Citrus Dreamin' - Game Thread

First orange bird and now this, jesus
What do you have against birds?!
@Muppetsfan#1 and @cdunlap I have no beef with birds, the OB joke was for fun and he’s still alive (He hates me tho) and nobody like chicken little, so I posted a chicken burger/sandwich for $#@%! and giggles, plus, Disney made a short film with chicken little back in the 1940s where a wolf eats all the chickens after they all get tricked into thinking his cave is a shelter

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
@Muppetsfan#1 and @cdunlap I have no beef with birds, the OB joke was for fun and he’s still alive (He hates me tho) and nobody like chicken little, so I posted a chicken burger/sandwich for $#@%! and giggles, plus, Disney made a short film with chicken little back in the 1940s where a wolf eats all the chickens after they all get tricked into thinking his cave is a shelter
It’s a chicken sandwich, I live in the south so I know this stuff, it’s probably from Chick-fil-A. Damn now I’m getting hungry.

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I think burger is more appealing, its More reminiscent of a burger and not a Sando, plus, if two YouTubers see this, we might get sued
Every Southern person in the world.
Season 5 What GIF by The Office

Shocked Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

Oh My God Reaction GIF

Alison Brie What GIF

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Team Boats Review

  • First Impressions
    • While the final project is less ambitious than a lot of the ideas ya'll were playing with, I think this was a perfect balance between big new ideas and keeping what already works. It captures the spirit of Blizzard Beach perfectly while expanding it in clever, fun ways!
    • For how tumultous and confusing the brainstorming could be (at one point the plan was to just make two different projects), I'm impressed by how well it all came together and how cohesive it feels. Both cohesive as a team and with the existing park
  • Presentation
    • The Slides look great! Splashy and fun, but not over the top to be distracting. Great job on them by @Architectural Guinea Pig and @spacemt354. A Credits slide at the end is very much appreciated for reviews and such, but crediting throughout is great. Very readable and clear with nice big text without it being an overwhelming amount of slides. The slide transitions also do a nice job of adding some extra flair without just being distracting. I'd maybe say to save the transitions for when you go from section to section rather than for all 50+ slides, but they aren't too crazy that its an issue.
    • Love the map by @Muppetsfan#1. You do some really great and very realistic maps. I know you were struggling a lot though. Redrawing the entire park when most of it was unchanged was just giving yourself a lot of extra work to do for not much benefit. It looks great! But all that time and energy recreating a map that is 90% the same probably could've gone elsewhere. Also, Considering how much water/slides/rivers there are flowing through the park that are blue on your map, making the pathways just a slightly different shade of blue hurts your readability. There's a couple spots where I really don't know what's path and what's water. A nice neutral color like gray or brown for paths would've helped a lot in making things clear. You want your paths to be clear and you new attractions to pop on any map you make
  • Team Dynamic
    • This was a tough week with Easter. This was an intentionally smaller scale prompt with the option to go big if you wanted since I wasn't sure how available people would be with a holiday weekend. I respect ya'll wanting to go big and some of your ideas were fantastic, but sometimes knowing your limits is important. And clear communication before actual work is started to make sure everyone is on the same page. That being said, after a bit of a rough weekend, when monday came around the team very smartly came together to scale down and refocus. It isn't easy to do that especially when some of the more wild ideas were exciting, but the final product was great and that course correction was a great call.
  • Introduction - @Architectural Guinea Pig
    • It is a little too "school essay," but very well written. You don't need to spend 3 slides recapping BB's story and explaining how its outdated, I wrote the guide to the park's story and wrote the prompt about making it less outdate lol. But it is nice that it makes the project more accessible to others looking back at this competition later. Just perhaps streamline it a bit later unless the stuff in your intro comes back later. That being said, while it feels a bit too much like an essay thesis paragraph, it is really well state and the way it is presented with the slides is fun
    • I love the new logo by @Tegan pilots a chicken btw
  • Cool Characters - @Brer Panther
    • Once again, Panther is proving to be possibly the best on the forum at creating fun casts of characters. Not only are the designs great but they really capture BB's charm and feel so natural alongside Ice Gator. I love them being integrated throughout the project too, I was worried they would be set up here and then forgotten about other than a mention of plushies in the gift shop. Fantastic stuff here. The spoonbill using her bill as a snow shovel is an incredible gag
  • Arctic Express - @Tegan pilots a chicken
    • Love seeing some RCT! And such a unique ride type that fits the theme really well!
