Change Of Attitude?


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Hi everyone,

New to the boards but have been reading for a long time and have decieded to put my two cents in. I recently went on my honeymoon to Disney, my wife had never been. All before we left kept on telling her how awsome everyone @ WDW was the cast members and people. I was SURPRISED when we got there, nothing like I remembered! About half way through our honeymoon a cast member - security guard check point before you enter the park actually made my wife cry. This trip was the worst I have been on to WDW. I couldn't believe it, are they not hiring good people anymore? Do these new castmembers just don't care? I had to talk my wife into going again in 2005. But I know for sure I will put up a bigger stink then I did that day if these peoples attitudes havn't changed. Walt would be turning over in his grave he saw the state of WDW. The only park with a great attitude was AK, it might be the least popular but we loved it! Just wondering if anyone else has seen a decline in personality.

Thanks all.


New Member
I think like anything else there are always some good ones and some bad ones. Unfortunately the bad ones sometimes tend to overshadow what effect the good ones have. I personally have had pretty good experiences with cast members. On my last trip I was actually delighted that there were several CMs that went out of their way to give us a memorable experience. You can tell when someone really enjoys their job. I don't imagine it's easy being upbeat and friendly to the public all the time, especially when some of them can be downright maddening at times. :hammer:

General Grizz

New Member

The recent decline in quality at Walt Disney World has been noticed by many more who've had similar experiences.

The truth is that Walt Disney Company management just doesn't care anymore. First of all, they want the money. Every little penny.

How does this reflect the Cast Member issue?

Well, in the first place, Disney Traditions, the Cast Member Training Program, has been cut from 16 hours to 4-8 hours. Recent reports from Cast Members say that the large majority of new Cast Members being brought in are "impartial" to their job.

And that's really too bad.

Second - over 2,500 students in the Walt Disney World College program are hired yearly to work at the resort. While a great portion of the students have a passion for Disney (i.e. those on these forums), the great majority finds fun in the job while "not really caring" about the Disney message.

Third - growth of the hiring of International Cast Members is raising ever higher. Sometimes, some of these Cast Members (who cannot even speak straight English) replace long-term CMs who were some of the best performances as hosts and hostesses. For a great (but tragic) example, check out The Story of Lonnie (Papa Bear). Again, not all International Cast Members do poor jobs, but you have to recall that Disney is looking for this "cheap labor."

And college kids are also cheap labor.

Some effects?

  • Cast Members goof around, slowly but surely deteriorating the Disney name of service (EXAMPLE: Cast Members at Cranium Command calling the show a "dumb kid's show" to a guest.)
  • Much of the Cast has no "ownership" over the attractions (EXAMPLE: One man was killed and others wounded at Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at Disneyland by the incompetence of several Cast Members who had gotten low morale)
  • Cast Members can become rude or sometimes snappy

Yes, I repeat again - the Big Thunder Mountain death at Disneyland was really caused by Cast Members. In this case, workers wanted to get to a break early, so they passed the cars off for performing tests they HAD NOT DONE. And look what happened as a result.

It's all in Casting.

Disney is willing to KILL show, quality, efficiency, AND and safety (as seen in these examples) for the quick buck. And it's even making the Disney name look bad, along with the forums.

It's just like in Theatre. The cast does well, but when one or two of the Chorus members make big mistakes, they are the ones the audience focuses on. It's true.

And just like Walt Disney World has thousands of EXCELLENT employees, it's a shame. . . because it's not only the New Cast Members.

Veteran Cast Members fired or quit based on (1) CAST TREATMENT - which is HORRIBLE EXAMPLE: MKT's "abuse" as a Cast Member or (2) The Constant LAYING-OFF and REHIRING as a practice to only get Cast Members when needed. This lowers the morale and increases the fear of current Cast Members - i.e. at the Main Street Gallery, perhaps, which is rumored to close AGAIN.

Here's to a better Walt Disney World.

The only way to change the Cast Member tragedy is to change management. It all trickles down.

And to change management, it looks like we'll have to Boot Eisner. You want Disney a money game? Then that's exactly what it is.


Well-Known Member
I've been going to Disney 2 to 3 times a year since birth. Yeah there are some Cast Members who are not as friendly as others but not enough to ruin an experience. There are many, many and let me stress many Cast Members that take pride in their roles. I'm sad to hear you let one Cast Member ruin your trip. Hopefully next time will be better.


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Maybe I misstated myself,

That day was indeed ruined for the first part of it, but it did leave a bad taste in our mouths. But like I said AK was FANTATICK, MK wasgreat also and MGM. To but a more positive note(I am really not a critical person) we had Dinner at the CG @ the contemporary it everyone these was ubelivable - they knew it was our honeymoon and her b-day. They were fantastic, and let them know it. Overall it was a good time. But being in CS industry - movie theater manager - youy know the old adage it always the complaints you here about before the compliments.


Well-Known Member
Man general I could just blow up on how wrong you are on so many things but I am going to keep my mouth shut on this and let you be wrong sept for one thing. The tragic event at Disneyland WAS NOT caused by any Cast Member.

