Trip Report Celebrating my inner ninja WDW style with Disney Friends!!

Hey there readers!this trip includes many friends some of which didn't even know that they were tagging along or would be mentioned.This trip had its up and downs but when we were down we didn't down too long and it is for that reason that I am titling this TR after the song"My Inner Ninja" because many of the lyrics apply to this trip,also I'm hoping to get hubby to make a video with some of the pics and including the song, anytime I use a reference to the song it will be in
green like thisI will introduce people as they appear along the way.THe first day I wrote things as a diary sort of style so if I say "now I'm doing this" it means I was doing that at the time and not now in real time,okay let's get started.

Dear Disney Diary.....
Finally it's sorta trip day! Today I got up,did the dishes(so hubby wouldn't have to),walked my dog and got ready to go to Buffalo.( I didn't take any pics while with the fam because I wanted to be in the moment with them before parting ways for a few days.
Luckily there was no wait at the border so that was good.We drove to Walden Galleria Mall and had lunch at Bravo,BEST CHICKEN PARM EVER!!
I needed to buy some new unders so I went to do that and I also took Hailey to Pottery Barn Kids because I wanted to buy a travel seat for her 18 inch doll(you'll see that soon)If I wasn't going to Disney I could've very easily emptied my wallet in there!
When we got done at the mall we went to check in at The Quality Inn across from the Buffalo Airport,where we waited what seemed like half a lifetime for our room to be ready(or at least it felt that way)

(Hailey had found a red straw in the food area and said it was her doll's licorice)

She waited with my building managers daughters while I got us checked in ( I planned their trip for them and they were coming at the same time and staying at the same resort...good idea? or bad idea? )

Hailey and Kailey ,my managers 13 yr old


my building managers name is Jamie for future reference ,because it's easier to just call her by her name,you'll see a pic of her later though.Finally my room was ready (Jamie's was not yet) me n the fam went off to Walmart to buy some last minute items for the trip and then things got a little hairy between hubby and I so that wasn't fun.He and Riley dropped us back at the hotel n they left for home.Hailey and I went to McDonalds for dinner

she was so cute and kept saying that she loved me and that I was her fave and not to be sad because we would have fun together,kids are awesome!Just then my phone rang it was hubby calling from the border,in all my stress of the room taking forever n then arguing with him I had given him my passport and I had his YIKES!!!!This wasn't starting off well at all.He came back to get his passport and give me mine which was good because we got to make up before the trip,I felt better leaving with things on better terms.and Jamie's younger daughter came to my room to hang out with Hailey and i while we watched this on tv.....

I noticed that somebunny was watching us through the window,creepy?Maybe but not when it's this cute!

So precious I want one!!please Mom can i Can I???

We caught the tail end of A Bug's Life too so i guess family was having a pixar day??I made arrangements for a 4 am shuttle to the airport n texted some Dis friends.I'm gonna cuddle up with Hailey after I set my alarm.then soon i'll be back to write more.

Okay well I tried very hard to sleep but just couldn't because someone was snoring(rolls eyes)

What?can you honestly tell me that you thought I would go to The Happiest place On Earth and not take my DisBff?ofcourse not!!! for those of you who don't know or have been hiding under a rock thats none other than oopsidaisy from THe she came along too!I wish i could be in 2 places at once,watching the Incredibles must have rubbed off on her and brought out her own superpowers.we watched more tv and although we didn't have any popcorn we DID have Corn pops!!

so it was allright./SIZE]



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By now we were pretty over heated and in desperate need of a drink,I don't usually allow my kids pop but we were on vacay so whatevs and I figured we could have a drink on the porch while we waited to see the next show............

This was my first time seeing it so I took a bunch of pics,Let that be your warning if you're not a fan you can skip this section

we had a few quick sips each and then it was time to mosy on in

okay those heads on the wall made me seriously crave some Montanas do you guys have those in your area?They are awesome!! ( this could be some foreshadowing)


I had a few good giggles through the show but the very best part was when Hailey saw these next performers and said"WHAT? They have manlady bears here?" The whole theatre was laughing so hard and I could hear other people telling their company what she said which of course was followed by more laughing,oh geez she's so funny sometimes!



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I know it gets alot of flack but i really enjoyed The Country Bears and can't wait to take Ry I know she'll love it too.It was getting close to our meeting time with our friends that live in Florida so we headed out by train to the front of the park

we never did go check out this area but thats ok I'll leave that for ry

aew man we forgot to ride these babies!!

we left mk n hopped the monorail to the Poly

It's beautiful

oh heres my chocolate covered pineapple that i had to get before I left Mk I also grabbed cookies and treats for my florida fam <3

the question was where was I going was it here?

or here?



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If you guessed Kona ding ding ding you win!!!