    • I have mixed feelings about a dry ride at a water park. Especially since the unique ride system is already basically "Water Slide but dry" I question not just making it a slide or a water coaster instead of having wet people in bathing suits on a standard coaster seat. But while I have misgivings I also do think it is really cool and a great way to help the park truly stand out from the competition. It offers something no one else in Orlando has! But again, how would people respond to a dry ride at a water park?
    • That being said, the ride itself is great! Good family friendly thrills. the gag of fish wearing scarves and stuff swimming through the iceberg is silly in just the right way. The map and attention to detail with the ride stats/sightlines is great
  • Coca-Cooler Coaster - @Muppetsfan#1
    • This is such a perfectly "Eisner Era" feeling idea that is the exact kind of silly that Blizzard Beach excels at. A water coaster would be a great addition to the park and this is a great one! I love the different tracks with the ICEE flavors as well as the new Club Cool being here. Some indoor simple attractions like that are a great way to escape the heat/rain during the summer.
    • A few pictures would've been nice. Even if it wasn't original art, some reference photos from Google Images to break up the wall of text would've gone a long way to helping it feel more exciting. Also, while it is very fun and works here, the "water coaster in a factory with slides named after fruit" exists at Typhoon Lagoon just without the snow and soda. A bit more to differentiate it from Crush n Gusher would've been nice. Different ride type, slides named after sodas instead of fruit ICEEs, maybe even drop the factory angle and just have something silly like "Soda Delivery System for people stuck on the slopes." It's not bad, just very similar to a ride that already exists at the other water park, but that is a very minor nitpick in what is otherwise a very strong ride idea.
  • Polar Vortex - @ThemeParkPriest
    • Nice and simple, but an amazing slide type that would really help round out the park's line up. Great name for it. I appreciate the detail of calling out the specific company/design, it really shows your dedication to research. Just a very solid addition
  • Ice House - @Disney Warrior
    • I'm not necessarily sure a third kid's area was needed, but this is so unique from the others that it really won me over. The giant water bucket play area is a blast and kids would love it. The way the story/Ice Gator was integrated is very clever
  • New Seating - @spacemt354
    • Practically speaking, more/better seating areas would have the biggest impact on improving the guest experience at the Disney water parks lol. Your selections for where to put them and your explanations as to why are very well done. I would've loved a bit more of a themed space to add a bit more fun to it, but the point of this section was the practicality and you nailed that
  • The Iceberg - @Outbound
    • I'm gonna get my only real negative out of the way first because I mostly just have nice things to say and I wanna get that out of the way first: B.B. Blizzard should've been another animal from the Everglades to fit the theme of the park better as well as the trend from your project thus far. Being a Blizzardian is fun and his design is phenomenal, but he feels out of place
    • That being said, I love his character. The idea that he's running a speakeasy because he got bored reading the consittution so he stopped after the 18th amendment is genius. I really could see his being Disney's Toothsome (From the Chocolate Emporium at Universal). Definitely a break out character. The setting in the ice vault, the blend of 70s brutalism with Italian mafia vibes with an old school speakeasy with the icy atmosphere is incredible! The "secret" bar is a really nice touch. The art if great! The menu is phenomenal. I'm a bit concerned its too nice of a place for a park where guests are wearing bikinis and board shorts, but you smartly keep the menu pretty casual instead of going too upscale with it. Overall just a great addition!
  • Roasty Toasty - @ThemeParkPriest
    • This is not a mark against you at all, I'm just bringing it up because its cute. Blizzard Beach does have a coffee stand on the beach and its name is "Frosty the Joeman was a Java Happy Soul" which is so dumb yet so funny to me.
    • The logo and the snowman is fantastic! the name is great. There's a solid line up of iced drinks (which is a cute touch). This is a nice addition to round out the line up of stands for the park
  • Ski Beach House - @Architectural Guinea Pig
    • This is more similar to Beach Haus (the current main gift shop you're remodelling) than I think you realized which already has skis/snowboards on the walls and an Ice Gator shaped hole. I won't hold that against you since I know people aren't as familiar with the water parks. If anything, its a sign that your idea is good! Great minds think alike lol. The wall of photos/momentos from the park's history is a really sweet touch.
  • Transportation - @WaltWiz1901
    • A skyliner station and new route here is great. Fully support it. The station being a nod to the old Fantasyland station feels a bit like it is leftover from the Frozen Magic Kingdom concept ya'll moved away from. But it does still work here
  • Team Boats Spring - @Architectural Guinea Pig
    • A crony joke to end it on is always appreciated. I like that this made its way into the final project, but you were smart to keep it sorta separate as just a gag rather than including it in the main thing
  • Final Thoughts
    • Another very strong showing from a round that I was really worried was heading for disaster. Ya'll really did a great job and the communication skills/corroboration needed to be able to say "Hang on, we gotta rethink this" is admirable. There's some minor nitpicks here and there, but this is a very strong showing by Boats! Ya'll did an ice job and made something really cool

