As a "local" I'm a bit biased and would NOT like these changes. I don't use FastPass all the time, but it's nice to be able to use on certain occasions.
I sincerely hope & am quite confident that Disney will not do it the way Universal does. If they do go with the Resort Guest gets the most scenario, I think they will do it in a less obtrusive way so it is not overly apparent to the regular day guest. The very idea of getting FastPasses before even entering the parks sounds WAAAAYY too regimented. Isn't a vacation supposed to be relaxing and somewhat spontaneous. Planing the order of attractions before even getting into the parks seems a bit overbaord if you ask me (I know people go in "Commando mode" w/o FP but it is still more spontaneous)
I still have problems with a "class" system in the parks. Everyone pays the same admission to the parks, no one should be then given preferential treatment. Paying extra for a Disney hotel has nothing to do with going into the parks. You get what you pay for at a Disney resort. A great experience, free transportation & being in close proximity to the parks. I have no problems with Extra Magic Hours and think this is a very GOOD & fair thing that is given.
But once you start giving perks to one guest over another during regular operating hours, you basically devalue the price the day guest pays.
I always applauded Disney for not doing what Six Flags & Universal does, which just comes across as blatant greed (you give us more we give you more). Everything is a business, but the manner in which you go about it also counts alot.
Anyways, I do see them "tweaking" the Fast Pass system. Certain rides do not need FastPass at all & with all the data they have collected over the years, I think the most major change we'll see in the immediate future is not as many FastPasses given out at certain times, based on ride downtime & volume of Standby visitors.