Trip Report Celebrating my inner ninja WDW style with Disney Friends!!

Hey there readers!this trip includes many friends some of which didn't even know that they were tagging along or would be mentioned.This trip had its up and downs but when we were down we didn't down too long and it is for that reason that I am titling this TR after the song"My Inner Ninja" because many of the lyrics apply to this trip,also I'm hoping to get hubby to make a video with some of the pics and including the song, anytime I use a reference to the song it will be in
green like thisI will introduce people as they appear along the way.THe first day I wrote things as a diary sort of style so if I say "now I'm doing this" it means I was doing that at the time and not now in real time,okay let's get started.

Dear Disney Diary.....
Finally it's sorta trip day! Today I got up,did the dishes(so hubby wouldn't have to),walked my dog and got ready to go to Buffalo.( I didn't take any pics while with the fam because I wanted to be in the moment with them before parting ways for a few days.
Luckily there was no wait at the border so that was good.We drove to Walden Galleria Mall and had lunch at Bravo,BEST CHICKEN PARM EVER!!
I needed to buy some new unders so I went to do that and I also took Hailey to Pottery Barn Kids because I wanted to buy a travel seat for her 18 inch doll(you'll see that soon)If I wasn't going to Disney I could've very easily emptied my wallet in there!
When we got done at the mall we went to check in at The Quality Inn across from the Buffalo Airport,where we waited what seemed like half a lifetime for our room to be ready(or at least it felt that way)

(Hailey had found a red straw in the food area and said it was her doll's licorice)

She waited with my building managers daughters while I got us checked in ( I planned their trip for them and they were coming at the same time and staying at the same resort...good idea? or bad idea? )

Hailey and Kailey ,my managers 13 yr old


my building managers name is Jamie for future reference ,because it's easier to just call her by her name,you'll see a pic of her later though.Finally my room was ready (Jamie's was not yet) me n the fam went off to Walmart to buy some last minute items for the trip and then things got a little hairy between hubby and I so that wasn't fun.He and Riley dropped us back at the hotel n they left for home.Hailey and I went to McDonalds for dinner

she was so cute and kept saying that she loved me and that I was her fave and not to be sad because we would have fun together,kids are awesome!Just then my phone rang it was hubby calling from the border,in all my stress of the room taking forever n then arguing with him I had given him my passport and I had his YIKES!!!!This wasn't starting off well at all.He came back to get his passport and give me mine which was good because we got to make up before the trip,I felt better leaving with things on better terms.and Jamie's younger daughter came to my room to hang out with Hailey and i while we watched this on tv.....

I noticed that somebunny was watching us through the window,creepy?Maybe but not when it's this cute!

So precious I want one!!please Mom can i Can I???

We caught the tail end of A Bug's Life too so i guess family was having a pixar day??I made arrangements for a 4 am shuttle to the airport n texted some Dis friends.I'm gonna cuddle up with Hailey after I set my alarm.then soon i'll be back to write more.

Okay well I tried very hard to sleep but just couldn't because someone was snoring(rolls eyes)

What?can you honestly tell me that you thought I would go to The Happiest place On Earth and not take my DisBff?ofcourse not!!! for those of you who don't know or have been hiding under a rock thats none other than oopsidaisy from THe she came along too!I wish i could be in 2 places at once,watching the Incredibles must have rubbed off on her and brought out her own superpowers.we watched more tv and although we didn't have any popcorn we DID have Corn pops!!

so it was allright./SIZE]



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hi okay real life update my surgery went well according to the doctor,I've been taking it easy and believe it or not I felt better the first week after than i did in the second hubby has to have surgery yet again so I'm hoping this doesn't become a pattern for us EEEK. Okay so on to the TR shall we?

When I last left off we had just ridden POTC well Hailey decided it was time to get on BTMRR so that's where we went next

and then me n my little mermaid were on n ready to go

I was just taking random shots to see what i would end up with

oh hey people

oh and we loved it it was so fun ,sometimes I don't think this ride gets enough credit. Oh and i almost forgot in keeping with our theme song here's a pic of hailey from a lil bit earlier

I broke the chains before they choked me out

oh and when we were going into big thunder the wait time was nuts so I got a pic when we came out

it was still very crowded on this day and I knew I'd never be coming back during this time of year it was just too much for me.I'm a big fan of personal space and there just wasn't any.From there we just wandered around a little bit and thats when Hailey became a Deputy for learning rope tricks......

She didn't want to wear her badge though so i did and she told me that i could be the sheriff( now whenever someone at home says anything snippy to me she gasps and tells them "you can't mouth off to the sheriff") tee hee I love it!!


