Well-Known Member
Oh yes! I'm so distraught over you and PI! :lol: Please. This is nothing to me. I remember telling you that.
I also remember telling you that I look for proof. This constitutes it, and goes against everything you have said on the mater.
FL isn't a failure. I see a plan and what they want to do. It looks good. Can't say the same for Pleasure Island.
True, we will know when they want us too. But don't you think that they would try to shove the closures under the rug with something great and new? The clubs have been gone too long without a word on what we ARE getting. That's fishy.
Fishy? :lol:
Please, just accept Disney has a plan. Just because they don't feel the need to explain to a fan community that will rip it apart no matter how good it is, does not mean there is not a plan. They are wise to hold off on any new announcements until after Potter opens. That is just being smart.