Characters and suspension of disbelief


Original Poster
robynchic said:
CMs don't get free drinks. ESPECIALLY not alcoholic ones. Maybe he had a tab running.


He came in with us and we chatted in the line before we sat down together then just ordered drinks without paying, so I assumed he got them for free.

Well, you learn something new every day. :)

Blackie Pueblo

Active Member
Actually, it's my wife who loves posing and acting like a kid with them. I think they are neat, but for some reason I would much rather get a picture of my wife with them then me. I usually don't pose for pics. I never really have liked posing for any pics actually. I'm glad she enjoys it, and I don't mind it, but I don't know why I can't just let myself go. :(

check out my movie shorts at:

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
This is an interesting thread, but I would like to just add alittle squeeker to this question, for cast members, have you ever while in the costume, uniform whatever, have you ever for a brief moment forgotton which character you were? I know that it is hard but for a short time did it ever happen? And if it did how did you catch yourself?:animwink:


New Member
Craig & Lisa said:
This is an interesting thread, but I would like to just add alittle squeeker to this question, for cast members, have you ever while in the costume, uniform whatever, have you ever for a brief moment forgotton which character you were? I know that it is hard but for a short time did it ever happen? And if it did how did you catch yourself?:animwink:

I'm not going to answer a question like that until I see other CMs post. But I do know that Baloo was at Chef Mickey's one night, and a dad came up to a captain and asked "Why did Baloo sign 'Goofy'?" The rest of the night, the guy that did the signature was nicknamed "Baloofy"


Well-Known Member
When I'm in the parks the characters are characters. They are Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, Donald, etc. With that said, I'm also a rational, mature, adult (despite what others may say ;) ) and I know and realize that there are, in fact, people under those costumes. I would NEVER ruin the magic in the parks. That would be rude and disrespectful. Even so, it annoys me to no end when people on here insist on referring to the character actors as "friends" of the characters. Even in the secrets forum where people were talking about how Mickey's nose shake works, people were doing that.

Summary: In the parks, characters are characters, but on the forums, don't insult my intelligence.


New Member
We get cought up in the magic, it would be a sin not to. Yes I know there is some one in there, male/female. Some times when the charaters are flirty with me or a family memeber of mine I think, "Who or what is in there." Then 80% of the time I just don't care. I want to see Mickey, fake or not.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know there's a person in there. But you can't see even a hint of who it could be and they play their parts so well. I can't think of any other way to react than to treat them like they are the actual characters.


New Member
One time I was in Town Square with a friend and her little cousins waiting in line to see Mickey. When it was our turn, Mickey got all excited and came running up to me and gave me a huge hug and was SO happy to see me. I felt like I was the coolest person in the world. I was like "Oh my god. Mickey Mouse thinks I"m a big deal." It wasn't until after the meet and greet and going backstage that I realized I knew Mickey's friend very well and of course that was what was going on. But when it was happening, that was the actual Mickey Mouse excited to see me.


Active Member
when i was 20, there was a show at the end of main st with many diff characters singing and dancing on a balcony. as soon as i noticed tigger, i screamed like a little girl and yelled "oh my god, it's tigger!!!" when they were finished they came down for greetings, and i waited in line to meet him, probably more anxious than any of the kids in line. that is one of the best things about going to disney. i can't seem to be in a bad mood there. i don't like kids, but they don't even bother me there, even as bad as many of them behave there. driving through the main "welcome to walt disney world" gate just launches me back to the childhood mentality. i just balance it out at night at pi. :fork: renee

Tara Mae

New Member
I'm just like a child.

I still carry my autograph book, but only use it when there is no other child in line. That would be called 'taking advantage'.

I still hug them, and spin around with them, but I think I realized they were not real when I was about 5 or 6, but my mom kept pushing me first in line, pushing us through, so I played it off until about 7 or 8.


Well-Known Member
Connor002 said:
He didn't even know who PJ was?

I would understand If I mentioned Sylvia to Goofy (Hopefully he didn't watch that horrid attempt at a sequel to one of my favorite movies...), but I think this Max didn't even know Goofy had a son.

Then again, I'm being a bit mean by testing them and seeing if they know their stuff... I try not to do it with lots of little kids around.

OT: Does anybody think they should age the Max in the parks to bring him into line with the films? He was about 24 in the last film (Twice Upon a Christmas), compared to being 12 in his current character form, which was modeled after Goof Troop in 93.


Well-Known Member
joanna71985 said:
When I worked at the MK, I saw things that would creep a little kid out. But when I was in the park, the characters were real to me. It wasn't a CM I was interacting with. It was Mickey or Cinderella. It will always be real for me, no matter how old I get.

Totally agree, it was the same with me. I'd see some stuff involving my favorite characters in the tunnels, but 5 minutes later, I was up in the park, and I'd talk to them like nothing happened.

drnilescrane said:
OT: Does anybody think they should age the Max in the parks to bring him into line with the films? He was about 24 in the last film (Twice Upon a Christmas), compared to being 12 in his current character form, which was modeled after Goof Troop in 93.

Well, Goof Troop was more kid related, that's why I think he's stuck in kid form.

But it's funny you mentioned those technicalities. I worked at Adventureland sometimes, and every time I'd see Baloo, I'd yell out: "How's it going, Papa Bear!" Either he just liked to wave, or he actually knew the reference, but he answered every time. :lol:


New Member
drnilescrane said:
I would understand If I mentioned Sylvia to Goofy (Hopefully he didn't watch that horrid attempt at a sequel to one of my favorite movies...), but I think this Max didn't even know Goofy had a son.

Then again, I'm being a bit mean by testing them and seeing if they know their stuff... I try not to do it with lots of little kids around.

OT: Does anybody think they should age the Max in the parks to bring him into line with the films? He was about 24 in the last film (Twice Upon a Christmas), compared to being 12 in his current character form, which was modeled after Goof Troop in 93.

So you're one of those people. The types that we don't like. Look, if you're going to test the characters to see how much they know compared to you, then you're ruining the magic for everyone.


Well-Known Member
robynchic said:
So you're one of those people. The types that we don't like. Look, if you're going to test the characters to see how much they know compared to you, then you're ruining the magic for everyone.

I agree with you. I've seen people just ruin the magic in front of a bunch of kids, which I feel is so rude. Some guests like to ruin the fun for others.

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