Well-Known Member
I have been on these boards for a few years now and there have always been the occasional angry exchange on certain threads, but it seems to be happening more and more recently. I am seeing more and more threads where people are resorting to personal attacks against other members.
I really enjoy these boards, there is a great mix of people here with different backgrounds and different points of view. Even when I don't agree with someone I try to be respectful of them, I try to disagree without making it personal. I will admit that I don't always succeed in this and will confess to having said things I probably shouldn't have, but I am trying hard to be more careful what I say.
I encourage everyone to try to be respectful of others on the boards. We can all have interesting and even passionate debates about these topics without have to resort to personal attacks. It isn't even necessary to attack people who have obviously come here to troll, they do it to get a rise out of people and if we don't take the bait they will likely go away.
So let's all resolve to try to bring the level of anger here down a couple notches.
Thanks for reading!
I have to say that I have seen this across the board in society in general. I own a business and have seen it in our customer base and likewise have networked with some other business owners who have observed the same. For whatever reason we seem to be an increasingly angry and aggressive people. It is a sad state of affairs but for whatever reason we seem to have unreasonable expectations at times or want to puff our chests out when people have differing views.
We all have an affinity for Disney so I am all for open discussion and mutual respect for each others opinions regardless of agreement or not. Just my $0.02