As for the all or nothing policy- that's rarely the case with any business - including Disney. Life happens and it doesn't have to be a national catastrophe to warrant special considerations. It may not be posted information for the public and may require mgmt intervention, but implying that a major disaster has to hit for customer service to even consider exceptions to the rule is not only ludicrious, but poor business practice. I've heard several stories of Disney bending the rules for people in tough situations.
As for the transportation situation- I guess you can't appreciate the situation. And as I noted, there was a problem with our phone reception, but you seem to have an answer for everything- so you tell me how we were supposed to call on phones that were getting no reception. I'm sure you'll come back with some snarky reply, but that was the situation... stuck in the middle of thousands of people w/zero movement due to major system breakdowns, 2 small children in tow, and no phone reception. And the sad thing is- it happens with the monorails now and then and Disney should be prepared to waive such fees when there are massive transportation meltdowns. I remember getting on here after that trip and hearing everyone talk about how things that should have taken 20-30 min took 3-4 hours that night.
As for the personal Doomsday scenarios - you say this like everyone is just making an excuse and has serious character issues for trying to claim the reason was legit. Have you seriously never had anything uncommonly bad come up on a trip? If so- lucky you, but you're the exception and a far cry from the norm. I also gather you don't travel with children or elderly/disabled people- who also increase your odds of unexpected serious issues. To even suggest that people in these situations are selfish, stupid and abusing the system is offensive. You are completely ignorant to other people's situations and lives and so you have 0 place to make an all encompassing blanket assessment of people who don't make it to their ADRs.
You speak of ADRs not being mandatory and to just rely on walk ups or CS. Considering how many families travel to WDW- your approach is a vacation recipe for disaster for many people with kids. I know not all of Disney's patrons are families with kids, but every time I've ever been to WDW- I see a lot of families- families who live by planning and routines. No matter where we travel- serious planning and scheduling is mandatory. I would never dream of a trip to WDW w/o ADRs...why blow thousands and thousands of dollars on a trip if I can't guarantee fairly prompt seating at our top choice TS meals?
I'd also like to state for the record that I've never double booked and that 'Ohana adr is the only one I've ever missed that wasn't canceled in advance. Yes, I get annoyed when I have situations like our Rose & Crown meal last year- where the place was half empty all meal, but for 180 days I was never able to improve my adr time, but I'd also be perfectly fine with anyone who missed their adr if they had a violent stomach bug, a child with a high fever, a bad allergic reaction to food earlier in the day, etc. My point is just that it can't be black and white and while it may look like that in the printed policy right now, there has got to be room in it (even if not published) for the unexpected issues that require serious attention.