Changes coming to Primeval Whirl


Active Member
Primeval isn't exactly a "shelf carnival" ride. It was custom built for disney and even though it may look crap and not be up to the par like all the other disney attractions, this ride actually is as safe as any other attraction at disney. Every aspect of the attraction was carefully looked at before and after the ride was built for safety. Many safety additions that are on every other attraction at WDW like Everest, RNR...were added onto PW. But unfortunatly, this event occured, and with many CM's and numerous guests boarding and exiting this attraction every day, stuff like this is bound to happen once and a while. You just can't make everything safe enough for the public to be okay with.

It wasn't custom built for Disney. It was a basic "off-the shelf" ride from Reverchon. WDI then just added all the safety devices and zone stops and everything afterwards. The ride is only designed for use with 5 cars like at most carnivals. But they added a lot more to try to get the OHRC up. So sometimes they overlook safety to meet operational guidelines.

Brian Noble

Well-Known Member
To be fair, Disney is pretty clever about blocking a ride (c.f. Matterhorn and Space). They did the zone design on Screamin', too, rather than let Intamin handle it. And, after watching Intamin's "rolling zones" fail spectacularly on all three Cedar Point installations, and watching the true horror of having to reset the zones on those rides, I can understand why.


Well-Known Member
the whole premise for that area of Animal Kingdom is so that it envokes the parking lot amusements we went to as kids. Its supposed to be like a street festival amusement area from the 60'a throughout the 80's, look down, theres even parking lot striping around there. Its a fun spot in the park, we like it, and we like PW too.

I completely understand the premise and design for that area of the park. I know all the backstory, I just think it was a backstory designed so that they could build something cheap. Its the same problem that all of DCA has. When you visit Disney you're looking for something you can't find anywhere else. A place that no one else can make and that you can't find anywhere else. I can ride a spinning outdoor coaster at any little park in America, I can see carnival rides on top of pavement at my state fair. There's so much that Disney could have done and still retain a dinosaur feel that could have been fantastic but they chose the cheap route.

If the quote attributed to Rhode is correct, then I agree with him. Supposedly his comment about this area was that the best thing about it was that it could all be ripped out in 48 hours.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, Disney is pretty clever about blocking a ride (c.f. Matterhorn and Space). They did the zone design on Screamin', too, rather than let Intamin handle it. And, after watching Intamin's "rolling zones" fail spectacularly on all three Cedar Point installations, and watching the true horror of having to reset the zones on those rides, I can understand why.

Well, they WERE doing well, at least until Screamin' allowed a zone incursion in the final block and collided two trains a year or two ago....


Brian Noble

Well-Known Member
Yeah---I read up on that. Basically, someone picked the wrong valve for the application at hand. If anyone has an interest in ride safety system design, the service bulletin is well worth reading. I was handed a copy of it from a friend, but if you type "screamin service bulletin" into google, you'll find it.


Active Member
not sure if i am liking the decor of the area. i understand what their are trying to show you but i personally love this ride. first time i rode it i laughed the entire time from being thrown around. can not wait till my kids are tall enough for it.


New Member
my dad madem ride this with him on our trip in oct. i really didnt want to. but i did any ways and i liked it , it was very fun. the spining. like previously said we were laughin the whole time it was great.


Well-Known Member
Last time I rode PW I was the next car to go up the lift hill when it started pouring with rain. Well, they don't evacuate or pull the cars back in so I sat in the car getting SOAKED for about 10-15 minutes! haha. Good times.
I was a little weary though once they started the ride back up because it was all wet and since the ride is so jerky, it can make you a little uneasy going around those corners ... :)


Premium Member
With that said, I think the best way to look at Dinorama is that it's a kiddy land. The problem is the roller coaster is a little too thrilling for it to be called a kiddy coaster. My Recommendation for Dinorama is to enclose the ride completely, and repaint the cutouts with black light paint. I would also change the restraints on this ride to lap restraints. Those over the head, under the shoulder restraints are very uncomfortable.

Primevil Whirl has a height requirement of 48". Everest has 44". Primevil Whirl is definitely not in the kiddie coaster height range, I cant stand the thing! it doesnt work for kids, and it's not worth riding when you have a top notch coaster like Everest next door. PW is also the only disney attarction where I dont feel 100% safe.


Active Member
Primevil Whirl has a height requirement of 48". Everest has 44". Primevil Whirl is definitely not in the kiddie coaster height range, I cant stand the thing! it doesnt work for kids, and it's not worth riding when you have a top notch coaster like Everest next door. PW is also the only disney attarction where I dont feel 100% safe.

Steve, you are not the only one. The maintenance guys who work on it won't ride it or allow their families to ride on it.


New Member
Nothing is 100% safe...just look at all the "safe" Disney rides that people get hurt is not "safe". It just depends on if you want to be "safe" or enjoy things.

Anyway, this ride is one of our favorites, we ride it over and over again. It's one of the only rides where you can actually watch your family/friends reacting to the ride without being totally distracted. The entire group experiences the same thing and it's just a wonderful way to "bond" together.

We took my mother in law one year and she was not realy into anything until we rode the Whirl! Then she said, OK now I'm ready for more!

I hate the area but this ride is fantastic.


Brian Noble

Well-Known Member
On what basis do they not trust the ride? Not to say that they don't feel this way, but I'm wondering why. There are almost three dozen of these operating worldwide, some installations for 10 years or more, and I don't believe there has been a serious injury to a guest on any of them.


Well-Known Member
The best change they could make to this ride would be to melt it down and use the remains to build a scrap-iron sculpture of Michael Eisner.


I definitely love this ride, but it does kinda roughs you up by the end of it. If the mods improve the safety for all, then I'm all for it.


Active Member
My kids love the ride. Myself I don't like it lock in handle bar a little to tight for a bigger person and I feel like I get whiplash when you go around the corners. Thank god the kids are old enough to go on their own.

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