Cheerleaders: Respect the Guests!

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This time of year (late Fall) at WDW, when the cheerleaders are invited down in hordes... it can get a bit problematic.

Most times cheerleaders have had experience only riding on THEIR OWN school buses... and they can do what they like.
However, the Disney RESORT/PARK buses are a different story.

The only unpleasant interaction we personally encountered was going back to All Stars on a late bus from MGM one night after viewing the OLights.

There was a group (6-8) of cheerleaders who decided we all needed to hear them do a routine. They were all in the very back seats.

They did a cheer (full-volume) inside that tightly-enclosed steel shell of a bus, that lasted about 20 seconds (OK, not TOO bad).

Then, less than a minute later, they started ANOTHER one!

Well, understand that the bus is FULL (standing room fully filled) at around 10pm after a full day at the parks. (The bus was a combo of all 3 All Stars by that time of night.)

I was standing about 3 rows away and at that point (in my "big boy" announcer's voice) I yelled, "KNOCK IT OFF!!!"
And the girls DID stop, mid-yodel.
(My DW chimed in with, "Not everybody wants to hear you cheer.")

We got lots of "thank you's" from the other weary guests nearby,
followed by much (very quiet) discussion amongst ourselves about the parents not teaching the kids any respect of others.

When we got to Sports (we were staying at Music) the girls and their "chaperones" got off the bus. The dad (I assume) of one of the girls was "steamed-up" over the fact that we silenced his little charges.

His wife actually physically held him back as he came running back to answer another man who told him that he needed to explain "outside voice/inside voice" to the girls.
The situation came close to being "nasty" and that would have been a shame.
The dad of the cheerleaders actually told the rest of us on the bus (as his wife pulled him away) that we needed to learn to "respect the kids!"

Respect the kids... if they want to cheer on a public bus... let 'em!



New Member
The cheerleaders were probably a bit bored and I know when my 8 yr. old son gets bored, he starts singing:eek: . It's so annoying and I have to quiet him and advise that not everyone wishes to hear him and his off key songs. It is the responsibility of the adults to let children know when something may be a bit bothersome to others and I think that cheering in full voice on a crowded small bus is a bit bothersome.

To result to an almost confrontation is just way too extreme in my opinion.

tink rules

New Member
Gee... sounds like you just got back from Pop Warner week!!!

Yes, they are a bit too much, but what can you expect... they are away from home, some for the first time, many without parents, with minimum chaparones. They are traveling in large groups... they only have to compete for a certain amount of time and then they get to play... away from school for a whole week (which MY mother would have seen me dead before I got to take a whole week of school off close to finals...)

And I hate to break it to lots of people out there... lots of the kids that were there last year were just downright obnoxious!!! (not all...many were just fine, but those were the ones who were actually traveling with their families...)

Of course the roomfull of girls next to us who insisted on binging and purging and the other teenager who somehow got her hands on a case of beer, were just wonderful...

I know that this isn't the total experience when they have events like this, but Disney needed more security around to prevent them from running out into traffic, practicing in the parking lots (not blocked off for that reason - but VERY close to hitting my rental car over and over where ever I parked it...)

That said - I'm not planning on doing the beginning of Dec again....


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
knowing how much of a headache and tired i am on the way back to the resort after a full day of the parks, it probably would have driven me crazy too. but i never would have said anything since those little girls can do one hell of a kick..... :rolleyes:

the least of my worries would have been the dad


New Member
This time of year (late Fall) at WDW, when the cheerleaders are invited down in hordes... it can get a bit problematic.

Most times cheerleaders have had experience only riding on THEIR OWN school buses... and they can do what they like.
However, the Disney RESORT/PARK buses are a different story.

The only unpleasant interaction we personally encountered was going back to All Stars on a late bus from MGM one night after viewing the OLights.

There was a group (6-8) of cheerleaders who decided we all needed to hear them do a routine. They were all in the very back seats.

They did a cheer (full-volume) inside that tightly-enclosed steel shell of a bus, that lasted about 20 seconds (OK, not TOO bad).

Then, less than a minute later, they started ANOTHER one!

