Celebrities seen at WDW


Active Member
i couldnt imagine being a celebrity at wdw. i mean i know in their regular day life they get approached by fans and a lot of them are very nice, but in disney world i dont think i could do it! if i was a celebrity i would probably come across as a jerk because i would want to be enjoying the park and not responding to people! but then again im not a celebrity and never will be so who knows how i would act...
While I was staying at the Grand Floridian in October 1990 I saw movie actor Burt Lancaster.

I was in the concierge lounge having continental breakfast when the hostess pointed him out to me. He was filming a movie with Sidney Poitier at Disney/MGM studios at the time and was staying at the GF, the movie was titled "Separate but equal." He was alone, sitting at a table eating and reading the paper, it was obvious to me he was trying to keep a low profile. He was dressed rather shabby, in wrinkled old clothes and he was wearing a hat pulled low over his brow. Instead of blending in he actually stood out like a sore thumb. I candidly took some video of him, pretending to video the concierge lounge. I wanted to respect his privacy so I didn't dare take any still photos or ask for an autograph. He got up to get something from the food table and as he returned to his spot, my father-in-law yelled at him "hey sport...your going to drop your bagel!" He didn't know who it was he was yelling at. It seemed people in the lounge began noticing who he was and he must have sensed it. He got up and went to the elevator rather briskly and waited. The elevator doors opened but he didn't enter until the doors were just closing. He wanted to be sure not to be caught alone with someone in the car. He had a massive stroke the next month and died a few years later. He was from hollywood's golden age of movie actors and an academy award winner, his like won't be seen again, I wonder if I would of worked up the courage to ask, if he would of signed and autograph for me?


Well-Known Member
In November of 06 we were walking through AK and up from one of the side paths walked Roy Disney! I was so excited and I kept telling my DH (fiance at the time - this was the trip he proposed!) that's Roy Disney! They were filming something and he was walking and talking with a guy from the channel 10 down there. No one really knew who he was. Everyone kept asking who he was so I had to tell everyone who asked and yet they still didnt really know who he was. :brick: I wanted to follow him and get a picture with him but I didnt want to be a "stalker". So I just started snapping pics of him. :D I went online when I got home to the NBC station down there and found the video and saw myself on it!


New Member
On my last trip I saw Neil Patrick Harris - he walked right in front of me and I got to shake his hand at the AK. That same day at the AK Joey Fatone and his wife, kid and some others were walking into the Yak and Yeti restaurant. I also saw Kelly (from Reigis and Kelly) with two of her sons and her parents going on the Mexico ride, they were on the boat right in front of us! It was pretty exciting!
On another trip I saw Joey Lawrence at MGM and the kid who plays the older brother on Boy Meets World. He was sitting right next to me at one of the bars on the Boardwalk. I love seeing famous people at Disney World, it's pretty cool!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I saw Steven Tyler from Aerosmith get on RnRC (of all rides) back in March of 2005. We were next in line to get on when the CM told us we would have to wait for the next one. Just then, Tyler and his kids and their entourage stepped into the limo from the other side of the track and away they went. When we were done the ride and in the store at the end looking for our ride picture, he walked out and exited right behind us. The funny thing is, I didn't believe it was actually him because of the blatantly obvious - Steven Tyler just HAPPENS to be at WDW the same time as me riding HIS ride. Everywhere we went that day in DHS, people kept claiming to see Steven Tyler. I didn't actually believe it was him until we got home and I went to Aerosmith's website and it said Steven was on vacation with his two younger kids in Florida for the week. It even said he was going to WDW. :brick:


Last June, in World Showcase, Uma Thurman and her kids were walking right next to me. A lady asked to have her picture taken with her but was told (quite rightly) by Uma 'Not right now, I'm busy with my kids'.


New Member
About 4 years ago we noticed a large group waiting on the exit dock at It's a Small World. The group was large enough that we had trouble getting onto the platform when getting out of our boat. The group then got onto the next two boats that offloaded.

I couldn't see who was in either of the boats before they disappeared into the ride so we waited near the line to see who it was when they came back around at the end of the ride. When the boats reappeared there, in the middle of the second boat wearing a royal purple velvet suit, was James Brown. This was a hot early May day but he looked so cool sitting in the middle of the boat, surrounded by his entourage, in his velvet suit. The picture I took is one of my favorites...

Can you share? I think we would all enjoy seeing that!


