It is absolutely not elitist. No where did I say they don't have "value" but some jobs are valued at higher wages than others. I didn't make those rules society does. This golden utopia bull crap has never been reality. Yeah the burger flipper has experience IT STILL A HAMBURGER that does not take a lot to make and we are seeing that play out as many Mcdonalds are going to automation. Supermarkets are finding that out as more and more have self check out lanes. so yeah the cashier does have value, and it's about 10-15 bucks an hour. Yes there is a difference, my hamburger gets messed up, which happens all the time, life goes on. My surgeon messes up during surgery? the electrician some one hires to wire their home is going to get paid a great salary, 10 years experience pumping gas?? in fact, most states that job is gone because most people pump their own.
Maybe I live in a different world, the jobs you are talking about are going unfilled currently and they pretty much they are going on.
Once again I did not say they had NO value, they are being paid. Heck I went on Disney's website and payscales are all over the place.