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Team Birds Review

  • First Impressions​
    • It's interesting because while so much of the park is the same, the changes that you did make do so much to change its identity and make it really stand out! I was really worried for a while that this would wind up just being way too scattered and chaotic, but it wound up feeling like a cohesive park still and came together quite nicely
    • No birdman=instant loss :p
    • The focus on older guests and leaning into the more adult vibe of Typhoon compared to Blizzard was a really interesting choice. Something that I feel really worked here as a smaller scale park like Typhoon is the only area I see that kind of "adult" focus working
  • presentation​
    • I'm admittedly not a huge fan of Prezi. It's not bad, but I feel its sort of limiting of what you can do with it since it always feels very "Prezi." Plus, the transitions can be a bit much. That being said, @AceAstro did a great job utilizing it here. It flows really well. I wish the font size was bigger, but I get that you were worried about there being too many slides. Though if the slides start to look bad because of all the text, perhaps that is a sign that a slideshow wasn't the best fit for this project. Though, like I said, it still did flow really well thanks to the smart way it was arranged and the heavy focus on art/visuals throughout​
    • The map by @Disney Dad 3000 is great even if it sadly was unfinished. As always, your ability to blend new additions seemlessly into the IRL maps is incredible
  • Team Dynamic​
    • I think Birds is starting to struggle a bit with "Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen" as there's a lot of ideas flying around, but not a lot of focus with them. Especially with confusion over who was doing what popping up a few times.​
    • I think some more careful communication/listening would help a lot to make sure no one is getting lost in the shuffle and ideas aren't being lost or confused.​
  • Story Updates - @DisneyManOne
    • The new story is a good way to better tie in both some Original parks characters like Pleasure as well as set up the new more crazy park theming. I almost wish the "Mysterious Island" type of vibe went further since aside from the dinosaurs everything else could have fit in with the already established story. that being said its a really nice update and some more great writing by DMan
  • Food & Bev Updates - @MonorailRed
    I don't have a ton to say about these. They show a ton of dedication and familiarity with how Disney does things. Incredibly well thought out and well detailed. Great updates all around across the board. Its a bit overwhelming to read it all and might have made for a stronger project to just focus on one rather than everything everywhere all at once, but then again this is a great way to showcase your dedication to detail and realism. You truly though of everything here right down to the exact number of soda machines!​
  • Existing Attraction Updates - @tcool123
  • Very solid updates, I especially love the bit more of a story added to Gangplank which is definitely the most underwhelming ride in the park. Realistically, I'm not sure there's space for any lifts for rafts considering how tightly packed the area is, but I'm sure Disney can find a way and it would be a great quality of life addition. The ocelot is a really fun detail. I do question though why bother updating these rides when they could've been cut for the new additions instead of cutting the two most popular rides. But I'll talk about that more later.​

