Changes in store for Fantasmic?


New Member
I know the ship is important to do the scene like at DL. I have seen Fantasmic there a few times and I love it. I was suggesting that if they can't do the extra ship because of space or whatever then maybe they could do a scene on the island like it was Neverland. I'd rather have something like that than the Pocahontas scene.


New Member
Originally posted by imagineersrock
lol don't feel bad, it wasn't something i would've thought of right away either, but once you introduced the idea of a live action film, i was like hey wait a sec---!


This may be common knowledge to some of you, but one of the aspects of the origial Fantasmic was that the show could be upgradable. For instance, one sequence that never left the drawing board is a fight between Captain Nemo and the giant squid on top of the Nautilus from 20,000 Leages Under the Sea. So, adding a POTC sequence is not out of the question, and maybe even a Haunted Mansion sequence could be added (with cool effects, and Leota joining in the band of villians that go after Mickey near the end of the show).


New Member
Originally posted by Bill
Personally, I like the DL show better in ALL Aspects. The fireworks are closer, there's more real stuff on stage (not just a bunch of mist screens) and the Pirate Ship. And I actually like the idea of it being presented without the bleechers. lol. But that's just me. :)

Am I the only on who thinks the DL version if a logistical nightmare? You can't even get NEAR frontierland, adventureland or new orleans square around showtime so you miss out on that whole side of the park. I've never seen so many people cram for spaces around that lagoon. I think for crowd control and space purposes that show should be moved to the low attendance DCA! Anyone agree?


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But then you'd have high attendence at DCA...


Seriously, it's pretty bad no matter where you have it. Even here in WDW it's insane. lol


New Member
It would be great if Fantasmic could be moved to DCA, but they just recently upgraded all the equiptment and pipes in the river, etc. The cost to move everything ang get everything set up up at DCA would be too much. They should create a new type of show for DCA though using the lake there.

It is really crowded at DL though, but the setting is so much nicer than bleachers. Its too bad Walt didn't envision making Disneyland huge and left a ton of area there by the river so people can actually walk through the area.


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I have an idea, drain the rivers again, and then cut off a big portion of Tom Sawyer Island, then extend the riverfront. That should do it. :) LOL


New Member
Originally posted by netenyahoo
It would be great if Fantasmic could be moved to DCA, but they just recently upgraded all the equiptment and pipes in the river, etc. The cost to move everything ang get everything set up up at DCA would be too much. They should create a new type of show for DCA though using the lake there.

It is really crowded at DL though, but the setting is so much nicer than bleachers. Its too bad Walt didn't envision making Disneyland huge and left a ton of area there by the river so people can actually walk through the area.

Yah it was kind of cool seeing Big Thunder, etc. in the background! I wish it was larger too - or at least a path for those of us trying to get around! :D The bleachers are a tad cheesy and you don't have to watch all these people do the wave for 20 minutes before the show! Uggh! hehe


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Ok. Lets see if I can help out a little with MGMs version (Being that I work there and all. AND DONT EVEN SAY IT. I know what some of you are thinking, so dont).

Recently in a meeting here is what was brought up as proposed or either greenlight projects.

  1. A new ramp from the left side of the theater (Malficent, Jafar, Hades, Beast) will be added in and run behind the tech booth to the courtyard for easy access for guests in ECV/Wheelchairs and show exit.
  2. About ten feet of the planter right behind the scar section/food pad area will be removed to increase size in traffic flow area.
  3. Food pads will be changed around in that it will help decongest some of that area.
As for the show itself, nothing major at this time. If something breaks, they fix it. No rehabs scheduled at this time for the show.


The bleachers may look cheesy, but my time sitting on concrete at DL was very uncomfortable, and definitely took away from my enjoyment of the show.

I am also a fan of the Pokahontas section. Having just seen the DL version of Fantasmic in August, I did enjoy the PP sequence (can I say PP?) but the total change in venue (land to ship) would seem to change the tenor of the show. Now, creating interaction between land/mouintain action and ship action would be cool. Of course there's the whole problem with ship space.
The Nautilus/Squid concept sounds great also. (Same watercraft space problem?)

