most of the ride is fine as it is IMO.

If they update Spaceship Earth, they should also update Pirates of the Carribean, Jungle Cruise, Its A Small World, Peter Pan, Snow White, Country Bears and Haunted Mansion. Yes, I really do think some of these need updating, but I do think they need updating more than Spaceship Earth does.

While watching the Imangineers special last nite, I can only assume that the new AA's that are being tinkered with, the Pirate ones in particular, would find their way into the attractions over time...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by kaos

While watching the Imangineers special last nite, I can only assume that the new AA's that are being tinkered with, the Pirate ones in particular, would find their way into the attractions over time...

Those duelig swords guys were awesome. I am all for updating anything they can, if Disney is willing to do it.

I guess they will be removing the AT&T Global Neighborhood finally after just completing a rehab of the interactive exhibit. More then likely Microsoft will get the new sponsorship. With Compaq sponsoring Mission:Space and now Microsoft looking into Spaceship Earth, the entire park will soon be run by the computer industry.

Mabey Epcot should get a Computer pavillion?


New Member
Originally posted by isnet396
Lets think about this for a second. Last rehab was in 1994. The one before was in 1988 (I think) That was a span of 6 years. Its so far been about 8 years since the last rehab. You gotta admit that it needs some work.....

I agree it might need a little work but I think the general concept of the ride is solid. I think SSE's ride through communications is still a good one. SSE can be, like other rides, refined while still leaving the main story intact! :)

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