Characters and suspension of disbelief


Original Poster
Now I'm sure this isn't a problem for the the little'uns but how do the older of you treat the character's when you meet them at WDW (or in fact any theme park)?

Me, I get totally caught up in the magic. I know that there's a person in there and that they are being paid to act that way, but as soon as I walk through the doors, that all goes away and I'm talking to Mickey, Goofy, etc. not people in costumes.

Case in point: I actually met one of the character actor's (is that the right title?) in pleasure island last time I was there watching a little improv comedy. We sat and chatted, talked about what it was like working for WDW and generally had a good time.

Now during this convo he told me what Character he was playing that week and where, and during that week we met him in character, and to us he was that character and we treated him as such, we had a laugh, did some photo's, all the usual stuff.

So, are you as big a kid as I am and totally suspend disbelief when you meet a character or has the shine been rubbed off since you became old enough to know it's a guy in a costume?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
YOU LIE!:mad:


(Master Yoda puts his fingers in his ears)


New Member
Jennih said:
Now during this convo he told me what Character he was playing that week and where, and during that week we met him in character, and to us he was that character and we treated him as such, we had a laugh, did some photo's, all the usual stuff.
And you knew it was him in that costume because....:veryconfu
Hey, tomorrow morning at Chef Mickeys for breakfast, I'll be Goofy. Come by and see me...:D


New Member
Last week a bully told me santa didn't exist, now this!
What's wrong with the world!? :cry:

**Hurls herself off large cliff**


But seriously, I think everyone does this. Deep down, we all know the truth, It's just we don't want to believe it. It's all a part of the Magic!

:p ;) :wave:


Original Poster
brich said:
And you knew it was him in that costume because....:veryconfu
Hey, tomorrow morning at Chef Mickeys for breakfast, I'll be Goofy. Come by and see me...:D

Admitedly he could have been spinning a tale, but he was a CM (the t-shirt with Staff on it and the fact that he didn't have to pay for his drinks kinda gave it away :p ) and based on the conversation I believed him.

Doesn't change the validity of my question though. :D

And to the rest of you: *puts on a calm psychatrists voice*
"Yes, they are real. Of course they are. Now put your hands into this special jacket..." :lol:


New Member
Jennih said:
And to the rest of you: *puts on a calm psychatrists voice*
"Yes, they are real. Of course they are. Now put your hands into this special jacket..." :lol:



It's Nurse Ratched!!

:eek: :eek:


Well-Known Member
When I worked at the MK, I saw things that would creep a little kid out. But when I was in the park, the characters were real to me. It wasn't a CM I was interacting with. It was Mickey or Cinderella. It will always be real for me, no matter how old I get.


New Member
As a former entertainment cast member I can attest to this happening with most adults. They all know what's going on and tell scared little ones that the characters aren't real but when the parents walk up to you, most of the time they treat you just like the character. Heck, when I visit the park now I even do the same thing. Most of the time I probably know the performer as a personal friend and visit them just to get some good pictures and be nice but I still treat them like the character and occasionally even forget the performer exists, especially in shows and parades.


New Member
To me they are the character. I don't even think about it being a person inside of there. THEY ARE REAL :animwink: I act just like a kid, I get all excited when I see them, especially Eeyore, he is my favorite!


Active Member
Connor's thoughts right now:

so many threads on this...

should mention the search feature?

maybe I should go get my big post explaning my thoughts on this one the I put in another thread

no, that'll take to much work

i wonder what's for dinner...

what happens if you get scared half to death twice?

what to say to this person...

ahhh, I've got it

What do you mean the characters aren't real?!

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
As my 11-year old says:

Santa Claus is your Dad
The Tooth Fairy is your Mom
The Easter Bunny is your neighbor.

But Mickey is real!!


I enjoy seeing the Characters, but I haven't actually taken a picture with one since...let me see...Christmas 2000. I have so many pictures of me and my DH with Characters, that we have gotten in the habit if not taking them unless it's with a Character we don't have a picture with already. :eek:

We are going in January though, with a newbie, so I imagine we'll be taking lots of pictures with lots of Characters. So, I guess, yes, I get caught up in the magic and don't worry about who is in costume. DH is always making jokes about who it might be though...he'll say something like, "I bet thats your elementary school principal who changed his career to be a Disney CM. You should go back and make sure he knows who you are." The jokes aren't even funny...but he gets a kick out of them though. :lol:

We went in 2004 with a good friend who was scared of the characters. She's an adult, 21 at the time, but is scared of them. She will literally walk on the other side of the street if she sees one of them coming. She says she can't hug a person in costume like that. She said not knowing who the person is weirds her out, so she won't pose with them. We actually tried all week to get her next to a character. She wasn't quite as scared of the face characters, such as, Cinderella and Prince Charming. But, alas, she wouldn't pose with any of them. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.


New Member
Jennih said:
Admitedly he could have been spinning a tale, but he was a CM (the t-shirt with Staff on it and the fact that he didn't have to pay for his drinks kinda gave it away :p ) and based on the conversation I believed him.
CMs don't get free drinks. ESPECIALLY not alcoholic ones. Maybe he had a tab running.


New Member
brich said:
And you knew it was him in that costume because....:veryconfu
Hey, tomorrow morning at Chef Mickeys for breakfast, I'll be Goofy. Come by and see me...:D

You're Goofy all of the time! :lol:

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