Trip Report Celebrating my inner ninja WDW style with Disney Friends!!

Hey there readers!this trip includes many friends some of which didn't even know that they were tagging along or would be mentioned.This trip had its up and downs but when we were down we didn't down too long and it is for that reason that I am titling this TR after the song"My Inner Ninja" because many of the lyrics apply to this trip,also I'm hoping to get hubby to make a video with some of the pics and including the song, anytime I use a reference to the song it will be in
green like thisI will introduce people as they appear along the way.THe first day I wrote things as a diary sort of style so if I say "now I'm doing this" it means I was doing that at the time and not now in real time,okay let's get started.

Dear Disney Diary.....
Finally it's sorta trip day! Today I got up,did the dishes(so hubby wouldn't have to),walked my dog and got ready to go to Buffalo.( I didn't take any pics while with the fam because I wanted to be in the moment with them before parting ways for a few days.
Luckily there was no wait at the border so that was good.We drove to Walden Galleria Mall and had lunch at Bravo,BEST CHICKEN PARM EVER!!
I needed to buy some new unders so I went to do that and I also took Hailey to Pottery Barn Kids because I wanted to buy a travel seat for her 18 inch doll(you'll see that soon)If I wasn't going to Disney I could've very easily emptied my wallet in there!
When we got done at the mall we went to check in at The Quality Inn across from the Buffalo Airport,where we waited what seemed like half a lifetime for our room to be ready(or at least it felt that way)

(Hailey had found a red straw in the food area and said it was her doll's licorice)

She waited with my building managers daughters while I got us checked in ( I planned their trip for them and they were coming at the same time and staying at the same resort...good idea? or bad idea? )

Hailey and Kailey ,my managers 13 yr old


my building managers name is Jamie for future reference ,because it's easier to just call her by her name,you'll see a pic of her later though.Finally my room was ready (Jamie's was not yet) me n the fam went off to Walmart to buy some last minute items for the trip and then things got a little hairy between hubby and I so that wasn't fun.He and Riley dropped us back at the hotel n they left for home.Hailey and I went to McDonalds for dinner

she was so cute and kept saying that she loved me and that I was her fave and not to be sad because we would have fun together,kids are awesome!Just then my phone rang it was hubby calling from the border,in all my stress of the room taking forever n then arguing with him I had given him my passport and I had his YIKES!!!!This wasn't starting off well at all.He came back to get his passport and give me mine which was good because we got to make up before the trip,I felt better leaving with things on better terms.and Jamie's younger daughter came to my room to hang out with Hailey and i while we watched this on tv.....

I noticed that somebunny was watching us through the window,creepy?Maybe but not when it's this cute!

So precious I want one!!please Mom can i Can I???

We caught the tail end of A Bug's Life too so i guess family was having a pixar day??I made arrangements for a 4 am shuttle to the airport n texted some Dis friends.I'm gonna cuddle up with Hailey after I set my alarm.then soon i'll be back to write more.

Okay well I tried very hard to sleep but just couldn't because someone was snoring(rolls eyes)

What?can you honestly tell me that you thought I would go to The Happiest place On Earth and not take my DisBff?ofcourse not!!! for those of you who don't know or have been hiding under a rock thats none other than oopsidaisy from THe she came along too!I wish i could be in 2 places at once,watching the Incredibles must have rubbed off on her and brought out her own superpowers.we watched more tv and although we didn't have any popcorn we DID have Corn pops!!

so it was allright./SIZE]



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Okay so we were leaving Dinoland and it was decided that we'd go see what time the next Nemo show was at,I had no idea what time it even was at this point because my phone was burried in the bottom of my purse and I didn't care to dig it out.Sometimes not knowing the time is good it helps you sorta be in the moment ya know? So I was ready to do just that.The Nemo show wasn't until 3 ish which I knew but didn't think it was already past the 1 pm mark so I figured i'd come back to it later.I was asking Jamies group what they wanted to do next,I figured we had only 1 other thing that H and I wanted to do in the mean time so it was up to them.I gave them every option I could think of and then I died because these are the words I heard...........please be seated because this might make you convulse!!!......."oh we don't care we just came here to walk and like look at things we don't need to do anything" WHAT??? you spent all this money just to look at things? Yes disney is beautiful but let's be sensible here people!!!!!Okay so then I decided if they wanted to just look at things they could look at me riding rides n having fun LOL.

let's look at this

and that

or this

then they decided they didn't want to look but they would ride too well oh my gosh it's a miracle so what did I do?

"I climbed the highest mountain"

There doesn't appear to be any track!!

haha little Tessa was loving it

I was really surprised that Hailey agreed to ride it again though because after her face and the way she felt the last time I didn't think i'd ever get her on it again,but I guess she changed her mind about it or did she?

hmmm not too far off from last time's pic.She burried her head in my side at the sight of the yeti.

before too long it was over and I went to take a pic or two ,I'm hoping that someday I'll have someone with me that can take a pic of me on it but then how will they know which train I'm in ,so I don't know how that'll work but it was worth a thought right?

