Changes to FASTPASS may be coming


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There are already several events/tours/etc that you can only do if you stay at concierge level even though they are at an additional price on top of the room stay itself.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:

A) All WDW resorts are overpriced.

B) All of them offer far too little for what they cost.

C) Disney already has lots of other ways with enough money to hop right on rides etc - why make it a resort perk?

A hotel that prices on product, instead of demand, will never make money.

WDW hotels run an 84% occupancy, which is about 25% higher than the national average....they could charge more, lose a bit of occupancy, and make more money.


New Member
KevinPage said:
What's next? People who are in a "Standard room" at The Grand Floridian get LESS than someone who is in "Conceirge"? Where does it end ?

Uhh they aleady do ;-) Having stayed in both, i can say there *is* a difference.


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speck76 said:
It seems the people here that are complaining about better benifits being given to those staying in the premium hotels are people who can not afford to stay at those hotels.

That's not it at all. I've stayed in Deluxe Hotels a handful of times and it just seems to be like a normal upscale hotel rather than a Disney hotel. It works out good that the hotels we prefer and think have the best Disney atmosphere (The All-Stars) are also the cheapest. It's not about money at all since we could easily afford to stay wherever we wanted. That sounds conceited a little bit but I don't intend for it to sound that way. :p

If they are going to go through with this then I hope they have an add-on you can buy to get the same bennefits.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
A hotel that prices on product, instead of demand, will never make money.

WDW hotels run an 84% occupancy, which is about 25% higher than the national average....they could charge more, lose a bit of occupancy, and make more money.

Which begs me to ask...if their occupancy rate is so high, why do they need such extreme 'perks' to stay at their hotels which discriminate against the other guests?

It's an awful idea.


Well-Known Member
basas said:
Which begs me to ask...if their occupancy rate is so high, why do they need such extreme 'perks' to stay at their hotels which discriminate against the other guests?

It's an awful idea.

which other guests?

While WDW resorts run in teh mid 80% range, Orlando as a whole runs about 71% annually. Full Service hotels off WDW property do not have the ability to charge the rates of the GF, Poly, or Contemporary to the majority of leisure guests. Many hotels off property that compare to the All-stars do not run the occupancy or rate.

The perks are to get people to pay more and stay on property.


Active Member
lentesta said:
The patent is explicit in saying that these individual features can be segmented by things like which hotel you're staying at, with higher-priced hotels getting more benefits.

Is it enough that we spend a butt load of money there as it is, but now you're telling me that the richer people of the world get better ride benefits?

I don't know...........kinda a crappy thing to do to us who may be able to afford the expensive resorts, but choose to stay in the cheaper resorts because of the "laid back" atmosphere.


Well-Known Member
Sledge said:
That's not it at all. I've stayed in Deluxe Hotels a handful of times and it just seems to be like a normal upscale hotel rather than a Disney hotel. It works out good that the hotels we prefer and think have the best Disney atmosphere (The All-Stars) are also the cheapest.

If always said that if I had my choice, I'd rather stay at the All Star Sports than at the Grand Floridian. I also think that both Port Orleans Resorts feel like "Disney" to me too. Can't wait to be at the All Star Sports in about a month.


Active Member
speck76 said:
WDW hotels run an 84% occupancy, which is about 25% higher than the national average....they could charge more, lose a bit of occupancy, and make more money.
Close, but a bit high.

Disney Hotel Occupancy

<small>East Coast 2004/2003 77%/76%
West Coast 2004/2003 87%/83%

Per Room Guest Spending:

East Coast 2004/2003 $198/$202
West Coast 2004/2003 $253/$245


Well-Known Member
socalkdg said:
Close, but a bit high.

Disney Hotel Occupancy

<small>East Coast 2004/2003 77%/76%
West Coast 2004/2003 87%/83%

Per Room Guest Spending:

East Coast 2004/2003 $198/$202
West Coast 2004/2003 $253/$245

We are now in 2005....check the recent quarterly reports....


The problems I see with choose your time FP machines will be similar to Universal Express. People don't know how to use them and the line seems to last forever. That's the thing about FP that I like, they're fast and easy to use, I just hope that doesn't change. I also like the latest at Epcot, where you can get multiple FPs before riding an attraction. Changes in that direction would be great, but no add-on or resort benefits, it would just get too congested.


New Member
Really don't matter if they give "richer" guests better benefits because when we go we stay cheap (all stars) and stay for almost a month each time so we have planty of time to do everything regardless of not having the same 'perks'....besides we're never in the room more than 6-7 hours. ;)
so why pay $300 a night just to shower and sleep.

