Changes to FASTPASS may be coming


New Member
I hope that they are just trying to cover all possibilities because these new ideas would be horrible if implemented. Planning what rides to go on in advance and at what times would take all the fun and spontanaity out of WDW and would make planning a trip even more time consuming. And I don't like the idea of a hierarchy fastpass system. Everyone should be equal - that is why fastpass works. Oh well, I think it is safe to assume that none of these changes will happen for a while (if at all).


New Member
My DH holds a number of patents. In general, the patent office won't patent anything broadly (i.e., the FP system) but they will patent small specifics. They will have to go through the application claim by claim and reject or accept each one.

I have to admit I don't know why WDW would bother getting patent protection for any of this unless they are hoping to sell FP machines to other amusement parks. It's not like FP generates any additional income for them. The only other possibility I can think of is they want to prove those are their own invention in case anyone sues them later--as suggested by another poster.


Premium Member
Here's what I think would be a neat amendment to the fastpass system. Put ATM type machines in the resort lobbies that spit out fastpasses in advance (as a perk for on site guests). What you would do is:
1. Swipe your ticket
2. Choose a park from the on-screen menu (AK, MK, Epcot, or MGM)
3. A calendar would come up on the screen, and you'd select the day that you'd be going to that particular park
4. A list of all fastpass attractions will come up for that park and you'd put a "check" next to each attraction that you'd want a fastpass for
5. The next screen would have a list of all the attractions you chose with choices "morning 9-12, afternoon 12-4, evening 4-8" next to each one, and you'd choose the time of day that you'd want to go on each particular attraction
5. After you make your selections you return to the main menu and choose another park, and do the same thing until you've done all parks
6. Then you finish and all of your fastpasses are printed, with the times printed on them sometime within the time frame you selected.

And there would of course be a limit of 1 fastpass per attraction, per person that could be printed in advance. If that person wanted a second fastpass for the same attraction they'd have to get it inside the park just like any other guest.

Is that wishful thinking?


lentesta said:
The patent is explicit in saying that these individual features can be segmented by things like which hotel you're staying at, with higher-priced hotels getting more benefits.

I dont like that the higher end hotel guests will be able to do more than the people that stay at the value resorts. That is unfair for the people that are on a budget. But the other things sound good like you being able to choose your own time.

i like the dea that Laura22 had about having an ATM machine in the hotel that you are staying at and you could choose what you wanted to do.


Premium Member
drumbum67 said:
...Universal didn't have fastpass, at least they didn't last summer, just a ticket thing where you go in a seperate line, but only hotel guests get it and there are no time slots, u just go whenever. Did it change?
Universal Orlando has had the Universal Express system for quite some time. It is pretty much the same thing as FP except you get to choose between 2-3 different times and you can pick up EPs in different locations (for example, you can get an EP for Terminator 2: 3D Battle Across Time at Jimmy Neutron's Nicktoon Blast). A limited number of EPs are distributed for each attraction throughout the day as well which leads to shorter waits in both lines.


New Member
inafog said:
I have to admit I don't know why WDW would bother getting patent protection for any of this unless they are hoping to sell FP machines to other amusement parks. It's not like FP generates any additional income for them. The only other possibility I can think of is they want to prove those are their own invention in case anyone sues them later--as suggested by another poster.
This also prevents any other park from using the exact same system without some sort of royalty to Disney. So it provides a competitive advantage to the Disney parks.


New Member
Master Yoda said:
Also Universal might not have a patent on their fast pass system.
Wouldn't matter... Once something is disclosed to the public by one party, a second party can not get a patent on that idea.

I'm sure there lots of exceptions to this. After all, that's how patent lawyers make their money.


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
Here's what I think would be a neat amendment to the fastpass system. Put ATM type machines in the resort lobbies that spit out fastpasses in advance (as a perk for on site guests)....

Is that wishful thinking?

Not really. It's specifically included in this patent, as well as the ability for you to order fastpasses from the TV in your room. The scope of this patent is really broad, so basically every method of getting a fastpass is included.


New Member
They only think I worry about, with all these option that can be made on the fast pass, the lines for the fast pass machines are going to be longer than the attraction's line. I remember last year I went, this women had 14 fast pass that she ran through the machine for the group she was with, and that was after I started counting. I would have jumped on another fast pass machine but the all the fast pass machines were backed up too. I thought it was the most rediculous thing. It took me about 10 mins just to get one fast pass, I felt so dump for waiting that long when I could have been a quarter of the way through the Splash Mountain queue. If I knew that lady had that many I would have never of waited.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Lynx04 said:
They only think I worry about, with all these option that can be made on the fast pass, the lines for the fast pass machines are going to be longer than the attraction's line. I remember last year I went, this women had 14 fast pass that she ran through the machine for the group she was with, and that was after I started counting. I would have jumped on another fast pass machine but the all the fast pass machines were backed up too. I thought it was the most rediculous thing. It took me about 10 mins just to get one fast pass, I felt so dump for waiting that long when I could have been a quarter of the way through the Splash Mountain queue. If I knew that lady had that many I would have never of waited.
Perhaps there could be a Fastpass Singles Line? (I'm serious)


