"Disney CEO Bob Chapek opened Disney’s upfront in New York by telling the crowd of advertisers in attendance that the company “the most powerful force in the industry” and “the most enduring and beloved name in entertainment.”
After a bumpy start to 2022, at least in terms of public perception, the company has delivered some positive results recently, reporting streaming gains in the most recent fiscal quarter. The upfronts crowd has been anticipating the Disney presentation with particular relish since the news earlier this year that Disney+ is poised to add a cheaper, ad-supported tier."
“Today is a little bit like a homecoming because I started my career in advertising,” Chapek said. “Disney will be celebrating our 100th anniversary later this year and that is an incredible milestone. I can’t help but think about this moment in the context of what this company has always been, what it is today, and what it will be.”
"Chapek was the first top-level CEO of a participating company. (NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell spoke on Monday, but the structure is different at Comcast/NBCU.) Traditionally, ad sales and production execs dominate the stages during upfronts week.
The last time the upfronts were held in person, in 2019, Disney had consolidated previously separate presentations for ESPN and Hulu into the main event, alongside ABC and its cable networks. That streamlining will add a Disney+ element this time around, given that ad buyers will be able to get in on the company’s flagship service."
"Along with the entertainment portfolio, across linear and streaming, production and distribution, Chapek added a reference to live events in news and sports as well as the company’s theme parks."
“You can access” that ecosystem, he told ad buyers, “by partnering with us.”
Disney CEO Bob Chapek opened Disney's upfront in New York by touting the company as "the most powerful force in the industry."