Well-Known Member
Bruce & Demi (back when they were still "Bruce & Demi")
Kristi Yamaguchi
Diane Keaton
Jason Alexander (from Seinfeld, not Britney's)
William Shatner


Active Member
Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) was directly in front of us in line to meet Cinderella at CRT this past January. It was funny because I recognized him without even seeing his face. I whispered to my husband that this guy in front of me sure is tall...he looks like The Rock.....but he was facing forward for the longest time and I could not see his face! But he finally turned around and sure enough it was him.
Then a few kids started to come up to him asking him to sign their Disney autograph books.
The CM that was with him asked him if it was bothering him and if he would like to be taken to the front of the line, and he said no. I thought it was pretty cool that he and his family waited in line with everyone else....and he was so nice to the kids asking for autographs.



Well-Known Member
Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) was directly in front of us in line to meet Cinderella at CRT this past January. It was funny because I recognized him without even seeing his face. I whispered to my husband that this guy in front of me sure is tall...he looks like The Rock.....but he was facing forward for the longest time and I could not see his face! But he finally turned around and sure enough it was him.
Then a few kids started to come up to him asking him to sign their Disney autograph books.
The CM that was with him asked him if it was bothering him and if he would like to be taken to the front of the line, and he said no. I thought it was pretty cool that he and his family waited in line with everyone else....and he was so nice to the kids asking for autographs.

*drool* :slurp:


Active Member
My fiancee and I were at Animal Kingdom in September 07, and were about to watch Finding Nemo the musical when Shane Lynch and Stephen Gateley sat down in front of us.

For our non-UK friends, they were/are both members of an Irish boyband called Boyzone. They were happy to pose for this photo :D

I actually got to hang out with Wayne Newton and his entourage a few years back at 8-Trax in PI...what a great time!!! My bro-in-law at the time and me were in town to watch some spring training baseball, and we were at PI for the nightlife...we were people watching on the upper deck of 8-Trax, and up comes this group of people with the VIP cast member escorts...

We argued for a few minutes as to whether or not it was him...and sure enough, it was...I ended up drinking and dancing with his sister-in-law...she even gave me her phone #!!! (I'm a stud, what can I say)...

When he got up to leave at the end of the night we got to meet and shake hands with him, etc...it was a blast!!


I've seen quite a few over the years.

One time I saw LeAnne Rymes on Big Thunder Mountain. They decided to take a second ride, so they just stayed in the train, but they accidently opened the gates anyway, so I could've got on if I wanted to. But I didn't realize it until after the train left. :lol:

I also saw John Stamos at Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland (he took the boat I was supposed to get on).

I saw John Stamos in World Showcase last October.


New Member
My family was at the World last June and we saw Jamie Deen (Paula's son)and his family at Epcot and then again at AK. It was neat to see someone that we see on tv on Food Network. My 8 yr. old daughter noticed him first. :)


Well-Known Member
About 4 years ago we noticed a large group waiting on the exit dock at It's a Small World. The group was large enough that we had trouble getting onto the platform when getting out of our boat. The group then got onto the next two boats that offloaded.

I couldn't see who was in either of the boats before they disappeared into the ride so we waited near the line to see who it was when they came back around at the end of the ride. When the boats reappeared there, in the middle of the second boat wearing a royal purple velvet suit, was James Brown. This was a hot early May day but he looked so cool sitting in the middle of the boat, surrounded by his entourage, in his velvet suit. The picture I took is one of my favorites...
Well, you know you have to share the picture now. Now that you've talked about it, you have to show it. :):):)


In March, during ESPN the Weekend, I was hanging out with my friend waiting for the rest of our party to get off Astro Orbiter, when we saw Joey Fatone and Jonathan Silverman. Then Tony Gonzalez from the Kansas City Chiefs came up and started talking with them.


New Member
We too saw Steven Tyler from Aerosmith in March 2005, but we saw him at Animal Kingdom on the Dinosaur ride. The entourage entered from the exit, and we waited for him to come back out. There were only a couple of people who recognized him so it was very low key. I took a picture of his "picture" on the t.v. screen but it's kind of fuzzy, but still cool. He stood beside me at the t.v. screens and was a lot skinnier than I could have imagined. My 10 year old daughter was most impressed with his skull earrings!! They left the same way they came and disappeared through a back gate by the exit. It was a real thrill as Aerosmith is one of my favourite bands.


New Member
In March, during ESPN the Weekend, I was hanging out with my friend waiting for the rest of our party to get off Astro Orbiter, when we saw Joey Fatone and Jonathan Silverman. Then Tony Gonzalez from the Kansas City Chiefs came up and started talking with them.

Tony's the man - from a diehard Chiefs fan. :sohappy:


God bless the "Ignore" button.
About 10 years ago we were checking into our offsite hotel at the same time that N'Sync was coming in and their henchman was checking in. I don't know if they went to WDW, but this was when they were REALLY big.

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