We spend more at disney than those deluxers anyway. Hmmm staying cheap = more time = more souveniers = more magic = more spending = more everything....sounds like the upper class (speck bink! included) isn't very bright. :lol:

We're not ashamed to be staying at a value resort. What we save on hotel always goes into disney somewhere else plus some.

But I doubt this type of discrimination will occur.


Well-Known Member
thedisneycast said:
We spend more at disney than those deluxers anyway. Hmmm staying cheap = more time = more souveniers = more magic = more spending = more everything....sounds like the upper class (speck bink! included) isn't very bright. :lol:

Quality is more important than quantity to some.....

Snapper Bean

Active Member
I would think that the average person who stays 8 days does NOT spend 8 times as much on souvenirs as the person who stays 1 day. From an economic point of view, Disney would make a better margin on 3 people who stay 1 day each, rather than 1 person who stays 3 days, of course, assuming full occupancy.

Snapper Bean


speck76 said:
It seems the people here that are complaining about better benifits being given to those staying in the premium hotels are people who can not afford to stay at those hotels. Why do you think you should be entitled to the same service as someone who is spending much more on their hotels room than you are?

Now, I can understand why people would be upset, WDW could offer something and "exclude" them from the offering, but I believe that it could, one, be in WDW's best interest to align benifits based on the tier of the hotel that the guest is staying in.

Equality does not exist, nor should is all about EQUITY.
No matter what you pay for your hotel room, every one pays the same for park admission. At a deluxe resort, you are paying for service at the resort, not the parks.


New Member
-in response to speck-

All of Disney should be held to these same quality standards. Everything on property is very good quality. We have no complaints. Just because the hotel is fancy matters's still the same parks...same world and hey we can go eat in your restaurant if we wanted. I do however believe they need to give something to the ones that actually pay for those overpriced hotels.

different people = different type of vacation that's absolutely fine. Just get rid of the values and a couple moderates if they are less important. Disney is a business but there are lines they won't cross (at least anytime soon) I hope.

Ah nevermind...there is no need to bicker about something that isn't even going to really matter to us either way. I appologize for getting pulled into this meaningless argument.

Well said weluvtink :sohappy:


New Member
I didn't like UIA express passes at all, we got there an hour or so after the park opened and the EP were either all given out of for 10pm, the only issue I had with the FP at MK was during the evening parade , 2 different people tried to jump over my double stroller that had my 2 sleeping kids in it!:mad: They had FP for SM! People can be self centered and rude even in the happiest place on earth!


Well-Known Member
thedisneycast said:
Really don't matter if they give "richer" guests better benefits because when we go we stay cheap (all stars) and stay for almost a month each time so we have planty of time to do everything regardless of not having the same 'perks'....besides we're never in the room more than 6-7 hours. ;)
so why pay $300 a night just to shower and sleep.

We spend more at disney than those deluxers anyway. Hmmm staying cheap = more time = more souveniers = more magic = more spending = more everything....sounds like the upper class (speck bink! included) isn't very bright. :lol:

We're not ashamed to be staying at a value resort. What we save on hotel always goes into disney somewhere else plus some.

But I doubt this type of discrimination will occur.

Of course you shouldn't be ashamed because you stay at a value resort. Disney values all of it's guests no matter where they stay at on property. That is why they have provided resorts at different price ranges.

Conversely, those who spend more money for lodging at the deluxe resorts shouldn't have to explain or justify why they do so. My husband and I enjoy the convienence and atmosphere at the deluxes so we pay more for our rooms there. We know that going in and we make the choice to do so. Just like your choice to spend less on your room and stay longer. What difference does it make one way or the other? As long as your choices make you happy then all is well.

The problem I have with your post is that you find it neccessary to say that one way of experiencing Disney (your way) is somehow smarter than any other. You want those spending more for lodging to feel silly for making that choice.

No one is saying that you should feel bad for your choices, yet you want to make others feel bad about theirs. How I spend my money is my business and the same for you.


New Member
I agree.

I was mainly responding to specks replys of justifying the more you spend at the hotel the better treatment you get and therefore the more important to disney you are. We too could choose the more expensive hotels as they are very nice indeed but we would prefer just more time in the world. I am sorry if I sounded offensive or judemental, we just believe it should be equal, that's all.

Either way we all love wdw . . .


Well-Known Member
weluvtink said:
No matter what you pay for your hotel room, every one pays the same for park admission. At a deluxe resort, you are paying for service at the resort, not the parks.

Yes, you are paying the same as a guest that is not staying on property too....but they do not get EMH, so, how does that figure into your logic?

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