  • Splashdance is a fantastic show. Simple and cheesy in that "Castle Stage Show" style. I love how small scale it is, it captures the water park vibe well and would be a great addition!​
  • Opening & Closing Ceremonies - @DisneyManOne
  • A very fun kick off for the day and I love the evening show taking inspiration from the Beach Party Sing Along tape. Its maybe a bit too over the top for a water park (even the upcharge events max out at 4 characters for the dance parties so 10 would be a LOT for the location, but also I see this as a sort of nighttime spectacular in a way. A water park version of Fantasmic in a way lol. A bit much, but a LOT of fun​
  • The music loops are a nice touch​
  • The Lost Jungle - @PerGron
  • So, the elephant in the room for me for both Lost Jungle and Reef of Teeth is where they were put. Crush n Gusher/Miss Adventure Falls are the two most popular rides and the only two that aren't incredibly outdated feeling. Getting rid of any other rides (or even just building around them there is a ton of space back there as well as a big area between Ketchakiddee and Leaning Palms that could be built on with just some backstage restructuring) would've been better. What you've built is undoubtably an upgrade, but its a shame to lose the few rides that really stand out. Especially since Miss Adventure with the SEA theme and nods to Atlantis fit your updated vision for the park better than it fits the current version​
  • That being said, this is great. The bakcstory is just the right amount of over the top and complex without being too much. The Easter eggs are great (love the Jurassic Park nod, very cute). I was skeptical about dinosaurs at first, but I think it works really well. Cretaceous Falls is maybe a bit much for a water ride, but for a park trying to assert its dominance in the Orlando market the way Typhoon is, I don't think its too much. A few more images to polish it up would've been nice, but I understand that your power went out during the last day so it totally makes sense for those last little details to be missing. I'm amazed how polished this all feels considering that! Its great!​
  • VelociRapids is a great name. Maybe a bit similar to VelociCoaster, but the pun works better here so I'll allow it. A very nice water coaster and a good spiritual successor to Crush.​
  • Reef of Teeth - @PerGron
  • Again, nailed the backstory!​
  • The snorkelling is very well done and full of little details that show your passion for wildlife! I miss the snorkeling they used to have! It was so unique and made the park feel special. Bringing it back may or may not make practical sense considering it was gotten ride of, but I don't care about logic. It's what the park was built around and that is worth fighting to protect.​
  • Pelagic Plunge - @PerGron
  • I've done trap door slides and they are legitimately the most terrifying theme park attractions, I love them! I love the detail of it going through the reef. The slide like that at Aquatica is really neat even if you go through it too fast to really see much. It's clever separating it so you can show off some more dangerous fish without them crossing over into the snorkeling area​
  • Kiddie Creek - @Disney Dad 3000
  • The subtle Moana touches and the larger focus on natural environments over the ship repair yard/"sand" sculptures that are there now is a welcome update. Will make it more fun for kids and more relaxing for parents. The treehouse is a nice touch adding a fun new element to the area and giving kids more to explore. I always love a good walkthrough/playground​
  • Lost Treasure Cove - @MonorailRed
  • This might just be the standout of the project for me. And adults only bar/spa area with a mini-lazy river just for relaxing? Anywhere else I would say it wouldn't work at Disney, but in Typhoon Lagoon its kind of perfect. There are a lot of older guests/cast members that are regulars at the water parks just to unwind on the beach or in the lazy river an being surrounded by screaming kids can damper that. An area catering to the older clientel that already frequent the park giving them a way to escape the screaming kids that fill every corner of Orlando while also helping parents recover from the physical wear and tear of a theme park vacation... It's brilliant and it just works so well​
  • Shipwreck Society - @JokersWild
  • Again, a very fun backstory. I'm getting slightly backstoried out considering as a whole there's like 6 slides of just backstory for different things across the project with a lot of them boiling down to "Shipwrecked but they're cool with it because this island is lit." Which for a 40 slide project (40 minus titles/maps/credits) that means that the project is about 15-20% backstory and at least 10% menu. This is a great story and a really fun update to the adventurer's Club. It isn't a problem with the Shipwreck Society of your writing. More just that the team might want to communicate better and that some details might need to be cut earlier on or not added in later on. Because there is an overwhelming amount of backstories and menus.​
  • That rant was offtopic, back on topic: I love it! Captures the fun of AC, but makes it work for families and for this setting. "For the shipwrecked, scuttled, or marooned. Dry your bones, they'll find you soon." is great and would instantly become the signature line for half the people still using Disney fan forums lol. The multiple dining rooms offering different yet similar experiences is great. I love your artwork. The idea of new members literally just blowing in during the "show" is so much fun. I really adore this. I feel like "Updated Adventurer's Club" is a well armchair imagineers return to a little too often (heck, this is only the third round and it is the second just during this game from this team), but it really works so well here and you made it so unique. It doesn't feel like fan service for nostalgic Disney fans in their late 20s/30s. It feels custom made for Typhoon Lagoon​
  • Adventurer's Outpost - @Lizzy May Bee (with additions by @MonorailRed)​
  • A rooftop bar overlooking the park is a great idea. Its a simple concept, but one that just works so well. I like the idea of selling this as a simpler, more low key version of Shipwreck Society without the show. Great place to vibe and unwind looking out at the park.​
  • Snack Stands - @MonorailRed
  • These are slightly overkill. Not to go back to percentages or do another rant, but the project is 20% snack stands. Plus a restaurant which adding that in makes the project as a whole 38% dining. It's all good! But it is a bit overloaded with a lot of it feeling like it is thrown in as filler. Which makes it harder for the truly great stuff to shine.​
  • That being said, Pineapple Princess and Frankie's are both great additions. I want to try the Tidal Wave Taco Dog out of morbid curiosity if nothing else. I don't know if it sounds good but it does sound like perfect theme park food. And I always appreciate a subtle Beach Blanket Bingo reference​
  • Final Thoughts​
  • There's a lot to love here, but it gets downed out a bit by a bit too big a focus on the "extra" stuff. That being said, all of it is good! From some new entertainment to better utilize the stage on the beach to the new slides to the return of old favorites like the Adventurer's Club/Shark Reef to the adults only spa area... This would truly do a lot to make the park stand out! I'd be spending pretty much every day I can here if it was real lol​