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Hailey had a meltdown and didn't know what to do ,she was hot and overwhelmed and I knew that but she was being impossible to deal with so I told her that we'd go walk through mainstreet a bit until she cedided what to do,and that if she was on her best behaviour then she could choose to go anywhere but if she was difficult then I would choose for her so on we marched to Mainstreet USA,It's the heart of America the heartbeat of a holidayyyyyyyyy you see the greatest smiling faces up and down the street irt's remarkable how friendly all the people can be......

key words "ALL THE PEOPLE" or at least too many for me

This ain't no Barbara but she'll do for now I guess

oh and I had to get a pic of the ultimate addition to my home that i'll probaly never get

I'd be happy with even one piece of that set and I don't even care which one PLEASE SANTA!!!!!!!

and whats mainstreet without stopping here

I took this next picture for no apparent reason ( little did I know my mom had bought me the silicone mould to make them with and I ended up getting it for my birthday in June)

Suddenly someone didn't feel so well

and I should've known then to go back to the room but I though maybe a ride or change of pace for a bit would help sometimes she's ok with a short break so we headed out of MK but not to the resort( I was kicking myself for this later)


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yeah Hailey was not doing so well but we strolled over to the monorail

and into Epcot

we were on a monorail with some really annoying teen girls that kept doing those clapping/handslapping games and normally it would'nt bother me but it did because H needed quiet,but I guess that was my own fault for trying to push forward a bit.

This is when I heard the most rediculous thing lol you know how you pass spaceship earth twice on the monorail? well these girls were getting giddy bec ause they thought there were 2 of them n even argued over which "basll" they were going to go to first LOL yeah goodluck with that!

we got off the monorail and into the line for bag check when Hailey just sat on the ground like this

and then she had a seizure,now for her a seizure isn't the shaking kind but more of a black out stare off in space talk jibberish and not have a clue whats going on or where she is, and she gets very tired after.So now i felt like the worst parent ever but i knew I had to get her into a wheelchair because she would not make it back to wait for a bus so the best bet was to rent her a chair n just let her rest in that.If i had tried to make her walk to the bus stop n stand there it would be alot harder on her and she didn't want to anyways she said she just wanted the chair too so thats what we did.then set off to get her a cold drink at her fave pit stop

well that perked her up n got her feeling more like herself so I again asked her if she wanted to leave but nope she just wanted her chair so ok on we went

oh my love.....

One can never have enough spaceship earth pics I always say. it appears mousegear was our next stop

and H wanted to go see Figment,plus we had a little bit of time to kill before our ADr anyways

I tried to rotate that pic hopefully it works this time.

she liked that she could play from the chair ,and so did I because I didn't want her running around after the episode we had.



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Hey look it's my house!!! that's where I wish I could live off the land seriously though come on Disney let me move in dang it!!!

For the safety of my readers of course .....

okay you've all seen those pics about a million times so i'll just post the necessary mickeys

OMG then wouldn't ya know the ride ended we got off and suddenly I looked over to my right and I could hear Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes........"love lifts us up where we belong where the eagles cry on a mountain high love lifts us up where we belong far from the world below up where the clear winds blow...........

thats right folks I was re united with the best ride of my life,nothing looks ,smells or feels that good .Nope.Nothing.Not even that( I know what you're thinking)

and obviously it was nothing short of amazing but sadly it came to an end
and H wanted a snack so she got this

and next time you'll get to see our next destination :D


great to have u back, n as usual, a great report, especially for me as i havent had the pleasure of trying any of those places or rides yet. cat wait to read more!


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So Hailey had her cinnamon sugar overload pretzel and we headed to world showcase I had a plan in mind

see this big place across the water(hmmm oddly enough at home its across the water from me too) well i had my sights set on something over there

okay so where was I ? oh home right? Ofcourse what better place to start a mini adventure then from your home

hmmm this guy looks like your typical Niagara falls Summer tourist

and of course let's not forget the best fence in the history of fences ever!!

one day I need to catch this for longer than 5 minutes!

oh and how's this pic for a little bit of foreshadowing,stay tuned and you'll find out what I mean

getting closer



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I'm not sure why but this seems to be my go to location when I need to use the little girls room

had to get a pic of this fountain cause it reminded me of Riley

I needed something cold and refreshing but this time Japan wasn't the answer

Mitsukoshi shot because well I hear my froiend shelley is the mayor teehee

and my final destinatio in search of a mystery snack I had yet to try because I gotta cross new ones off the list each time right?

yep the snack of choice well more of a drink but its on my must try snack list is none other than THe American dream

Hailey and i shared which worked out quite well,because believe it or not its very filling,and definatelysomething I need to have again for my december trip with riley .if you haven't tried it you better get on it cause it's super yum!!!

Okay so then I had something to do in Italy,sort of a top secret mission if you will,well the kind thats only top secret until i decide to tell you lol,but on the way I saw the inventer of the homer drool........

thos things are bigger than the average human head I kid you not!!
OKay so if you've been paying attention you might remember that quite some time ago I mentioned that we had time to kill before a special ADR,well the time had come.I actually stopped in the shops in Italy and bought some ceramic coasters and a tea towel for Haileys godfather too.Now it was time to eat for real

oh n ya know how ya always see peples tr's that post light fixtures well I don't recall seeing this one yet and I really like it so I figured I'd post it in mine mm hm you're welcome

Hailey in her chair,pouting because It took more convincing than she'd hoped for me to agree to getting her a cherry coke(remember all the sugar she had already this day?)

our view out the window



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Can you guess what happened when I took the last pic of the view out the window? mmm well I suddenly felt very lonely lol

yep then of course this happened.....

so i drank that one n had the waiter get one in a to go cup for sleeping Beauty along with her salad I had ordered her

I ordered the prosciutto and Cantaloupe pizza and holy cow it was delicious!!!

and the waiter thought H was so cute so he asked if he could take her picture so I humoured him

and well if thats not a clue then I don't know what is so we made the decision to go ride this.....



