Chances of TRON attraction now that movie is out?


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Original Poster
We've heard the rumors of preliminary development of a TRON attraction.

As people begin to see the movie, I wonder if you think the film will be a good candidate for an attraction.

Unfortunately, after seeing it myself and reading the (mostly bad) reviews, I just don't think TRON will have the shelf life to warrant an attraction. By the time a ride or show would open in 3-5 years, I think there will not be much enthusiasm for it, among guests and park executives.

I agree with most reviewers that the story and characters are pretty bad. I just don't see Jack Sparrow-sized crowds lining up to get a photo with C.L.U. (although a rubberhead walkaround character might look more realistic than the CGI version)

The only redeeming qualities of the movie (and they're quite redeeming) are the visual environments and the soundtrack.

If the parks were to ever develop something from TRON, I believe it would be something like a makeover of Tomorrowland, with blue and orange neon lights and Daft Punk music. Just as The African Queen inspired the Jungle Cruise (but is not a direct copy) I think Disney could decorate with TRON elements (similar to DCA's ElecTRONica) that would have universal appeal.

But unfortunately I just don't see this movie spawning a must-see attraction that guests will travel to experience and park execs will want to fund.

Your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I always thought the rumors for the attraction were for Disneyland, not WDW?

It's chances will depend on how much it makes, which at this point is too early to tell. Reviews are often meaningless at determining box office success and since it just came out today there's no way of guessing box office earnings beyond midnight totals ($3.5 million in this case) which again are not much to work with.


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Original Poster
I (along with many critics) believe the film will make a ton of money, despite it's shortcomings.

But I don't think revenue alone will gauge a theme park attraction's chances of survival.

I went to see the movie because I bought into the hype (brilliant move, TRONorail!), the nostalgia, and the curiosity of how they'd do a 30-year-old sequel. Although I did not feel I wasted my money on the amazing sound and light show, I felt the story and characters were a major letdown.

Also, a good theme park attraction doesn't necessarily need a blockbuster film tie-in (Mr. Toad, anyone?)

So yes, WDI could build an amazing ride based on the 2010 TRON movie. Or even the 1982 TRON movie. A good ride is a good ride, regardless of it's origins.

But I don't forsee Disney execs saying "we gotta capitalize on the TRON craze" the way Universal salivated over Harry Potter. And I don't think slapping the name "TRON" on an attraction will automatically guarantee crowds like "The Little Mermaid" or "Jack Sparrow" (or even "Jack Skellington") would do.

And the unfortunate part is, with a stronger movie script and better actors, Disney could have EASILY had that winner. They truly tripped on the finish line with this movie.


Premium Member
I'll be watching it in a few hours, but this conversation (although not a new one) got me wondering. What is the lowest "rated" Disney movie which still got an attraction out of it?

I'm thinking like Mr. Toad or Splash Mountain, but more recently than that?

Hunchback of Notre Dame stage show?


Well-Known Member
I'll be watching it in a few hours, but this conversation (although not a new one) got me wondering. What is the lowest "rated" Disney movie which still got an attraction out of it?

I'm thinking like Mr. Toad or Splash Mountain, but more recently than that?

Hunchback of Notre Dame stage show?

Pirates makeover? :shrug:

There's Pocahontas and her Forest Friends, if you count that.

At any rate, the cyber-riots against placing Tron in Tomorrowland will probably convince them not to go forward with it. God forbid if it doesn't take place in the future!


Active Member
And the unfortunate part is, with a stronger movie script and better actors, Disney could have EASILY had that winner. They truly tripped on the finish line with this movie.

I personally found that the movie was great, and that the flaws were in fact not only really subtle in many scenes, if you're talking about bad acting regarding one character, you literally missed the point of the character.


Well-Known Member
Short of some new Tomorrowland E Ticket that likely won't happen, I really think we've already seen everything for TRON show up in the parks.

WDW- Tronorail train

Disneyland Resort - ElecTRONica street party


Disneyland Resort - TRONcore fall/winter encore segment at World of Color


Beyond that stuff? TRON will go down as just another modestly succesful sci-fi movie with a small cult following, and not really worth big-time investment into theme park rides.



Active Member

Would it be the same Tron attraction for both DL and WDW. Or would it be 2 different attractions?

Anyway, have not seen movie yet. Still think a Light cycle ride of some sorts would be popular.

