Character Dining changes coming

A few tidbits
-Starting in October 2008 Garden Grill at Epcot will only have a character dinner. Lunch will no longer be available.
-Starting in January 2009 Liberty Tree Tavern dinner will no longer be a character dining experience.

Wow, I really am sad to hear this... we go to LTT for the character dinner every time we are in MK. Of course we will still go there because the food is great, but having the characters there always added a little bit more to the experience. :(


New Member
To not have a character meal with fab 5 characters in the Magic Kingdom is just plain dumb. In May we did this dinner our first night because we wanted a nice sit-down (not buffet) character meal in the MK. I have a DS4 so CRT just doesn't cut it, and Pooh and friends doesn't cut it for most older boys. It was our favorite character meal the whole trip. Besides which I don't like Chef Mickey's. Flame me if you will, but I liked it better when it was in DTD.


Well-Known Member
Well that stinks!! Glad we booked our LTT Dining when we go In Sept.....That was always a fav of ours!!! Well as long as they don't take away the characters at Chef Mickeys!!!


New Member
well i have a garden grill booked for nov for lunch when i booked it last month was a still a character meal. i tried to book lunch for candlelight and they told me they wasn't booking lunch for candlelight only for dinner. this was last monday i was told this.


New Member
I think it sucks! I hope it's not true. I wanted to book LTT for our trip in June of 2009. I know that there are some people who want WDW to have less Character Dining but I'm not one. I think that this kind of dining experirence is unique to Disney World.

Sure you can get a great cut of meat at Yachtsman or Le Cellier. However, I'm living in Houston and there's lots of great places out here to get a nice steak. What I can't do in Houston is eat with Disney Characters. There's lots of nice non-buffet, non-character restaurants that are a short monorail ride away from the Magic Kingdom. Narcoosees, Victoria and Alberts, Citrico's, California Grill. and there's a brand new one opening at the Contemporary. If this rumor is true, I'm going to be furious. :mad:


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of other character options out there really. I was hoping to see Norway revert back to non character dining at least for one meal time whether lunch or dinner, but oh well.

However why they would cut out lunch all together at Garden Grill, characters or no characters is crazy. Everything is always booked at epcot they need all the locations available as much as possible!!!


Well-Known Member
A few tidbits
-Starting in October 2008 Garden Grill at Epcot will only have a character dinner. Lunch will no longer be available.
-Starting in January 2009 Liberty Tree Tavern dinner will no longer be a character dining experience.

:confused: :eek: ?????

Nooo! Way! Why? This is my fave character dinner??? !!!!!


Active Member
I don't doubt the news one bit, but I can't make any sense out of it. Disney sells heapin' helpin's of average food for sky high prices and this isn't worth doing any more? :veryconfu I would think LTT would be like an ATM for Disney!


New Member
I wonder whether DDP might have something to do with this. Now that virtually every resort guest needs to use a sit-down dinner "entitlement" every night, I can imagine that they are looking for ways to push the DDP people into eating at various RESORTS. I would bet we will see more character experiences at the resort restaurants, in order to encourage people to go there.

We were there three weeks ago, and in order to use all our DDP dinner entitlements at different places we traveled to resorts that we WEREN'T staying at for dinner several times(Whispering Canyon, Hoop-De-Doo, and O'hana). We also ate at the Cape May Cafe (we were staying at Beach Club). They were all excellent, and we'll visit them all again, but they did pull us away from the parks for several hours each time. These were all essentially Magic Kingdom resorts, so fortunately transportation was not a big issue. But getting from one resort to another using Disney transportation is not always a simple matter.

In fact, we used more than half of our dinner entitlements at "out-of-park" dining options. (We also dined at Akershus (breakfast), the Crystal Palace (breakfast) and the Liberty Tree, among others).

I'm sure Disney would love to encourage this type of "resort dining" behavior, to decrease pressure on the park dinner service, to increase bookings at the resorts, and to make it easier to make dinner reservations within the parks, or maybe even possible to walk in and get a table after a reasonable wait (since, presumably, if there are more character opportunities outside the parks, many families with young children will choose these options).

The DDP also caused us to visit Epcot several times more than we might have, due to the variety of sit-down dinner options there. I wonder how resort guest manage to use their dinner "entitlements" if they don't have Park Hoppers without going to Epcot virtually every day?

Before DDP, we would enjoy several sit down dinner experiences, but not necessarily one every night. Now that everyone has to try and eat a sit-down meal every night, I expect to continue to see changes in some of the better restaurants. We' already seen a lot of changes due in my opinion to DDP.


Well-Known Member
I just got off the phone with a friend who works at Liberty Tree Tavern. This is indeed happening! Not only are they removing the characters but Dinner will remain the same including PRICE! This is not acceptible. This is once again lowering the Overall Guest Experiance by presenting a lessened experiance to guest without any adjustments made to price. I know alot of people at Liberty Tree who this will effect and I am not happy about it. I have made a petition in hopes to stop this from happening. Please, PLEASE, sign it. Every voice counts. This is a popular experiance that can be saved!!!! PLEASE HELP SAVE IT! This is the first time I have ever felt this strongly about a particular subject. This means alot to me, the Cast Members at Liberty Tree, and the characters. Not only is this a popular place for guest to visit but also the Characters really love being there as well. Please help make a Difference.

You can find the petition at this link: Please send this to as many friends as possible!


Well-Known Member
Not to be a Debbie-Downer but online petitions really don't work. If the decision has been made, it's been made and Disney rarely (if ever) goes back on their decisions...
You also need to keep in mind this is not a major change in the grand scheme of things. Petitions are often ill fated when used for to save large rides and attractions at Disney. I am thoroughly confident that this petition can and WILL work but only if people help support it. Recently a petition helped persuade Disney to renew the ABC show Eli Stone because of support from online communities. They can and do work.


Well-Known Member
A few tidbits
-Starting in January 2009 Liberty Tree Tavern dinner will no longer be a character dining experience.

Very surprising, but I am *VERY HAPPY* about this. Except for the Plaza there are no a la carte sit-downs in MK, to get another non-character meal in the MK for dinner is gonna be awesome.

Lunch absolutely rocks there (Crab Cake App and Old Glory Burger), so I have high hopes for dinner (especially if they will let me order that awesome burger).


EDIT: Reading other posts it seems as if the food is gonna stay the same but just no characters? Ummm...I actually like the "meat and potatoes" Thanksgiving type food, but not for $30/plate if there are no characters...that's just dumb, LOL. You can go to a Boston Market (do they have those in FL?) and get the same quality food for $6.


Well-Known Member
I just want to know why GardenGrill is shutting down for lunch. Are there going to be more cuts like this coming because that is not a good sign!


Well-Known Member
That explains why when my family booked our Candlelight Processional dinner package we were not able to do lunch at the Garden Grill.


New Member
We will surely miss the character dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern. It's what we do on arrival day at WDW. We arrive in the afternoon, check in, and then go over to the Magic Kingdom for dinner at LTT.

The only possible logic that seems to be valid, from a business and profit view, is that not having the characters will increase the 'turnover' rate, or whatever it's called, at LTT.
Maybe the thinking is that people won't linger at dinner so much while waiting to see the characters. The restaurant can then get more guests in for dinner while they are open. They can make better utilization of the tables and serve more guests each night.

Sad to see it go.

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