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and my baby was awake as always ,why is it that everytime I think she needs rest we head back to the resort n she always wakes up on the darn bus

had to get a pic of this because thats where my Roo n I are going

ahhhh home at last ( I totally would've rather stayed in Epcot)

this one makes me laugh because clearly the exit is not where it says lol

we had a little creation waiting for us in our room

and it appears thats not all mousekeeping did while we were away they played too,or was it the toys???

somebody had an idea

but since we had swam at the Ariel pool we now had a different pool to try
so off we went passing by a few buildings along the way

and then we found the playground so of course we had to test it out right?


we were starting to have fun now that we weren't hanging out with the other crowd



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let's name the zones the zones the zones let's name the zones of the open seaaaaaaaaaaaa

I loved being in the whole Nemo area with Hailey it was perfect,not only for the obvious reasons but Nemo was Hailey's movie she used to watch it endlessly and say "mumma we watch mommo pwee" and so it was just fun to be doing something that had to do with Nemo but was a new memory for just the 2 of us,I'll never forget it and this was when the Disney magic set in on this trip

we went back to the room because i needed to watch some stacey of course n I had missed a bunch of texts so I was trying to get in contact with everyone that had msg'd me

and just when I thought we were done for the night and got into our comfies we found ourselves on another bus,going to meet a very special friend of mine. we had seen her on a previous trip but didn't get to hang out so when I found out she was at epcot and Hailey wasn't ready for bed because of her dinner time nap we hopped out in our comfies n got on a bus back to epcot,take a look at this sky it reminded me of a smiley.I think the Disney gods knew that things were lookin up n it was fun time for this trip

first we took a ride on spaceship earth

and even though its blurry whats a ride on SSE without a pic of everyones fave disco scientist,besides yua never know it might come in handy some day right?

omg hailey has a hand on top of her head lol

3 armed monster lol

for once i didn't end up in the snow with a broken arm ,and when we got back outside it was time for illuminations n we were stuck,so i text my friend @derelicte19 and told her we'd make our way to her once they were over



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I couldn't really figure out what the giant thing blocking most of my view was so I had to get one pic closer with some lighting to see it was Mike n sulley

then back to the illuminations to see the finale

we met up with darolyn and while her n her family rode maelstrom h and I went potty n got a snack,I think we split a fruit cup and it was nice getting to see Darolyn and her mom n meet her cousin,my next trip won't be the same without my magic ladies thats for sure but i'm hoping some other friends will make an appearance
we decided to go on test track together and although we failed to get a pic together I did take one of the wait to board

by this time it was time to go get some sleep so we left My love Epcot but not before getting pics of SSE

isn't she so purdy?



Active Member
Love the report so far! I think you are the first person I have seen on here who is also from Ontario!! Hailey is so cute- this is my first time reading on of your reports/posts and it is great to see her having such a good time in the World and be able to overcome her setbacks so quickly!


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Love the report so far! I think you are the first person I have seen on here who is also from Ontario!! Hailey is so cute- this is my first time reading on of your reports/posts and it is great to see her having such a good time in the World and be able to overcome her setbacks so quickly!

Oh yay another Ontarian where abouts are you? WElcome to my trip report :D *waves*


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So when we last left off I had gone to bed because my feet were dead and broken and it was overdue........So the next morning we got up n dressed

we took a bus to MGM and stood in line

See all these blue shirts?

well they were not alone.....

see told ya! They were big groups but they were pleasant so it was okay by me

EEk yucky looking sky

I don't know why i've never taken pics of those billboards,but I was on a mission to try n get some different pics when I could

Someday I will try out star wars weekends but not near memorial day I promise!!!



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we had a mission to get to Hailey's fave ride and so thats where we went first plus it helped us avoid the toy story crowds

trying to see if photobucket will co-operate n keep my photos rotated next time I'm gonna fix them all in windows gallery first grrrr this is irritating anyways yes we were at star tours and secretly hoping to be the rebel spy but no luck this time

I think I look pretty spiffy in my minnie ears n startours shades yup perfect combo LOL

Hailey in her star wars dress that grandma made her

do you remember the gloom n doom clouds we saw? well it rained while we were in Star tours because I came out n took this pic of gertie n the ground was all wet

i just wish i knew how to get these people out because I love this pic

Then we went and got photo pass pics which I have no idea where they went as they are no longer in my computer
and then we had a new mission to cross off another "snack" from my list which I will take a pic of tonight so I can post it here and you can all give me other ideas to add to it,asnyways heres where this mission took us

yep Tune in lounge was the destination for a pb n J milkshake to go ,holy cow was it ever good.Someone had posted a recipe on facebook but it was gross n tasted nothing like the real deal too jammy if thats not a word well it is now :P


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