Hey everyone!
First off let me start by saying this is my first trip report and I am very excited to share my trip with all of you! Secondly, I am going to freely admit that this TR will take me forever to finish since I start residency on Monday haha
For those of you interested in seeing my PTR its here: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/graduation-and-cancer-free-celebration.883163/#post-6056949
Just a quick introduction to the trip:
When? June 6th - June 16th 2014
Where? Port Orleans French Quarter, our recent favorite hotel
Why? My mom is one year cancer free and I just graduated from medical school!
Who? In order of the picture below: My dad, myself (Megan), my mom, my sister Jill's boyfriend Nick, my sister Jill, and my sister Betta
Ok so Day 1
My Dad and I were very excited to be in the airport!
Our flight was pretty terrible actually. We had a lot of turbulence, so much so that I fell over in the bathroom on the plane haha. However, if you ask my Dad it was smooth sailing (mainly because he slept through the whole thing). Seriously though, I don't think I ever landed so hard haha but it was all good because we made it to Florida!!!
I put my Magic Band on as soon as we landed
Ok so I mentioned this in my PTR but we have always rented a car in Disney, but this year we decided not to so going on DME was a first for us!
Here is our DME family selfie (my sisters didn't come until the next day)…it was super popular on Facebook haha
Anyway so I thought DME was pretty great, we barely waited at all and got to the hotel by 11:30 am. I didn't really mind the video…but I also never saw the old one. I will also admit that I was only half paying attention because I was answering some phone calls for residency stuff. I missed the Disney sign because I was on the phone
I did get a picture of our hotel though!
Oh, and on a side note at a red light we saw this sign and all three of us thought it said gourmet walk in medical care instead of gourmet pizza haha
Ok so anyway, I am already rambling. When we got off the bus the most unexpected thing happened! The one cast member was standing there with our name on an iPad! I NEVER EXPECTED IT! I almost walked right past her! So she said because we did online check in our room was already ready AND she surprised us by giving us "I'm Celebrating" pins! My sister Betta called ahead and told them I was celebrating graduation and my mom was celebrating cancer free and they already had the pins made for us (although to be fair they got confused and made my moms a graduation pin too haha but so much Disney magic already)!
We saw this beautiful sight when we walked into our room
Basically we spent like 2 seconds in our room, just long enough to get changed (into the clothes I insisted we pack in our carry ons even though my parents thought I was insane) and off to the Magic Kingdom we went! First I had to pose with my new pin!
Here are my parents at the Magic Kingdom…let me say thank goodness I was wearing sunglasses because I was tearing up I was so excited. Let me also say it was hot…probably because I'm from Buffalo and we had an especially horrible winter but boy was I grateful for that change of clothes
We got inside and took some obligatory pictures with the Memory Maker
Then…we were starving. Since we usually had a car we rarely ate on Disney property except for breakfast so this trip was our first chance to try new restaurants. I was standing there suggesting things to eat (since I did a disturbing amount of research) and we ended up just going to Tomorrowland Terrace Restaurant because it was close and we were hungry. (We did initially look at Casey's Corner but I have a weird thing about only eating a certain brand of hot dogs from home and my mom doesn't even like them so we said no to that).
My mom and I got kids nuggets and mac and cheese and my dad got the adult nuggets. I thought it was all really good! (also, so much food comes with kids meals its insane!)
On a side note my family really got into me taking pictures of food (although as you will see usually there was at least one bite out of it because we were always starving haha). My dad would always be like "we need to get a picture for the blog!" haha (blog was the term I used because trip report would have confused everyone)
Ok…next up is our actual day at MK and then dinner at the California Grill! Hopefully I can squeeze it in tomorrow before my graduation party
First off let me start by saying this is my first trip report and I am very excited to share my trip with all of you! Secondly, I am going to freely admit that this TR will take me forever to finish since I start residency on Monday haha
For those of you interested in seeing my PTR its here: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/graduation-and-cancer-free-celebration.883163/#post-6056949
Just a quick introduction to the trip:
When? June 6th - June 16th 2014
Where? Port Orleans French Quarter, our recent favorite hotel
Why? My mom is one year cancer free and I just graduated from medical school!
Who? In order of the picture below: My dad, myself (Megan), my mom, my sister Jill's boyfriend Nick, my sister Jill, and my sister Betta
Ok so Day 1

Our flight was pretty terrible actually. We had a lot of turbulence, so much so that I fell over in the bathroom on the plane haha. However, if you ask my Dad it was smooth sailing (mainly because he slept through the whole thing). Seriously though, I don't think I ever landed so hard haha but it was all good because we made it to Florida!!!
I put my Magic Band on as soon as we landed
Ok so I mentioned this in my PTR but we have always rented a car in Disney, but this year we decided not to so going on DME was a first for us!
Here is our DME family selfie (my sisters didn't come until the next day)…it was super popular on Facebook haha
Anyway so I thought DME was pretty great, we barely waited at all and got to the hotel by 11:30 am. I didn't really mind the video…but I also never saw the old one. I will also admit that I was only half paying attention because I was answering some phone calls for residency stuff. I missed the Disney sign because I was on the phone

Oh, and on a side note at a red light we saw this sign and all three of us thought it said gourmet walk in medical care instead of gourmet pizza haha
Ok so anyway, I am already rambling. When we got off the bus the most unexpected thing happened! The one cast member was standing there with our name on an iPad! I NEVER EXPECTED IT! I almost walked right past her! So she said because we did online check in our room was already ready AND she surprised us by giving us "I'm Celebrating" pins! My sister Betta called ahead and told them I was celebrating graduation and my mom was celebrating cancer free and they already had the pins made for us (although to be fair they got confused and made my moms a graduation pin too haha but so much Disney magic already)!
We saw this beautiful sight when we walked into our room
Basically we spent like 2 seconds in our room, just long enough to get changed (into the clothes I insisted we pack in our carry ons even though my parents thought I was insane) and off to the Magic Kingdom we went! First I had to pose with my new pin!
Here are my parents at the Magic Kingdom…let me say thank goodness I was wearing sunglasses because I was tearing up I was so excited. Let me also say it was hot…probably because I'm from Buffalo and we had an especially horrible winter but boy was I grateful for that change of clothes
We got inside and took some obligatory pictures with the Memory Maker
Then…we were starving. Since we usually had a car we rarely ate on Disney property except for breakfast so this trip was our first chance to try new restaurants. I was standing there suggesting things to eat (since I did a disturbing amount of research) and we ended up just going to Tomorrowland Terrace Restaurant because it was close and we were hungry. (We did initially look at Casey's Corner but I have a weird thing about only eating a certain brand of hot dogs from home and my mom doesn't even like them so we said no to that).
My mom and I got kids nuggets and mac and cheese and my dad got the adult nuggets. I thought it was all really good! (also, so much food comes with kids meals its insane!)
On a side note my family really got into me taking pictures of food (although as you will see usually there was at least one bite out of it because we were always starving haha). My dad would always be like "we need to get a picture for the blog!" haha (blog was the term I used because trip report would have confused everyone)
Ok…next up is our actual day at MK and then dinner at the California Grill! Hopefully I can squeeze it in tomorrow before my graduation party