ok, i do like the rescuers story, but i'm still a little reserved, honestly. dark rides need a little more nowadays (look at the E ticket ariel coming out) i mean, it doesnt have to be e ticket quality, but how exactly will we translate this to an interesting and fun ride for guests (like the bouncing tigger for pooh, the surprises in SWSA, and pan's beautiful models)
basically, can the story provide a decent want to go back and enjoy it?
Those points aside, here's some of my ideas to see if we can make it interesting:
actually... how about if we did it one the scale of the critters? say, the guests are their size? it'll be similar in experience to honey i shrunk the kids play area, where the guests travel through the mice/critter world on teh same level.
the queue line could be the intro of the movie, going to teh headquarters, seeing the meeting taking place, etc. and then travelling the distance to wilbur (or was orville in this one? i'm never sure which)
i had thot about them riding thru as if they were on leaves or other small objects, like the makeshift boats that are available.
as they will be on the size of the critters, of course, averyone else will be much larger. imagine pennys face peering down, or the guest being caught by a giant gator snout and then swatted at by a giant broom. now, i dont think it would be possible to build an entire giant room for the different scale, but we could use the old trick of perspective, or even sleight of hand (having them look where we want them to)
i'd like that well scene too... they could skirt a giant deep hole, that spurts water, and also be pulled into the skeleton eye socket into a whirling world of color brought by the devils eye!
anyway, just some starting points i had:wave: