I am not specifically against TurboTax if used correctly, but I think by the commercials I have seen it is very misleading. People see that you can use all of these specific things as deductions. One commercial I saw was along the lines of, oh I donated 20 pairs of jeans, and I donated all of this stuff, etc etc. It is great if you did indeed donate those things, but you better have documentation on exactly what was donated and not only that, the dollar amount of what it is worth. If you don't have these things and you are audited, it will cause you so many problems. It is expensive to have your taxes done by a professional so I understand the appeal, but I think if you have more complex taxes in which you are itemizing, it is best to get it done by someone who knows what they are doing.
If all you have is a W-2, then doing it yourself is probably the best way to go.
Ugh! I have to clean later and I don't wanna!