I also wonder which ride is based on lowest movie $ maker.


Mr. Toad

Splash Mountain


Well-Known Member
There are about three other threads on this exact same topic....

As I've mentioned before, I don't expect any attraction based on Tron -- just like I don't expect any attraction based on Tangled, or any other new movie.

Tron isn't going to last long at the theaters -- it will make a bucket load of money this weekend, and then quickly fade. I saw it today, it's pretty awful (though the special effects are awesome). It will bring people in for exactly one week, and then Little Fokkers will knock it way out of the Top Box Office...

But don't expect anything for Tron. Nothing has been developed. Nothing has been greenlighted. And nothing is going to appear in the parks for Tron. At WDW the Tron merchandise is already tucked away in the corners of the shops, and much of it is discounted both there and online.


Premium Member
But don't expect anything for Tron. Nothing has been developed. Nothing has been greenlighted. And nothing is going to appear in the parks for Tron. At WDW the Tron merchandise is already tucked away in the corners of the shops, and much of it is discounted both there and online.

Quite odd for a movie that only came out yesterday.

I saw plenty of merchandise when I was there last weekend...but it was also very pricey...$34 for a hat!


Well-Known Member
The Friday night opening was approximately $18 million, that's decent, but if they were expecting Alice in Wonderland type numbers they're not going to come close. Expect $50-65 million for opening weekend, and under $200 million total domestic for these numbers. It's probably enough to get a sequel, but in less it takes off in the second weekend (which is possible), It probably won't be the mega hit they were hoping. The good thing is, the next major movie that may take a bit of Tron's box office is The Green Hornet and that doesn't come out until 1/14.

I would definitely not rule out a Tron attraction, but considering how much they promoted this movie, and the fact that it likely isn't going to reach Alice in Wonderland numbers has me thinking that a Tron attraction is less likely.


Well-Known Member
Yes, as of this week, all of the Tron merchandise was discounted at WDW -- I got a 54.00 Tron zip-up hoodie for 29.99 already.

By the way, this is off-topic, but the biggest selection of Tron merchandise is at the exit of Mission Space in the gift shop there.


Well-Known Member
I liked the film. Not a classic, but the original is almost unwatchable at this point. This new one was kinda clunky, but sometimes spectacular. Nothing to really love, nothing to really hate......

I think an attraction/environment would be just fine, but it really depends on how much money this makes. My thought is solid, but not spectacular.

Time will tell . . . .


Well-Known Member
I personally found that the movie was great, and that the flaws were in fact not only really subtle in many scenes, if you're talking about bad acting regarding one character, you literally missed the point of the character.

I agreee with you, I think there's some people who are just missing the point here. The actors were fine, espically Quorra, who was a really great character. It was a pretty cool story too, it will be interesting to see where they decide to take it in the next one.

Everyone seemed to have a good time at the Imax 3D theater where I saw it last night. I'd love to go see it again and to get a Tron attraction in the parks. There are certainly plenty of concepts from the film that would make a killer ride.


New Member
The Friday night opening was approximately $18 million, that's decent, but if they were expecting Alice in Wonderland type numbers they're not going to come close. Expect $50-65 million for opening weekend, and under $200 million total domestic for these numbers. It's probably enough to get a sequel, but in less it takes off in the second weekend (which is possible), It probably won't be the mega hit they were hoping. The good thing is, the next major movie that may take a bit of Tron's box office is The Green Hornet and that doesn't come out until 1/14.

I would definitely not rule out a Tron attraction, but considering how much they promoted this movie, and the fact that it likely isn't going to reach Alice in Wonderland numbers has me thinking that a Tron attraction is less likely.

Sure they can. Don't forget this is Christmas Break, the biggest two straight weeks of movie profiteering. Do I think they will get it? Who knows, but its not out of the question.

As for lowest performing and critic reviewed films getting attractions based on them, I would go with the teacups.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen the movie, but kinda want too. Haven't seen the original either and also kinda want to as well. But, I think if they made a thrilling E ticket similar to splash mt. or something, then they could get away with making a 'ride' after the movie. It would have to something major like E:E but loosely based on the movie. As long as it's thrilling then people will line up to ride it.


Judging from the fact that the movie will probably have trouble making a profit, I doubt we'll be seeing any TRON attractions.:dazzle:

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