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
The Winner of the Third Expedition is...


This really was another tough one to judge. The highs of Team Birds project were incredible and better than the highs of Team Boats. But Boats had the more focused and cohesive whole. Team Boats has a bad habit of starting off each round in a rough spot, but ya'll always manage to pull through and finish strong!

And for winning, the prize they will receive is...

Their Choice of Park (Disney of Not Disney) to base a game off of!
More details shortly

Sadly, for one member of the losing team, the Adventure ends here
@Lizzy May Bee

You really are a joy to work with and an asset to any team you're on. But you yourself described you part of this project as a "nothingburger of a paragraph." I wouldn't describe it that harshly as I think it had a lot of charm (as your writing always does), but it was the shortest and least impactful part of this project. I truly am sorry to see you go.

BUT while you have been eliminated, maybe this isn't quite the end yet. I'll be messaging you soon

Lord Fozzinator

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
The Winner of the Third Expedition is...


This really was another tough one to judge. The highs of Team Birds project were incredible and better than the highs of Team Boats. But Boats had the more focused and cohesive whole. Team Boats has a bad habit of starting off each round in a rough spot, but ya'll always manage to pull through and finish strong!

And for winning, the prize they will receive is...

Their Choice of Park (Disney of Not Disney) to base a game off of!
More details shortly

Sadly, for one member of the losing team, the Adventure ends here
@Lizzy May Bee

You really are a joy to work with and an asset to any team you're on. But you yourself described you part of this project as a "nothingburger of a paragraph." I wouldn't describe it that harshly as I think it had a lot of charm (as your writing always does), but it was the shortest and least impactful part of this project. I truly am sorry to see you go.

BUT while you have been eliminated, maybe this isn't quite the end yet. I'll be messaging you soon
A sad day, out of everyone on team birds you were the most competitive and I respect that. As a former member of team birds, I salute you former comrade. 🫡
George C Scott America GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

This is not your end but mearly a new beginning.

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Imagineering Expedition #04



Let's take a break from this game to play a game!

--What you need to know--


Theme Parks are a unique artform because of their interactive nature. The audience does not watch a narrative unfold, but rather they are invited to engage and explore a space where the narrative unfolds around them. Games are unique for a very similar reason. Players are given a world to explore and their actions shape it. In both theme parks and video games, the way the target audience engages with it is what makes it special.

Considering this, it should be no surprise that video games based on theme parks have been around since the early days of gaming consoles. Adventure games, simulators, sandbox park designers, racing games, mini-game collections, or even just virtual versions of theme parks... there's been countless games based on or inspired by theme/amusement parks.


In recent years, a big focus has been placed on board games as well. Not just Disney Parks-ified versions of classic games, but new original board game adaptations! (Haunted Mansion: Call of the Spirits by Funko is legitimately one of my favorite board games).

--The Prompt--

Pitch a Game (Video Game or Board Game) based on or inspired by a Theme Park!

You have been pitching interactive, engaging storytelling experiences the entire time you've been imagineering. Now's the time to do it again, but this time as a game instead of a ride!


The Wilderness Explorer's Guide has been updated with information about Video Games/Board games based on theme parks.

