Originally posted by imagineer boy
As much as I hate the Pochahantas scene and love the Peter Pan scene, I don't think Peter Pan should come to WDW's Fantasmic. Why? Because the shows need to be different so that they're not the same if a person from DL went to see WDW's. Here' my idea for a replacement for Pochaboring:
Mickey: Hey, uh, what's going on? Uh oh!
Gaston and his angry villagers appear on stage with torches and pitch forks.
Gaston: Come on! We must kill the beast!
Villagers: yeah!
They march around singing "Kill the Beast" for a little while and then attack. People dressed as the beast's Lumier, cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, ect. ( or perhaps puppeteers dressed in black behind and controlling a puppet which is lit up in black light ) do stunt work and fight Gaston and his angry villagers.
It then cuts to Gaston fighting the beast on the mountain. It plays the same as the movie where he tells Gaston to get out, belle calls to beast, Gaston stabs beast, Gaston falls off the mountain to his death.
Belle: Beast, I love you.
Beast: I love you Belle.
They reach out similar to Pochaboring and then cuts to prince and princesses dancing scene and the rest of Fantasmic goes from there. What do you think?
I also think that the bubbles scene should be shortened because it is simply way too long.