Up next was Khali river rapids ( well after someone got their cancer fix,sorry not sorry I feel strongly about smoking but that's my opinion and it doesn't have to be yours )

it was hot out like I'm talkin Africa hot out,so we needed cooling off in a bad way and the whole time I just kept hoping please please please let me be the one to get the worst of it cause I needed it,meanwhile some people were wearing ponchos I will never understand that why ride a water ride if ure afraid of getting wet?
I don't get it but okay moving on.....Anyways H had never been on khali before so I was excited for her to try it out .

Oh and guess what? MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! I got it bad I was drenched and it felt amazing!!!I can't even express to you just how good it in that moment nothing else mattered,it was seriously THAT GOOD,I loved it!!!That is until i touched my hair and it felt like slimey almost WHAT IS IN THAT WATER????? EWWWWWWWWWWWWW I didn't care that my hair was no longer styled and I looked like a rediculous mess BUT my hair was greasy from that water like it was disgusting.I knew then that I'd go do the safari since i promised H we'd see giraffes and then we'd leave because I had a hot dinner date and I definately needed time to shower first. so here's H after the ride

oh n we passed this

the littles



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Then it was time for Kilimanjaro.

everyone knows what this looks like and everyone has ten million pics of it so I decided I wasn't going to put a bunch in here they pretty much all look the same as anyother time BUT Hailey told me that maybe you all came to see giraffes too! So I have to show you the giraffes for her of course

yep i took a few pics of them for sure because H wants them in her own photo album,my girls have lots of scrapbooks that i've made them but they each have their own photo album with stuff they like so that they can look at those whenever they want and rearrange them and she was set on having giraffes in her book!WE didn't any zebras though and we were hoping to but hopefully next time,also I don't see em in my pics but there were deer out by the giraffes and I had never seen that before.We did see lots of other animals though and the sleeping Lion of course,but I was ready to get out of there n hit the shower.Not before stopping to do this though.......

that was fun and I'm proud to say i've still got it LOLhahaha who am i kidding I didn't bother because i know from last summer that I don't still got it

so we went back to AOA i had a shower n let me tell you if I thought i felt good after Khali it was nothing compared to being clean!!We changed our clothes n it was then that I realised I was slowly becoming a lobster.we went to wait for the bus and of course the others who were supposed to meet us at 5 and we got there at 4:50 n they showed up around 5:15 but whatevs! I was over it,we got on a bus oh but wait you need the waiting shot

awe I love her!!!

we took the bus to mk and then hopped on a monorail,let me just say...

Dear monorail ,
you had me at por favor
complete Me!

AHHHHH Monsters U WHAT????

look how excited H was to be reunited with our fave mode of transportation

WE got to our destination with plenty of time to spare which was good so we looked in 2 gift shops and bought Riley a mystery vinylmation ( thats what we call the ones that you can't see into the box) and then went to sit and wait for the arrival of our guest of honour.Sadly I missed out on seeing her the last time so I was excited and nervous to see her now,because as nutty as I am sometimes I'm shy when I first meet someone and sometimes I'm just completely off the wall nuts.i was glad to be sitting n waiting this time because it was the first time we'd meet and i was worried like what if she was there n i was the one walking up n like i tripped or something .Have you ever noticed how if 1 person is waiting for someone else they watch u walk up to them,well I feel like if i'm the one walking up it needs to be flawless because everyones watching,like it needs to be the perfect walk with the perfect hair flip and worthy of an academy award or something,but then i get all geeky n nervous n ruin it big time LOL I have just as much anxiety from that as I did when I was younger and i knew a boy was watching me walk away .Now if you're wondering where I went or where I was let me give you a I was sitting and waiting I watched the monorail go right through the building GASP!!!! Not just any monorail though it was The Iron man one,cool huh? I know absoloutely nothing about Iron Man


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Yay! I got a chance to come on and read!!! I can't wait to until you post H's pic of me and her :D hahaha.

I hate when people don't listen to what you told them. Like told them for a Listen!

Sounds like you two had a grand ol time at Animal Kingdom...Mike and I didn't make it all...oh well something to do for next time! :D Can't wait to read more!!!!! <3


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Yay! I got a chance to come on and read!!! I can't wait to until you post H's pic of me and her :D hahaha.

I hate when people don't listen to what you told them. Like told them for a Listen!

