Since I've become a member here, I've noticed a lot of threads get derailed (or started by) pointless Uni vs Disney arguments or DL vs. WDW arguments. Most of these coming from the News and Rumors area of the site.
There have been a lot of rumors recently, and they have sparked several comments in reaction to proposals, hints, and guesses, yet all this arguing is basically (like Seinfeld) about nothing, because so far none of these rumors has been confirmed.
Most of what I've seen in the rumor mill nowadays (and to be honest I sometimes get swept up in this as well) goes something along the lines of this....
Carsland coming to DHS? Why is it being downsized? How could they do that?! This is TDO on the cheap. Hey don't say that about TDO! They can do no wrong!!

Carsland needs to stay in DCA! No it's coming to DHS! Wait, I thought it was being downsized. Just kidding, it might not come at all...Wow, then Universal is so much better. Yes they are. No they aren't! Prove it! I won't because it's my opinion. (more angry faces)
Star Wars is coming! Wait, no, not in the US. Avatar is probably not coming... (2 months laters) oh wait, just kidding, it is! Avatar better not come, it's not better than Potter. Potter rules!! WDW is so cheap..(WDW spends millions on bathrooms)...why are they doing this (insert disney bathroom jokes) Hey, it's me again...TDO is the best, stop it! Frontierland makeover! I don't like it, why aren't they doing tomorrowland? I think the speedway is going to go. Wait, where did you hear that from? Me, because it's my opinion... (UGH!)
As you can see, these types of comments make ordinary rumor threads, an adventure. Another fine communication service provided by the news and rumors thread (Props to anyone who can guess which ride inspired those last two sentences

Basically I think everyone (myself included) needs to chill when these rumors come into play. And I think those are what spark the most controversy on the site. Everywhere else is great and the people on the site are very helpful and kind.
It's just we are all passionate about Disney and a lot of us don't like it when people have a different view than us or tell us that we are wrong. But in reality we all need to chill because although we are passionate about Disney, it's a vacation destination for crying out loud. It shouldn't evoke any negative vibe to insight people to throw personal attacks just because someone might like (for example Expedition Everest even though it is in Disco Yeti mode) Aside from a few comments back and forth, I would just move on, because it's only after a few back and forths were i've noticed the nasty comments and personal attacks. I will debate with people, but I try not to get too serious because that's when things go sour.