Well, understand that the bus is FULL (standing room fully filled) at around 10pm after a full day at the parks. (The bus was a combo of all 3 All Stars by that time of night.)

I was standing about 3 rows away and at that point (in my "big boy" announcer's voice) I yelled, "KNOCK IT OFF!!!"
And the girls DID stop, mid-yodel.
(My DW chimed in with, "Not everybody wants to hear you cheer.")

We got lots of "thank you's" from the other weary guests nearby,
followed by much (very quiet) discussion amongst ourselves about the parents not teaching the kids any respect of others.

When we got to Sports (we were staying at Music) the girls and their "chaperones" got off the bus. The dad (I assume) of one of the girls was "steamed-up" over the fact that we silenced his little charges.

His wife actually physically held him back as he came running back to answer another man who told him that he needed to explain "outside voice/inside voice" to the girls.
The situation came close to being "nasty" and that would have been a shame.
The dad of the cheerleaders actually told the rest of us on the bus (as his wife pulled him away) that we needed to learn to "respect the kids!"

Respect the kids... if they want to cheer on a public bus... let 'em!



So, teaching children to be quiet and respectful to others is now somehow abusive?!?

Those parents will soon learn they've created little monsters!

But they probably won't realize it since they've spent so much time defending thier precious little angels.

On our recent flight home from WDW, a young mother let her 2-year old run up and down aisle tripping and running into people. She would look at us with a big smile on her face like "just look at my little darling!"

tink rules

New Member
knowing how much of a headache and tired i am on the way back to the resort after a full day of the parks, it probably would have driven me crazy too. but i never would have said anything since those little girls can do one hell of a kick..... :rolleyes:

the least of my worries would have been the dad

Yeah, but didn't your parents teach you to be respectable and well behaved when around others??? I bet they did... mine did...

I think some of these parents, and I'm sure I will get some flack... are the ones that let the kids get away with lots and then say "not my kid..."

And if it was the dad.. we would have heard about it big time because we all know how fast things hit the news from Disney... Road rage??? How about bus rage... with a whole bunch of rah rah's on board...


Well-Known Member
On behalf of everyone who has had to experience this with other cheeleader groups at WDW, and not had the guts to say somthing, all we can say is...................:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The great part about you speaking up is the fact that they probably did this on rides like the Hanted Mansion where it is supposed to be all quiet and such....Im sure the guests riding the ride felt like they should say somthing, thanks for taking the iniciative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:


New Member

I never really enjoy watching people cheerleading;or listening to them, as I have to go to my cousins "cheer offs" every sunday. I no how you feel and believe me, were in the same boat. Seya later



Well-Known Member
Thank you, Miceysbestpal.
On behalf of everyone in the world and "World", I want to thank you for being a good parent. Maybe Disney Resorts needs some "official chaperones" on the busses to escort these "divas" to and from the parks. For that matter there should be "official chaperones" of these groups in the parks also.


Well-Known Member
Three cheers for MiceysBestPal! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

oops, I mean thanks! :eek:


Well-Known Member
90% of them and their parents suck. I only noticed this during the Pop Warner convention so I don't know how the guests reacted to it. I'm guessing just about everyone is annoyed by them when they decide to do their impromptu cheers. The best was seeing one girl do a flip after I had told them not to do flips in the show rooms and fall on her face and bleed everywhere. :goodnevil

Why can't there be like a swimsuit model week or something where it's like 18+? Miss America convention anyone?


I am a cheerleading coach for the school where I teach, and let me tell you, if my cheerleaders acted like that, I would never have even taken them to Disney in the first place. I work with a rather snobbish group of girls that don't like listening to me and the other coach, and we have cancelled games, made them sit out on games, and even cancelled social events because they cannot behave themselves. It sounds like those cheerleaders' coaches needed some good discipline lessons. Yes, a group of prepubescent girls is VERY hard to control, but there is always something you can do to make their lives miserable (read: punish them for being disrespectful).


Being one of the few male cheerleaders at my school, i understand where your'e coming from completly. They get so out of hand but the thing is is that they don't even realize it ( hate to sterotype but its true) for the most part they are just dumb. Whenever my squad is out in public and they start becoming a problem, its become my job aparantly to stop them.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Save the cheerleaders, save the world!