Sounds like you two had a grand ol time at Animal Kingdom...Mike and I didn't make it all...oh well something to do for next time! :D Can't wait to read more!!!!! <3

Yep I'm almost at the point that Shelley shows up n then later that night i see you n Mike Yayyyyyy <3


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Hi Everyone i'm here sorry it's been awhile but i'm here now (lots going on lately but I'll be okay)

Sooooooo there I was in the contemporary waiting for my good friend shelley @Fashionista007 to arrive and she did YAYYY,I didn't have any doubts though I knew she was coming ,I just felt bad that her hubby wasn't feeling well and would no longer be joining us,but we made the most of it n had a fun girls dinner.I had been really nervous because i get shy when I first meet someone sometimes but i had been talking to shelley for quite a while on one of the forums n we've been facebook friends for over a year so it was all good .She gave me a big hug n we walked on in ,got our pic taken and were seated in no time at all.The first visitor to our table was Minnie Mouse <3

Hailey was happy to see her and Shelley was too!!

Then we went to get food n i just put little bits of stuff on my plate without any certain plan of attack lol

I thought all Disney mac n cheese was supposed to be the same but this was in a whole doifferent league than the mac n cheese at PORS which is like the best ever,sorry Chef Mickey your mac is just meh!!! then Mickey came by

Hailey thought it was so cool that Mickey made time to step away from all that cooking to come see us ,I love the fact that she still believes that him and his pals all cook this food! Goofy was next to visit

we had to get a pic for Riley because she loves Goofy,and Hailey's godfather also loves Goofy so I need to find them each a cute frame for it ,if anyone has any ideas of where to get a cute Goofy frame let me know k thanks


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the view from our table

Then the celebration song came on and I was trying to get H to join in the fun n twirl her napkin with Shelley and I ,so here we are 2 grown women twirling our napkins and having a total blast then there's miss Hailey who wants to please us but is too busy with her mashed potatoes to fully get into it,I'm sure it made for quite a scene lol,but here u be the judge LOL

I love it!!!

I wasn't feeling Chef Mickey's so much this time so I didn't eat much but wanted dessert so I finally got my first taste of oreo bon bons(check that off my list,yes I have a list of certain Disney specialty food items and when I've tried them) So if anyone has suggestions on what snacks I should try let me know.Maybe at the end of this I'll get a pic of my list if anyone wants to see it.

please excuse that chocolate whatever it was bread pudding mess it wasn't good but the bon bons did not disapoint

Donald came by shortly after and he was fun as always

followed by H's fave Pluto who was loving her just as much as she loves him

I used to love Chef Mickey's back in the day but the food just isn't what it used to be or at least not for me.I think shelley liked it though.I don't hate it but I'm not in any hurry to go back.I had a great time meeting Shelley she was super sweet and I really hope I get to see her again in november.She left and H and i met back up with Jamies crew n got on monorail red.

my view of the G-Flo

I kinda like the reflection of the monorail windows being in it.

and then we got off at Mk to catch the bus back to AOA



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We were supposed to go to DHS and meet up with Alicia from the boards who was working with her good friend Pluto at the dance Party but H was sleepy and I didn't wanna push her too far so AOA it was.We got back to the room and watched some Stacey of course!!!H got her second wind so we hit up the ariel pool for a bit

after that I was hungry again so we decided to split on a shrimp alfredo and again not as good as the one you get at PORS,I didn't realise how much I missed that place n the yummy food!!! hmmmmm might have to plan a trip there oh I don't know October 2014 sounds good hint hint nudge nudge you know who you are!!!

I was getting tired n H was beyond ready for bed but when she asked why I wasn't going to bed I had told her that a very special friend was coming to visit,she knew right away who it was because we had been talking for months about how we were gonna see her at Disney,my good friend Jess was there because she had just gotten married and was on the last full day of her Honeymoon there. @PartOfYourWorld Hailey decided she was going to stay up and wait for Jess too,she gave it her all but with being up since 2 am and only having a short nap on the plane she just didn't make it.I wanted her to know that Jess really did come by to see us though so we got some pics blurry but still cute!

love this....

It was so good to see her again ( you may remember her from my last TR) but I really really miss her now
hopefully we will be in Disney at the same time again some day.I loved getting to meet her hubby and I'm sure he'll take great care of her for me! They hung out n talked for a while and we had some good laughs,it was really nice to be in Disney seeing my friends because at home I don't get to see them since we live so far away from each other.I have always loved Disney but I find that now that I've got friends there too it just makes the experience that much better.I love meeting new people especially when they're Disney people!! So if any of my readers out there are ever in Disney at the same time as me please don't hesitate to say hello.



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hahahaha I love these pics!!!!! :) Bummed I didn't get to actually talk to her, but these pics came out hilarious. LOL cracks me up.