Well-Known Member
Actually, I think there might be a way for this to work AND not run into the problems of Universal Express. This is just me thinking, but what if the Fast Pass machines were not in the parks but rather the resorts. You get your Fast Passes before you even go to the park, and that system is linked into the park's system. That way, the park system is not changed, resort guests can still function in the FP machines as normal, but they also can have the option of getting special passess in their resort (or even room). That way, no one sees people (i.e. resort guests) using the machines in a different way, no replacement machines (just new ones), etc. It also could be tied into the reservation system (like the phone suggestion) and could become part of packages. Guests could have their fast passes delivered to their room or even with their key. This could be an automatic FP (like Universal), but treat it like a perk. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
As a "local" I'm a bit biased and would NOT like these changes. I don't use FastPass all the time, but it's nice to be able to use on certain occasions.

I sincerely hope & am quite confident that Disney will not do it the way Universal does. If they do go with the Resort Guest gets the most scenario, I think they will do it in a less obtrusive way so it is not overly apparent to the regular day guest. The very idea of getting FastPasses before even entering the parks sounds WAAAAYY too regimented. Isn't a vacation supposed to be relaxing and somewhat spontaneous. Planing the order of attractions before even getting into the parks seems a bit overbaord if you ask me (I know people go in "Commando mode" w/o FP but it is still more spontaneous)

I still have problems with a "class" system in the parks. Everyone pays the same admission to the parks, no one should be then given preferential treatment. Paying extra for a Disney hotel has nothing to do with going into the parks. You get what you pay for at a Disney resort. A great experience, free transportation & being in close proximity to the parks. I have no problems with Extra Magic Hours and think this is a very GOOD & fair thing that is given.

But once you start giving perks to one guest over another during regular operating hours, you basically devalue the price the day guest pays.

I always applauded Disney for not doing what Six Flags & Universal does, which just comes across as blatant greed (you give us more we give you more). Everything is a business, but the manner in which you go about it also counts alot.

Anyways, I do see them "tweaking" the Fast Pass system. Certain rides do not need FastPass at all & with all the data they have collected over the years, I think the most major change we'll see in the immediate future is not as many FastPasses given out at certain times, based on ride downtime & volume of Standby visitors.



New Member
Are we nearing the re-introduction of the E-Ticket? It almost appears as if we will soon be seeing tickets issued for each ride. I can see a General Admission getting a book of tickets (Fast Passes) to use throughout the park. 1 ticket for each ride that would allow the guest to use a fast lane once for each ride for a single day. Of course a higher Admission would add the bonus of additional E-Ticket passes. Multiple price points would give the guest options for additional Fast Pass tickets. So maybe we just might see the re-introduction of ride ticket books with Fast Passes... Just a hunch :D
DonaldD1987 said:
I dont like that the higher end hotel guests will be able to do more than the people that stay at the value resorts. That is unfair for the people that are on a budget. But the other things sound good like you being able to choose your own time.

i like the dea that Laura22 had about having an ATM machine in the hotel that you are staying at and you could choose what you wanted to do.

I agree that allowing high end guests to do more than those in value resorts is not the way to go. I do feel that the best change they could make is only allowing those in EVERY resort on property and I would go so far as to say also AP holders to be the only ones that can use FP is the best. This should, in theory, get more people to stay and fill Disney's resort rooms to capacity and then maybe we will finally see Pop Century Legendary Years finished


Active Member
I hope they are just Patienting the ideas to keep the "Fastpass" system theirs because these changes don't look good. After reading all the posts, there are still serious problems. If there was an ATM styled machine at every resort, imagine you take a daytrip to WDW and use your Fastpass for ToT at 10:00 AM and get one spit out for 8:30 PM, because they are quickly being gone through at resorts. Imagine walking into a park at Noon and the Fastpasses for the day are all gone! (sometimes it is like that!) Having Fastpass delivered or given out with packages sounds like a good idea but I know for me personally I grab one and usually so something else, if I miss it I miss it, I'm having fun so I can't imagine having my day so planned and then wasting them if I decide to casually do it. Imagine a lot of people doing this and the FPs wasted? You couldn't get one and now you're in a long queue. The funny thing is the "E-Ticket" idea makes sense. Give all the resort quests a small books for each park with generic FPs for that specific park, no dates, no rides. Maybe 5 per quest, per park. Then if I want to use them all on Mission: Space so be it, it doesn't take away from the standard guest at the park using the FP queues and it makes it a little easier on the resort guests too.


Well-Known Member
I guess this is the "way of the world" but I don't like the idea of "planning" out your day so much. Yes you have to have a idea of what you a re doing, but this isn't a military operation, it's supposed to be fun.

While I enjoy using FastPass in it's current incarnation, since most vistors don't know the tricks of us veterans, I honestly wouldn't mind if they removed it completely.

This way it goes back to a more simpler approach to your day. But I know this isn't happening, so I'm not holding my breathe.

And ticket books are good if you are going to Knoebels, but NOT a major theme park. :D :D

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