Also, the spray screen projections really look cool to me. It was a very memorable parts of my first trip to the studios back in Jan '99.
Overall, I like the Studios version better.


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Oh, speaking of the bleachers (Thanks for reminding me). There was a slight mention about adding possible backings to the seats. Also replacing a bit of the concret that has fallen apart due to wear and tear.

HOLY CRAP Someone actually enjoys the Poca scene? Whao, *Are we in the Twlight Zone?* Sorry, just haven't known/talked to a lot of people who like that scene.

But I guess it could be due (at least me to) the fact that look at the settlers when they fire the rifles. Apparently, the indians can also fly (Just watch and youll see what I mean). Heck, the only good part in the scene is the entrance (simply because I like to see people jump ten feet in the air when the cannon goes off).

But thats just me and every likes different things.


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ChefMickeyGrits said:
and you don't have to watch all these people do the wave for 20 minutes before the show! Uggh! hehe
HEY HEY HEY! Dont be knockin the wave alright! I'll have you know when Im inside the house I'm the Official Wave... Starter... Guy (Yes, they actually have a name for me due to that, and yes, I do say it like that when Im getting peoples attention):p

Youll know its me when you see a Fantasmic cast member down by the water with mickey gloves and he'll say exactly what I said up there.

*And yes, the nickname is actually copywritten, so dont try to steal it*

And yes I was only joking with you, but the name is real. And what do you want? Would you rather sit there and listen to the preshow music loop four times through or do something else such as the wave? (Least with the wave when I do it, you get 3-4 different versions. Regular, Slow-Mo, Fast Forward, and from the Mickey section out to the sides of the house....)


Hey Wave... Starter... Guy, did you know the origin of the Wave was at an NBA game, and they did it bottum to top instead of horizontally? Wierd, Huh? (Sorry for the thread drift)


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Useless knowledge but thanks (j/k).

In case it slipped over your head, the whole name came about for me since I'm the one that normally gets the house started on the wave when Im working Fantasmic.


New Member
I do know that Studios Fantasmic was scheduled for an overhaul around this time as of late last summer. But as we all know, plans do change. But things that were going to be included in this rehab (a 3-5 month rehab) was:
  • Removal of the Pocahontas sequence​
  • Less usage of the water screens = more live action​
  • Addition of a new live action piece (not specified)​
  • Overhaul of the entire production​
This was going to be an extensive rehab that is needed, the WDW version of Fantasmic is very dated, it used pop movies that were popular while it was in creation, DL at least carries through with its usage of the classics.​
The boat issue could be easily bypassed by a lift and track shift or a canal, which is what is used on Splash Mountain and the roller coasters​
One more thing...the fact that live action characters aren't represented in the time look towards the top of Steamboat'll see an up and coming broadway classic and two chimney sweeps!​


VintageKid21 said:
The boat issue could be easily bypassed by a lift and track shift or a canal, which is what is used on Splash Mountain and the roller coasters​

EASILY DONE? Um, not quite. The entire seawall of the moat would have to be taken apart, and a whole bunch of land cleared, and then brought down to moat lever, more retaining walls built...etc...

Making the moat bigger and adding a "switchtrack" for the steamboat would be far from "easily bypassed", not to mention way too expensive.

If the show were to change ever, which I don't see happening for a very long time, you are probably going to just see some modifications to certain scenes.​


New Member
a few things about the orginal building of it, first of all, I don't see why they had the seats face EPCOT, I find it rather anoying that sometimes in the middle of the show you can see Illumination fireworks going off, why wouldn't they have built it facing a different direction or in a different area. Also I think the "Canvas" mountains they have on either side look so tacky it would be nice if they used the same type of rock the rest of the mountain is built out of. Maybe then the mountain would take up too much room, but then that leads to my orginal point, build it somewhere else...

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