It was so nice to sit and talk with you and have some good laughs. can't wait until we're down there together again! :)


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Okay so just a little tidbit about that night when we were back at MK waiting for a bus to AOA jamie gave me the what for,you know when someone is a jerk but tries to do it in a nice tone but you know they are being condesending? well yeah it was like that....anyways I was pretty mad because I feel like when people are doing that they seriously think I don't get it or don't really realise what they are trying to do and I'm not very good at hiding my emotions so I just didn't say anything because I knew if I did I'd lose my cool completely.I wanted so badly to tell her that she had no business getting mad at me because I'm not the one who made her wait all the time and I'm also not the one who got on a bus n took off when someone told me not to.Do you even know why she was mad? Oh this makes me laugh now she was mad because when my friend showed up to dinner,she didn't "hear me" say goodbye to her as I headed into Chef Mickey's really?? that's funny because she waved at me but whatever!!! Oh my blood was boiling and it took everything in me to hold it in at that point.So all this brings me to a point......The next morning we woke up later than expected so i text Jamie n told her to go on without us 1) because I didn't wanna be around her right now and 2) because I didn't want to make her wait or have to worry about getting separated n then listen to her go off on me,because honestly at this point I wouldn't have been able to hold anything back.I'm sorry if this sounds like too much negativity but this is the real scoop people and I promise it does get better later on.Anyway I was under the impression that she got my text and was on her way but,i didn't get a response n at this point i didn't really expect I went into the gift shop to buy H some new crocs because her runners were bothering her feet the day before.

then we headed outside hopped on the Mk bus and were off Hooray!! As soon as we got off the bus I could see the crowds and I wanted to die,I don't know bout any of youse guys (haha see what i did?) but this was far too many people for me and if we didn't have an appointment I would've turned right back around.

We got through bag check and i was trying to get a pic of the Iron Man monorail n jamie's mother jumped infront of me so I couldn't get it,I'm pretty sure I snarled at this point,then I tried again 3-4 more times n every time she did it again,it felt like I was in grade school dealing with a bully that just snatched my lunch bag n was holding it high over their head n i couldn't reach,man was I irritated so guess who never got a pic of it at all? yeah so not impressed.They followed us in and to the Emporium.



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Anyways after what went down the night before i really wanted to get away and have my own day with Hailey,but i tried to be a good sport

Then I went fangirl crazy with all the Monsters U stuff 9little did I know the hype was too high for this one,and it was just okay for me)

H decided that all the monsters needed girlfriends so here she is readjusting the displays lol

we saw this Duffy n it really made miss my ry



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Then it was time to try on hats

( i'm liking this look and think we need to try growing her hair out)

Then I saw this display which made me think of Dayna HI DAYNA !!!

I just took random pics

at one point I almost lost Jamies group as we ventured through that strip of shops but then they found me again awe shucks! Then I lost them again later and I wanted to start singing FReedom by George Michael

we wandered over the bridge by CP and towards Liberty square because I had a mission this morning but first i saw someone very special n had to get a pic for my friend Rebecca

Then I took this pic because well I mean you just have to



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So as I was saying before my disney castle ADD kicked in I had a very important date with a disney snack I had yet to try,and i thought why not go all out n add 2 to the list while i was at it.(yes i have a list and I write the year beside each item when i try them,if anyone wants to see pics of the list let me know)So my snacks for the mission included an iced coffee float and the Nutella fruit waffle from Sleepy Hollow ( sadly I didn't get half way through the coffee float)

you have no idea how heavenly that is!!! or do you? Anyways it was in this moment that I remembered the song that so perfectly goes with this TR

"Never dwell in the dark cause the sun always rises"

so yep it was a great little breakfast just me n my bird whispereer n I wasn't gonna let the gloom crew wreck that.Now here's a pic of my little bird whisperer and I know ure thinking they r just bugging for food ,but we never gave them any n they still hung out,plus back home when are waiting for a bus H will sing n dance and birds come from all directions n just watch her as if she's a real Disney Princess

then we set off in this direction......

yes I know I coulda went a different way but I love the Adventureland music!!! PLus we had to hit POTC and see my boyfriend because ,that so needed to happen RIGHT NOW!!!

H in her before shot

i didn't take any pics on POTC cause i knew we'd ride it again after the appointment.


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A certain little princess was going to transform before my very eyes into a mermaid once again,we got to the pirates league just in time

but first we saw Tessa n Kailey getting made over

Then it was Hailey's turn,I did her hair in a way that they could still use their clip but didn't want them to do her hair because i knew it would just fall out,she has the finest baby hair ever still!!

I wish they weren't so blurry

THen we went to my home because I had to see MY MAN AGAIN!!!

( wants to say a non child friendly joke but won't) ........



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Hey everyone sorry i haven't been around much and i'm sad to say it's going to be a while more before i update because I'm having surgery tomorrow BUT i promise once i am feeling better i will get back here n get things moving thanks for understanding :)

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