Need to deffent my fellow attraction CM's

But really back to main topic here its all about the CM themselves. Granted goofying off happens but its all in fun. We can't just there for 16 hours and have a smile on our faces unless we are happy right? As long as nothing in terms of the job or guest safty is being effected.

But lets also not forget about the rude guest we have to put up with. A LOT of people walk away saying that CM are rude when really they are the ones being rude. If you are going to yell at me because I told you splash goes faster then space that is your problem ya know


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear you had a bad time but don't go giving CM's a bad name. when I was there in Mid-March I only met a few who were let's just say not as "perky". I hope you will return even if your experience wasn't the best. Just continue to believe in everything wonderful and don't dwell on the negetive. Was there any parts of your trip(besides CG) that were memorable and magical?

sidenote: I know this doesn't really fit but... does anyone else notice a decline in good character players in HM? When I was there I only heard the bodies lines a few times and only saw a few people really playing it up and we went on it twice. Really disappointing. Oh well.


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If you are in customer service, any type of customer service, the one thing you do not do is let people effect how you do your job. Goofing off is all well and good and stying happy is good. But the first rule you learn is not to let bad things effect you. Half of the people you deal with are going to be jerks, trust me I know. but remember what the best kiss off is in customer service is to smile right back at them and say have a great day! Then you go to a bar with friends and tell them about all the stupid people you dealy with lol :lol:

Ps - I saw when we were there A younger CM at Space mt dealing with these kids on of themm actually reached for her umm ... don't know if i can say it here - breast and see called on her walkie and you know what i neber saw them again. But she was fantastic to us and even kidded around. Time and place for everything


Well-Known Member
Ahh yes, I remember when I had these 2 kids come up with fastpass that where not valid for like 3 hours. Course I didn't let them in but they chilled with me till finally it was time for my break so I took them in and let them ride the by-pass like 4 times.

What is wrong with me?!!?!? They ________ me off and then I give them the goods?!?!!? :lol:


Active Member
If you don't mind me asking, what did secuity do to make your wife cry? Hope you don't think I'm being too intrusive.
Yeah Disney management doesnt care because they installed bag checks at the entrances to the parks. Its so terrible! And those themed enclosures they build for the bag checks, what were they thinking trying to make people safe while keeping the theme!


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No problem in asking we had asked if we still needed to go through security if she only had a small purse, he made a comment that would get me banned from the boards. My wife was in tears and I was in disbelief. Maybe it was a stupid question, but wanted to make sure. I was just in shock of it all, espcially since the day before we had a WONDERFUL time at AK.


Active Member
I find most WDW CM's to be very pleasant. However, if you're in the mood for a little indifference, go buy an espresso at one of the stands in Epcot. These stands are not staffed by Disney, but an outside vendor and you can really tell. I even asked once if they were staffed by Disney and was told no and then asked why I was wondering. I just smiled and said "no reason." It eased my mind a little knowing that these weren't Disney's finest.

And then there was the It's a Small World CM who was absent-mindedly beating on the control console where the boats load using the metal "grabber" pole/device that they use to fish things out of the water with. But that's for another thread...

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by mickhyperion
And then there was the It's a Small World CM who was absent-mindedly beating on the control console where the boats load using the metal "grabber" pole/device that they use to fish things out of the water with. But that's for another thread...

It's a Small World also had a CP'er leaving two to three rows empty in each boat. :p Eh. . . hopefully she's learned how.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Then there was the fellow at the Tomorrowland refreshment stand who got chewed out by the girl in front of me for working so slowly (the fellow was quite slow). As soon as the girl walked off, the fellow looked at me and said, in a thick accent, "I do not care. I am CP."

I sort of smirked and talked with the guy a bit. As someone who's been "inside the machine," the comment didn't bother me much, but I was left to wonder how many average guests this guy has said the same thing to (most of whom would have no clue what the CP is in the first place).


Active Member
I've never had any real problems with anyone at the resort, I haven't always gotten what I want, or heard the right answers... but it never upset me in a way I would complain!

I wasn't there when they made your wife cry, and if they did that to my wife, I would be opset as well!

When I go to the parks, and a CM isn't always on their game with me, I just walk away and say "thank you." I understand many have been working in the heat, and dealing with out of town tourists who have no clue.

I just deal with it, get a beer and enjoy the day!

Sorry that your wife wasn't happy! My imagination is ruuning wild at what could of been said!


New Member
There are a number of threads already detailing bad CMs. Thankfully there are also threads complementing the good ones.

Personally the only CM that has really ticked me off in sixteen years was....a security guard! But I won't tar all of them with the same brush, last trip there was a good Briton at Epcot and a lot of the guards at Animal Kingdom bag check points are brilliant.


Active Member
After managing a major retail outlet for many years I can state, thet no matter what, unless you are HNIC, the customer is always right. You have to cater to their attitudes and complaints or you can't take their money. If you can't take their money, you aren't doing your job. Sad but true, and many other people in the customer service industry must agree.

BTW, make my wife cry and you'll meet the nastiest customer EVER. I promise. I put my wife and son's happiness above all things and have no morals or care while defending that. :fork:

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