For winning the previous Expedition,
Team Boats will be making a game based on a Disney Park

Team Birds will be makings a game based on any Non-Disney Park

Due to the shortened time frame and weirder nature of the project, there will be no elimination at the end of this round. The winning team will get to make an important decision regarding the next expedition. PLUS, one member from each team will be awarded immunity for the next Expedition

--Team Skippers--

Going forward, during each round one player from each team will be asked to lead their team for the Expedition. Don't worry, you aren't being burdened with glorious purpose or told to rule with an iron fist. Just being given the task of keeping the team on track and keeping things organized. If your team wins and you're the leader, you automatically win immunity from elimination for the next round! If you aren't able to be leader on a round you were given the role, let me know and we'll find someone else!

Give it up for...

Skipper @Tegan pilots a chicken on Team Boats
Skipper @tcool123 on Team Birds

--Helpful Advice--

This Round is shorter than planned, but there's no eliminations! So have fun with it, don't overthink it, and try something new!
In regular rounds it can be easy to fall into a routine and focus on your strengths, and there's nothing wrong with doing that! But an oddball prompt like this can disrupt the status quo a bit and break players out of their comfort zone. Making this a good time to try something new for the project!

--When is it due?--

This project is due Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 at 11:59 pm WDW Time
(9 pm Disneyland Time, 11 pm Six Flags over Texas Time, 2 pm the next day Tokyo Disneyland Time)

--Some Brainstorming Music--


Chaos Cat

Well-Known Member
Imagineering Expedition #04



Let's take a break from this game to play a game!

--What you need to know--


Theme Parks are a unique artform because of their interactive nature. The audience does not watch a narrative unfold, but rather they are invited to engage and explore a space where the narrative unfolds around them. Games are unique for a very similar reason. Players are given a world to explore and their actions shape it. In both theme parks and video games, the way the target audience engages with it is what makes it special.

Considering this, it should be no surprise that video games based on theme parks have been around since the early days of gaming consoles. Adventure games, simulators, sandbox park designers, racing games, mini-game collections, or even just virtual versions of theme parks... there's been countless games based on or inspired by theme/amusement parks.


In recent years, a big focus has been placed on board games as well. Not just Disney Parks-ified versions of classic games, but new original board game adaptations! (Haunted Mansion: Call of the Spirits by Funko is legitimately one of my favorite board games).

--The Prompt--

Pitch a Game (Video Game or Board Game) based on or inspired by a Theme Park!

You have been pitching interactive, engaging storytelling experiences the entire time you've been imagineering. Now's the time to do it again, but this time as a game instead of a ride!


The Wilderness Explorer's Guide has been updated with information about Video Games/Board games based on theme parks.

For winning the previous Expedition,
Team Boats will be making a game based on a Disney Park

Team Birds will be makings a game based on any Non-Disney Park

Due to the shortened time frame and weirder nature of the project, there will be no elimination at the end of this round. The winning team will get to make an important decision regarding the next expedition. PLUS, one member from each team will be awarded immunity for the next Expedition

--Team Skippers--

Going forward, during each round one player from each team will be asked to lead their team for the Expedition. Don't worry, you aren't being burdened with glorious purpose or told to rule with an iron fist. Just being given the task of keeping the team on track and keeping things organized. If your team wins and you're the leader, you automatically win immunity from elimination for the next round! If you aren't able to be leader on a round you were given the role, let me know and we'll find someone else!

Give it up for...

Skipper @Tegan pilots a chicken on Team Boats
Skipper @tcool123 on Team Birds

--Helpful Advice--

This Round is shorter than planned, but there's no eliminations! So have fun with it, don't overthink it, and try something new!
In regular rounds it can be easy to fall into a routine and focus on your strengths, and there's nothing wrong with doing that! But an oddball prompt like this can disrupt the status quo a bit and break players out of their comfort zone. Making this a good time to try something new for the project!

--When is it due?--

This project is due Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 at 11:59 pm WDW Time
(9 pm Disneyland Time, 11 pm Six Flags over Texas Time, 2 pm the next day Tokyo Disneyland Time)

--Some Brainstorming Music--

Okay, I didn't realize that it was the racing part of "racing game" was the part of my joke that was off. I genuinely thought you were doing an Autopia redo (because my god does the one here need one)

Chaos Cat

Well-Known Member
Okay, I know I'm not a judge or anything in this comp, but I have to at least try to implore Team Birds to consider:

Horror Nights game

Please, I want this so bad

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