Celebrity Encounters


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Original Poster
Does anyone have any fun celebrity encounters or sighting while at WDW? Whether you were a cast member or a guest, please share! I personally have none....

Also, do celebrities generally go in the front gates like everyone else? For some reason, I find that incredibly equalizing and lovely.


This is one of the most popular and reoccuring topics here. Type "celebrity" or "celebrities" or "celeb" into the search and you'll find pages and pages of stories.

Not saying that no one should reply here, but there's a lot of good ones from the past to look up if you're interested.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my first WDW vacation with my family back in March of 2005. We were at MGM Studios and getting ready to board RnRC when they made us step back and told us that we were going to have to wait for the next car. After doing this, they rushed this man and his family on to the next car from across the other side of the loading area where the CM's were standing. People were screaming and carrying on for some reason. I asked what was going on and they said it was Steven Tyler (lead singer of Aerosmith, for those who don't know) and his kids. Of course I didn't believe them and when we finally got off of our ride and were looking around in the gift shop at the end of the ride, who should happen to walk in surrounded by big security men; Steven Tyler. People are snapping pictures and carrying on again and I am thinking, WOW, they really go all out to sell the whole RnRC experience here. When I go up to pay for my DD's shirt, the lady at the counter asks me if I saw Steven Tyler in there and I said, "yeah, sure, whatever". She senses that I am not impressed for some reason and proceeds to tell me that it was the REAL Steven Tyler. And of course I still don't believe her and just figured that this fake Steven Tyler rides the ride every so often to make it look more realistic. A little while later, while waiting in line for ToT, there is this buzz going through the crowd. When I finally get up to a CM, I ask what all the commotion is about and he tells me that Steven Tyler was just there a little while ago with his two kids and rode the ToT.

The funniest thing is that I didn't believe that it was actually him until we returned home and I looked on their website. Sure enough, it said that Steven Tyler and his two kids were on vacation at WDW, more specifically MGM Studios, that same day we were in the park. Did I ever kick myself in the behind for not at least taking his picture when he came out of the ride tunnel. He was standing right behind me with his security guard, but of course I figured he was just some actor pretending to be Steven. Oh well, what can I do!!!!:shrug:


New Member
I have seen Leyton hewitt the tennis player in dlp he was admiring my sons pluto hat the one with the flooppy ears and then he tried one on he had crashed out of the paris open the day before he was with his wife rebecca and she used to be in Home and Away (australian soap) i saw her a few times she was trying to but a snow globe but at the time you couldnt take them home as hand luggage on the plane:)
Last April while at Animal Kingdom my family and I were walking in Dinoland USA and we saw Dylan and Cole Sprouse from Suite Life of Zack and Cody.


New Member
During our Honeymoon in March 2006, there was a man in the audience at Who Wants to be a Millionaire who was a dead ringer for Steve Martin. The host even called him out on it. The gentleman insisted he was not, in fact, Steve Martin, but he sure could have fooled me.


My wife and I went to MK yesterday evening to meet friends of hers down for vacation, and we ran into Dwayne Johnson a.k.a The Rock with his wife and kids.Guess he was on vacation too.


New Member
We were at WDW a few weeks after Titanic came out (what was it...1998?)....

We were on the street, watching a live show when Leonardo DiCaprio walked past right in front of us on the crowded sidewalk in Pleasure Island (with all his entourage). Not being a people watcher, I didn't even notice, but my friend sure did. At first I didn't believe her but then we kept hearing whispers of sightings all over WDW, including CM's talking at the hotel front desk.
I met Christy Romano at the MK in 03


Active Member
The Rock and his family were in front of us today while waiting to take our pic with Cinderella at CRT. I snuck a pic of him with Cinderella. Some parents were sending their kids up to him to sign their Disney autograph books, but I did not want to bother him.


New Member
My wife and I went to MK yesterday evening to meet friends of hers down for vacation, and we ran into Dwayne Johnson a.k.a The Rock with his wife and kids.Guess he was on vacation too.

Dwayne Johnson opened the new and improved Disaster formally known as earthquake at universal thats why he was in town so fair play he's cool:animwink:


Crazy Cat Lady
in AK on this past Sunday, I saw Joey Fatone and I'm guessing his daughter. I'm pretty sure they were getting off of Expedition Everest.


New Member
We were wondering through the WOL pavilion in Epcot (so this was obviously not too recent of a story). We had just exited Body Wars and as we were walking I was not looking forward, because I was eyeing my mother-in-law behind me since the ride had not agreed with her :hurl:. I walked smack into Vanessa Williams. I said, "Excuse me!!!......Vanessa Williams......"


Premium Member
I saw Jason Varitek of my beloved Rod Sox this past December at MK, and at MGM (it was still MGM when I went). Me being a huge Red Sox fanatic was thrilled at this!


Active Member
My wife and I went to MK yesterday evening to meet friends of hers down for vacation, and we ran into Dwayne Johnson a.k.a The Rock with his wife and kids.Guess he was on vacation too.

The Rock was in town to help with the media opening of Disaster over at Universal and said he was spending the week in town with his kids.


Active Member
President Carter came into Tusker House with what I believe was his family and a few men in dark suits. I believe this was during our July '02 trip.


We saw John Stamos at Epcot in October. He was walking around with some friends and a personal CM guide. I had to stop my wife from turning into paparazzi Hehe. Not really, bu I didn't want her to just keep photoing him. I'm sure he was just like us, trying to enjoy his vacation. We kept running into him most of the way around World Showcase.


Well-Known Member
In Dec. 2001, my brother and sister saw John Stamos and Rebecca Romjin (while they were still married) in Fantasyland (don't remember where I was). I was bummed about it, until the next day at MGM when I finally saw them in front of GMR. They had some kids (nieces and nephews probably), and looked like they were having a blast.

On the trip I won to DL in March/April 2006, my mom, dad, and sister saw Jaime Lee Curtis in Tomorrowland (I was using my FP for Space Mountain, darn), and I saw Brad Garrett a few minutes later in front of City Hall.

At the end of July (just before training camp) I saw Ben Roethlisberger in DTD (right in front of the Lego store). I was walking toward Ghirardelli and he was headed toward PI. I almost walked into him, and I froze, as I realized I knew this guy. In the two seconds it took me to register who exactly it was (of course, after is when I see his Steelers hat), he was gone.

When my brother and best friend from HS were CPs in 1999, they saw a bunch. My brother loaded Doug Flutie onto Skyway and saw Drew Carey at MGM. My friend rode the monorail with Sigourney Weaver and loaded Harrison Ford onto Space Mountain. While they were working, they were very specifically told they could not talk to celebrities or anything. It's a shame, because Flutie was playing in Buffalo at the time, and he was always friendly to people here...I'm sure he would have been really nice to my brother (I'm surprised my brother knew who he was! We're twins (boy/girl), and I'm the one who turned out to be the sports freak :)).

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