Originally posted by bman152
its a 45 min. compressed show and it dosent include the bikes or the door act its good though
bman's right. i asked the guy who sold it to me about it (before he sold it to me, of course) what it was like, and he said that 80% of the show is on the tape, which i would say is about right. the rest is the creators and such of the show talking about it, which really is quite interesting! i say it's well worth the buy! i bought the tape and the souvenior book to remember my first live Cirque show! because i'm a major penny-pincher, i didn't buy the soundtrack, but i'm going to pick that up when i go back...it's definately one of my fave Cirque soundtracks!!
oh, that's awesome! to everyone seeing Varekai in the near future, have a great time!!:wave:
sig - i'm sure the VIP seats will DEFINATELY be worth it!
omg, there's no doubt that La Nouba is better than Dralion! you're certainly right about that! i'm not sure what it is about Dralion that i don't like...i think it lacked an element of randomness that the others have. sort of like Dralion had a certain theme and they felt like they had to stick with it throughout, which i can completely understand...but personally, i love it when Cirque shows have something in them that have nothing to do, really, with the show....such as the toy train chugging across the floor in La Nouba...it's there and you see it, and even though you might not understand why it's there, it some how works...i love that! another thing is that Dralion just seemed kind of fake from what i saw on Bravo. i mean, you could TELL that the wire was actually helping some of the performers instead of being safety back up. that another thing i love about the other Cirques...thank God they have those safety harnesses and nets, but you can tell that they're obviously doing every bit of the 'act' themselves! there's no wire lifting them up when they jump, and then slowly lowering them to safety! at least from what i've seen, that is. now there could be a reason that Dralion is like this, and i just don't know about it...i dunno! but still, Dralion is definately one of my least faves!
btw, sig, just checked out the link you posted...that show looks awesome! and it sounds SO unique! i'm sure it'll be great! have fun! :wave: