Change Of Attitude?


Well-Known Member
I think Blaming Micheal Eisner because a Castmember is a little disgruntled because he has been hassled by park guests all day is like blaming The President and CEO of The McDonalds Corporation because an employee gave you cold french fries at the drive up window. :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by Scooter
I think Blaming Micheal Eisner because a Castmember is a little disgruntled because he has been hassled by park guests all day is like blaming The President and CEO of The McDonalds Corporation because an employee gave you cold french fries at the drive up window. :lol:

Good point, but Disney is not a franchise and in a round about- way, Eisner is the head CM. He needs a few hours of Traditions though.

I do agree that people are way to selfish in the parks, but this is just the society we live in.

I was at TL this weekend and knew with the hot weather on Sat that the park would reach max occupancy early. Well I did the normal thing and got there early, to ensure my family would have a great spot for the day. Well this sort of worked... there are too many people who think because they show up at noon they still deserve a good spot. I had to kick a lady off my lounge chair she had taken over, she even was sitting on my towel. She said nobody had been using it since she got there, so she just sat down. I asked her to please get up and look elsewhere for a parking place for her butt. She actually refused to get up and even swore at me. I told her that when her happy butt was still in bed, I was here putting my towel on that chair. She finally moved.....I can see what the CM's must put up with! Since I have joined these boards,and read the stories, I make it a concious effort to be as pleasant to the CM's as I can. I have noticed that if I can get them to smile, it makes me smile also. We both are better for it ,and isn't that why we go to WDW, but to be happy?:)


New Member
Originally posted by Poncho1973
.....In my opinion... this happens more often than people acknowledge. People are quick to blame the CM and not the unreasonable guest.
Not here my friend. I've dealt with the general public and know exactly where you are comming from.

QUOTE]Originally posted by se8472
But please lets remember that WDW is brought to you today by the letter K for Kindness. [/QUOTE]
But some of the guests from the yob end of the pool think it's brought to you by the letter "F"....don't think I need to complete the thought process here.


New Member
I for one would like to thank the cast members on this board for providing great service in the parks. As an AP holder living just 3 hours north of Orlando (I live in Jacksonville), I have the opportunity to visit WDW several times a month and the service I've received has been everything I've expected from Disney and more. In fact, I have probably been to WDW HUNDREDS of times in my lifetime, and I can't think of even one incident that would be considered even "average" service. I can only remember the REALLY good things that happened.

For example, my 1 year old was showered in sweets and ice cream by cast members on his birthday last month. Seemed like everywhere we turned around, CMs were saying happy birthday to him or giving him stickers or sweets. The funniest thing ever is watching your kid at one year old eat a Mickey Mouse bar so fast he gets brain freeze, recovers, and eats again..only to get brain freeze again.

But I digress. Cast members, thank you for your dedication and for making WDW truely a magical place.


About two years ago I went to Disney with my boyfriend who at the time had hurt his knee and was in a wheelchair. I found some castmembers who couldn't do enough to help him and I with getting on and off the rides. Others seem to not even care. Acouple of times they had such an attitude. I know that everyone is entitled to their bad days, but it does seem to be getting worse. I've had my head bitten off quite a few times when asking a Castmember for help with something like the fast pass, or merchandise. It's just not the same anymore. It's like the outside world is creeping in to Disney and everyone is miserable. I guess you can't blame it all on them. These people work very long hard hours dealing with the public, and I don't think they are getting the pay that they deserve. Management needs to start taking care of these Castmemebers better, they set the stage for the Disney experience.


Well-Known Member
Its a company thing not to help people get on and off the rides if they can't get in alone. When we do we CAN get in trouble for it but I have not heard of anyone.

Its all about the big "L" word

But if you are at space and you can't get it....sorry but I can't help ya out. What I do is as whoever else is in your party to help ya out.


New Member
This thread has gotten a little out of hand.

Plain and simple you have a majority of good CMs and a minority of bad CMs. You have a majority of good guests and a minority of bad guests.

You have 100s of thousands of guests each day and 10s of thousands of CMs you are bound to get bad ones of each on each side. And there could be a slight domino affect. 1 bad guest creates a moody CM for that day and vice versa.

The problem is we are too quick to focus on the negative. I have witnessed a couple rude CMs, but most offer exceptional service. I have witnessed many more rude guests, but you have to remember there are also many many many more guests and most are enjoying their stay.

Anyone who has bad CM story think about how many MORE good CMs that assisted them that day. Any CM who has a bad guest story, think about how many perfectly happy guests they helped that day that were grateful for the assistance they recieved. I am sure you will always come out on the side of good when you add it all up.



Well-Known Member
sorry for carrying on about negativity but...

This isn't an add them up and see what you get type of situation here. Sometimes I think people think you have to add all the bad experiences up, and then all the good ones, and whichever side adds up more wins.

I am not talking about really bad or rude CMs. In those cases I think it is a personal issue. And I think the same thing goes for Guests. What I see as the problem - let me correct that - the symptom of the problem - is the general apathy that is starting to creep in on CMs. And to be honest, when it is that prevalent, then the problem isn't with the CMs, it's with morale. Heck, Diney used to teach this themselves! Something has to be done - overall - with morale. Whether that is pay or team building (hopefully not) or with benefits or just plain training, something has to be done with morale - help the CM's out, don't blame them!


Well-Known Member
my morale is fine, I mean I am the happiest thing on earth with my 6+ bucks a hour! I swear I am, so its not that

Really this is no way to solve this problem, and really its no ones fault. Its just how things are since we are human, and how things always will be.
Having experienced both sides of the fence, I believe that management is the key.

Yes, I was a CM a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. Back then, you had 3 days of Traditions where it was pretty much drilled into you that you were going to get unreasonable guests saying harsh things. They taught you that the trick was not to take it personally. Managers continued where Traditions left off. Every manager I had cared about his or her employees. Would say some words of wisdom when things got rough. You could tell they genuinely cared about the people and the "show". If you did something that was "bad show", you sure heard about it. The "bad apples" were weeded out rather quickly.

On the flip side of the coin, I now return to WDW as a guest, I see alot of little things that never would have been tolerated before. Believe it or not, there was a day when you were not allowed to lean against anything. Not allowed to chew gum. Not allowed to say anything negative to a guest, about anything. If any of the managers I had saw a CM slumped over a console, you would have gotten hauled into the office right then and there. On the same token, it was up to the manager to keep up morale. Judging from the dealings that I have had with managers, they seem apathetic. If you have an apathetic manager, you are going to have apathetic cast members.

Quick bit 'O trivia for you cast members who read the boards:
There is a trailer behind the MK, that I believe is/was a property control store. When I was first hired, that trailer was the casting office.


Well-Known Member
That's a funny tidbit about property control (which, by the way, is a favorite little hangout of mine :p ). How far they've come to the new casting office!!

Anyhow, after my little tangents, I still think that Disney still tries its hardest to emphasize good show. No, traditions isn't what it used to be, but after traditions you still go through orientation where they still drill the same ideals into your head, emphasizing over and over again how important good show is. Then in training, you get it again. And when you're working, you've got management wandering around checking up on you. A few times, I had a manager come check on me at my position, watching to see if I followed the "seven guest service guidelines" and quizzing me.
We are not allowed to lean on the console, to chew gum, to be rude to guests. I don't think those values are gone. Before working for Disney, I'd been there plenty of times as a guest. And in my mind, the guest service is still as excellent as ever (I'm 21 now, so if you're talking about a decline in CM's attitudes, it would have to be before 1983).
I have dealt with negative CMs. And the option is there to take my complaints to the proper authorities (i.e. City Hall), just as any guest may. And I've heard too many horror stories of CMs being fired or punished without proof because of a guests complaint..even here on the boards. So if Disney is so extreme on that end to punish just because a guest was unhappy, then we can't have both ends of the spectrum-that's a direct conflict. Why would a company that's apparently getting too laid back on its customer service be so extreme in trying to please the guests :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
The problem is we are too quick to focus on the negative. I have witnessed a couple rude CMs, but most offer exceptional service. I have witnessed many more rude guests, but you have to remember there are also many many many more guests and most are enjoying their stay.

Yep people are like that on these boards sometimes. Its very depressing.

Also people keep saying its the managers but arent these the same people that started off as CM's or is Disney going outside to hire managers?


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Original Poster
Unfortunately we weren't there when this guys wife was cryng.

That's one bad thing about these boards...we hear all kinds of stories about bad castmembers or other rude park employees but we never get to hear the OTHER side of the story.

Sometimes I think there are people that just make UP some of these stories just to stir up trouble on these boards.

For all we know maybe this guys wife might have been

First off as you so crassley thought my wife was not PMSing, Secondly I think some of you felt I did not stick up for my wife, trust me when I say I did, and the responce from the the supervisor was not what i expected - the supervisor was indiffrent I think would best describe. This got me more aggrivated and my wife just wanted to drop it, she felt embaressed by the whole sceen. THIS IS NOT THE DISNEY WALT WOULD BE PROUD OF! And to the cast member who said that its hard to be happy the whols shift, like I tell my employees when they are unhappy, find another job that makes you happy. I would give my left nut to work @ WDW. So would about Hundreds of people. You CM are what makes or breaks the experiance for us, just think What Would Walt Do? -WWWD?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Scooter
BTW, make my wife cry and you'll meet the nastiest customer EVER. I promise. I put my wife and son's happiness above all things and have no morals or care while defending that. :fork:

Unfortunately we weren't there when this guys wife was cryng.

That's one bad thing about these boards...we hear all kinds of stories about bad castmembers or other rude park employees but we never get to hear the OTHER side of the story.

Sometimes I think there are people that just make UP some of these stories just to stir up trouble on these boards.

For all we know maybe this guys wife might have been

My wife crys when ya say BOO! when it's that time of the month.

:lol: :lookaroun :cry: :cry: [/B][/QUOTE]

What??? That is an incredibly sexist attitude to take. The fact of the matter is that this gentleman's wife was mistreated by a Disney employee. PERIOD!!! There is no need for any type of rudeness on a CM's part when a guest does not provoke it. By all accounts this gentleman's wife wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. There is no excuse for the CM's horrid behavior to her. HELL, THEY HAVEN'T EVEN ENTERED THE PARK AND THEY MEET RUDE BEHAVIOR AT THE GATE. And your comment that his wife may have been "PMSing" is downright insulting and offensive. Especially when you negate a female guest's experience by chalking it up to her "PMSing."


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Original Poster
Thank You Cherry - and let me be the first one to say there were more positive than negitive BUT remember one bad apple ruins the bunch.


New Member
Originally posted by Main Street USA
I'm not taking sides here, but this statement is exactly what Grizz is talking about, and it's exactly what's wrong with the customer service industry today.

It is your JOB to stand there and be happy ALL DAY. What if you aren't happy? Too bad. It's your JOB to stand there and be happy ALL DAY.

At Disney it's about WAY more than just safety and getting by. Goofing off is unacceptable. Why? Because it's bad show, which is a HUGE part of what your JOB entails.

It seems to me from your past posts that you enjoy working there, but if you can't go an entire shift (oh my! an entire shift! :rolleyes: ) without goofing off, then maybe you aren't doing your job after all.

Ok now (forgive me if this has been addressed already but I don't have time now to read the 4+ pages here...) this is a little harsh don't you think.. (Have to give my fellow CM's a little credit here..) I agree that it is not good show to goof off - to a point. Some times you goof off with the guests.. great, make their day.. or goof off to help cheer up another CM to get them back into their roll.. but you have to understand that even if it is our job to be happy ALL DAY.. all day includes 16+ hours.. 90+ heat... costumes that range from hot and uncomfortable to skin tight and many layers... crazy guest.. meaner than well.. really mean managment that jerks you around until you can walk straight (or the tears are making your sight blury.. been there) and I agree that there needs to be a time and a place for everything (leave personal stuff at home kids) but a little slack...

Yes there are wonderful CM's that will make your stay more magical than you could have ever believed :sohappy:

Yes there are terrible CM's that will say things that shouldn't be said... or goof off to a point that is bad show.. or make your wife cry :brick:

Lets here it for the good ones and hope the others follow good example. Thats all I've got.. Nothing against you dear.. just trying to stick up for my buddies...

(By the way.. hope everyone had a nice Easter!)


Well-Known Member
First of all I never said this guys wife was PMSing.

I was making a point that since we weren't there to witness what happened we don't know what caused this castmember to be rude, if in fact, he or she really WAS rude.

This is one persons story, we don't know this person or his wife, we don't know how crowded it was, what the temperature was or for that matter what kind of mood this person was who told this story.

Maybe someone cut in front of him and his wife in line, maybe he had a bad day in the parks, maybe he was and his wife were rained on and were upset to begin with.

What I'm trying to say is that before we all take sides and gang up on all castmembers and talk about the degredation of all the park employees attitudes, lets try to see both sides of this story.

We weren't there people..we will never know who did what because we weren't there.

I'm not calling this person a liar mind you, what we heard was his interpretation of what happened.

I get upset when someone expects me to jump on their bandwagon when I havn't heard the other side of the story.

Would you vote for a candidate you didn't even know before you heard the opposing candidate's views? I wouldn't.

And I won't take sides in this guy's story either because the fact is I don't know him and I wasn't there.


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Obviously you did not read my firs post - re read it. I was on my honeymoon what mood do you think I was in genius? We went in early May so if you know anything about crowds at WDW it was DEAD no lines. We had a great time up until that point. so we were not "looking for something to complian about". I was just asking the question when I first was posting this if people were noticing a change in the attitude it from these posts it definatly looks like it. It always starts small and creeps in unknowingly.

I am not say take sides with me or I was right and they were wrong, ok maybe I am saying the way they treated us was wrong, but that wasn't my point. Anyone who has read the whole post knows where I am coming from.

To fair, like I said before, this was the one time I had a problem albieght a big one. It is unfourtunate that it always the problems that come out first and people focus on but that is they way it is.


Well-Known Member
all day includes 16+ hours.. 90+ heat... costumes that range from hot and uncomfortable to skin tight and many layers

They have you working 16 hour shifts or is this something that you choose? I cant belive that this is normal since a company could not make you work that many hours in a day...

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