Yeah, like cheerleaders needed ANOTHER reason to think the world revolves around them. :brick:

j/k that show is incredible. But let's face it, when you're young and your ego isn't fully formed yet, and you're all excited being away from home, it's easy to forget that the world, indeed, doesn't revolve around you. Cheerleaders feel giddy, they feel emboldened by their strength-in-numbers, and they genuinely assume you WANT to hear their cheers, they couldn't even fathom the concept that you WOULDN'T want to hear their cheers. You can't be mad at a cheerleader! "Cheer" is part of their name! :rolleyes:

Also, it sounds to me like the problem POSSIBLY could've been nipped in the bud if the bus driver, most of whom seem to have some kind of "welcome to the bus" shpiel when you enter, said something like "I hope you all had a great time today, but I'm going to bet we've got a lot of tired Mouseketeers on the bus tonight, so please be respectful of the people sitting all around you-the little ones AND the old timers who could use a break from all that sensory overload, and keep conversation quiet until you reach your destination...and then feel free to yell your heads off!" Everyone has a good laugh and only the biggest Turds from Turdsylvania would be Turdly enough to get loud and obnoxious after that. And if anyone IS that turdly, then your righteous anger only seems that much more righteouser. In fact, as annoying as some bus drivers can be, the really good ones know how to talk in a way that's captivating and yet soothing, so the sleepy ones aren't being kept awake, but the wide-awake ones don't feel as compelled to shout over them...or cheer.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure they didn't mean any harm, but still those cheerleaders can be quite obnoctious. Thanks for speaking up, I know most of us tend to sit back and let ourselves be annoyed by them.


Well-Known Member
Isn't there some way of finding out in advance who is staying at the resorts, what I mean is, what "group" is staying there? Like this Pop Warner football group....everyone seems to know in advance they will be there in Feb, right? If any group gets too loud after hours at a resort I think it would be up to the managemnet to quiet them down or move offended guests. The bus is a whole other story. I agree that it can be very irritating after a long day at the parks and these darlings sounded like they were out of line. I really don't know what I would have done in this situation. I would hope the driver would take control, even for his/her own sanity. If I get annoyed at my hotel, I pick up the phone and call the front desk. That is what the hotel managment is for. A word from them and the right people can be called and the offenders risk being asked to leave or they pipe down. My 2 cents.


New Member
Disney really does need to come up with some kind of official guides or liasons for these groups. There was a cheerleading competition going on at the Studios when we were down last Feb, and it wasn't the impromptu cheering that was a problem, but the dozens and dozens of girls changing from uniforms into civies in the bathrooms. It was impossible for the females in our group to find a stall to actually use because of all this. And I had a toddler trying to potty train at the time. (Thank goodness for the Baby Care Center on that one). There needs to be better planning when these groups are at the resort for the comfort of the other guests. Disney needs to assign someone to help these groups and lay down rules and guidelines for them (as obviously their chaperones and parents are not doing so).
I don't blame you telling them to shut up!! I, myself, also am knocked out after spending a whole day in the parks and then waiting a long time for a bus to come pick me up too! Of course, Disney had to stick them at the All Star Resorts! However, I might enjoy being down at Disney for Cheerleader Week or whatever...:D

"If you or anyone of your little aviators has a fear of flying, you best wait for
your party at the arrival gate."

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Usually, I'm drooling a little when I sit down on a bus full of cheerleaders, but when they start going on with: "OH MY GOSH! Then, like, OMIGOSH! And I'm like, OH MY GOSH! Then I like, saw this guy, he was soooooooo cute! And then, oh my gosh, I went to the mall, and like, oh my gosh I saw the most AMAZING pair of shoes!!! Oh my gosh, wanna see my cell phone!! It like, ohmigosh has tons of pictures of Orlando Bloom on it! Oh my gosh! He is like sooooooo GORGEOUS!" *plays a barely audible mash of static song on cell phone and starts dancing to it*

:brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick: :brick:
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