News Chapek FIRED, Iger New CEO

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
They are amusement parks. Ones that reduced their quality across the board in margins for most of bobs time - I might add.

I’d argue the quality increased fairly consistently until 2019, then pivoted to crowd control schemes and crashed, I genuinely thought Iger would undo a lot of those horrible changes when he returned but for the most part he hasn’t, which is very telling that it was all part of the long term plan.

Correct…because it wasn’t about the rides…it was the theming, the food, the hotel compound/bubble…

They may have crossed the line to overcharging for all of it.

Nobody wants to feel cheated.

The last line is the key, they don’t need the worlds greatest thrill rides, they don’t even need to be inexpensive, they just need to provide Disney quality, which they don’t anymore, with all they’ve cut and slashed from the Disney experience it’s hard not to feel cheated.


Well-Known Member
I would put Tower of Terror in its glory in that as well.
Florida Tower definitely comes close, but what splash had over tower is the ride time.
Original GMR i loved as well
Yes! GMR had so many cool physical effects like fire, smoke, bubbles, etc. and the combination of live hosts and live actors was the ultimate Disney theme park attraction in many ways.


Well-Known Member
Florida Tower definitely comes close, but what splash had over tower is the ride time.

Yes! GMR had so many cool physical effects like fire, smoke, bubbles, etc. and the combination of live hosts and live actors was the ultimate Disney theme park attraction in many ways.
& yet 2 are gone with overlays (i adore Runway) should have been an addition & ToT is just in shambles from its original state. How this company managed to botch this is all up was quite impressive.


Well-Known Member
I don't know... what would you call making the same mistake over and over? Or blindly burning what took generations to build?

When a problem persists beyond an individual or their control - you start to look at systemic and cultural issues.

I don't agree - we've been watching Parks destroy decades of customer sentiment by insisting the parks are a growth segment... while preaching talking points that just make you ill while they lead the world in what seems to be 'how much money can we blow on a thing ?"

The company is floudering in key areas - and their inability to address it means yes, there are problems in the company.
Well then…

Flynn wins post of the day.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe not top tier…but the perfect blend of everything.

Tower used to qualify for that…

Flight of passage isn’t as thrilling…but excellent multisensory

Guardians is more of rush…but not as well thematically.
So my problem is FoP ( maybe it’s just me and I’m going blind ) is the visual fidelity seems reduced from when it first opened.

My experience though enjoyable is muted from when it first opened. Back then to me it was truly remarkable.

Nowadays it’s still fun but just doesn’t capture the same feeling.


Premium Member
Furthermore, people have been saying "movies are getting too expensive" forever. They said it in 1996, when Joe Roth was studio chair. They said it when Dick Cook was chair. They said it now. Movies are just keeping up with necessary costs. And when the economy is up and running, they'll completely forget about it. So in other words, it's not THAT outrageous. Especially if everyone else does it, too.
Movies are not made for pure art - they are a business venture. So unless their revenues start changing, no their budgets can't just keep doing what they are doing... and are not just 'keeping up with necessary costs'.

Disney is doing fine, and it'll soon be doing even better by the turnaround's end.
Wow, so your crystal ball has TV recovering, theaters exploding in popularity, and prices dropping all happening soon? You sure that's not just a time machine you're praying for?

You're like the TV antenna guy denying the changing landscape...


Well-Known Member
I’d argue the quality increased fairly consistently until 2019, then pivoted to crowd control schemes and crashed, I genuinely thought Iger would undo a lot of those horrible changes when he returned but for the most part he hasn’t, which is very telling that it was all part of the long term plan.

The last line is the key, they don’t need the worlds greatest thrill rides, they don’t even need to be inexpensive, they just need to provide Disney quality, which they don’t anymore, with all they’ve cut and slashed from the Disney experience it’s hard not to feel cheated.
It started long before with MM+ which set the stage for the later "adjustments"
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Well-Known Member
There could be long, fascinating discussions about nasa…

If only we could agree little mermaid isn’t gonna break even first and move on?
(It isn’t…$85 mil minimum short…not close)
Even if it “broke even”. Is that where Disney apologist are at now when making a movie. Make a movie and hope to break even & lets face it. These recent movies have all been basically disappoints


Well-Known Member
So, I have been developing a narrative.

What if Iger and his inner circle have wanted to sell the Walt Disney Company for some time now. A sale that has potentially been years in the making. Bob Chapek is purposefully selected as CEO because there is full confidence that he will fail and make decisions that will jeopardize the brand and company. Chapek is ousted with cause, Iger returns, and a sale becomes justified because of growing financial losses. Iger is remembered as growing the Disney brand through his acquisitions and selling it to "Save Disney." The company ceases to exist in its current form after 100 years with Iger being its last CEO.
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Premium Member
Maybe someone who hates the way Iger's running things could try to make a new Save Disney campaign seeing that's what got Ron Miller out in 1984 and Michael Eisner in 2005.
Unfortunately that was the same guy…and he’s long since gone.

He also made the mistake of kinda “giving up” and letting sweater bob slither into the C Suite…

The corporate bylaws should have a maximum term for CEO…that can only be overridden/extended by like 80% of the shares. It would mean they’d have to remain vigilant and always have performance/succession plans in place.


Premium Member
So, I have been developing a narrative.

What if Iger and his inner circle have wanted to sell the Walt Disney Company for some time now. A sale that has potentially been years in the making. Bob Chapek is purposefully selected as CEO because there is full confidence that he will fail and make decisions that will jeopardize the brand and company. Chapek is ousted with cause, Iger returns, and a sale becomes justified because of growing financial losses. Iger is remembered as growing the Disney brand through his acquisitions and selling it to "Save Disney." The company ceases to exist in its current form after 100 years with Iger being its last CEO.
100% plausible and alot more “likely” than anyone wants to admit.

The curve was his Covid coward quit. So he had to return so his ego could be soothed. Which means a few years…and his puppet board just rubber stamped 4.

His problem now is his brand strategy is tanking. Took it too far. Product is becoming a rip off and unappealing across the board.

It’s delicious. Set himself up for his own fall and eventually gravity wins.


Well-Known Member
His problem now is his brand strategy is tanking.

Speaking of "deep Iger conspiracy theories", what if Iger want's to reduce Disney's contribution to Florida GDP? What if the brand strategy is on-target? Dis-anti-s wants Florida to look like an economic success story and claim he can extend it to the U.S.

A possible explanation for the lack of new construction starts as well. Design work is in progress in California, but the projects won't be started in FL until after the election.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
Speaking of "deep Iger conspiracy theories", what if Iger want's to reduce Disney's contribution to Florida GDP? What if the brand strategy is on-target? Dis-anti-s want's Florida to look like an economic success story and claim he can extend it to the U.S.

A possible explanation for the lack of new construction starts as well. Design work is in progress in California, but the projects won't be started in FL until after the election.
Capital expenditures and expansions had ground to a halt well before the RCID stuff blew up. If anything, this tension is a convenient excuse and scapegoat for scaling back expansions and future investments

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