Here's H and Z -aka my Bff lol when we went to the world in 2011 my friend Beth n her fam joined us for the first days ,that was the first time we had met in person and Z instantly became my little BFF,she's such a doll and i love this little princess as if she was my own.

here's a pic of Beth,L and hubby Doug,who u may see me refer to as fresh which is half of his nickname that I've known since 2009 when I met them on a game i used to play online.

Beth's drink that she ordered for the glow cube after I ordered a cube for mycherry coke because H likes to play with them in the pool

in the pic on the menu it was purple not pink but ok

and my cherry coke with glow cube

all of a sudden I could hear angels singing n a cool breeze swept across me as a man arrived at out table in a loin cloth and a perfect smile....okay not really but he did bring something to me that was just that heavenly ........tadahhhhhh

If you have never had that bread then you haven't lived I think you should call n book an adr TODAY!!!!

I wanted to order something tropical ish but I was craving steak remember? So I got the teryaki steak with pineapple and a;lthough i'm not typi=cally a teryaki fan this was the best steak I've ever eaten in my life and I'm not kidding it was amazing( oh my god do I ever wish I could be eating that now instead of sitting here in agony eating applesauce cause i had 2 big molars pulled yesterday yuck)

after our dinner we walked around a bit to take some pics before we went back to the resort for the night

then I saw this n had a drool attack

H n Z being dolphins

my lil munchkins

while we were there I had to go and get my nephew a pair of light up drumsticks,he had been there just 2 weeks before us with his highschool band n bought a pair but they were stolen from his room ,he has assburgers syndrome which is another form of autism so he got upset like any kid would but he tends to take things like harder than most and was obsessing over it ever since.I had to get him new ones,i don't like seeing anyone upset especially kids. When i bought them Beth's son L saw them n wanted a pair instantly so he went in the shop ,grabbed them n brought them out to show his dad,who was like OMG u stole those lets go back n pay n it was kinda funny cause L is so not like that ,it turns out he actually thought the whole top floor was one big shop with restaurants in it,so it was an accident but they went n paid for them n all was right in the world n they lived happily ever...ok u get the point so we saw this statue tiki guy n got a pic

and holy cow longest back story ever leading up to a picture ever LOL

we hopped in their car and were on our way to the resort for a swim Oopsy i might've snuck them in SHHHHH!!!! but on the way we got lost n for 2 whole minutes I was actually Disney property AGGGGHHHHH holy heart failure get me back to my mouse!!! Before we knew it we were at the resort n ready for a dip



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I had the girls with me while Beth had left her camera back in my room

her n L rejoined us while Fresh took a nap in my room

up until this point I had gone to the other pools but I was saving the cars one for when L would be with us since we were staying in an ariel room I wanted there to be something for him aswell

now H saw that pic n took off running ,while I was asking what she was doing she said "I got a good idea get the camera ready mumma"

I don't know how from that far back she had this plan but this is my silly girl for ya



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So Beths kids got in on the action too and H's face was priceless too bad this pic is blurry WEndy wu Can u fix this somehow? you know since you're a photomagician and all?

I found that in the nemo and cars section the theming was amazing and you really felt like you were in the actual movie,the entire resort is awesome n blows all values out of the water but I just wish they had put more effort into the lion king area too

Anyways moving along to the cosy cone motel....


the girls needed their own cone and they were pretending it was their mermaid house

so awesome!!

we had a pretty goodnight until H said she needed the little girls room n vomitted on the way,so swim time was over n we went back to go to bed.


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the next morning our friends magically appeared in our room LOL and we got ready to start our day...L came with me to check my baggage n H stayed in the room with beth n her fam,then we filled our mugs one last time n decided fresh needed to see the cars section,plus there were a few I hadn't taken pics ewith the night before so that i could get daytime shots too

OOPS I guess that can only mean one thing "I read the rules before I broke em"

AHHH darn sideways pic again

this has got to be my fave pic of the entire trip

Beth and I bought the same dress but I haven't worn mine yet hopefully on my next trip

Doug was sittin here n we were all like oh thats a good pose n then he said he wasn't tryin to he was just kinda there but it made a good pic anyways

the pool in daylight



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we were done n went to hop in the car for our morning at DTD

Hailey found her inner ninja

oh oops I just found something from the previous night I'll insert that before i continue on



he has assburgers syndrome which is another form of autism
I hope he doesn't! thats what we had when they found horsemeat in our food! I think you mean Aspergers, lol. my cousins son has it also, seems to be on the increase, dunno if thats because its starting to be recognized or if its a new disorder


I found that in the nemo and cars section the theming was amazing and you really felt like you were in the actual movie,the entire resort is awesome n blows all values out of the water but I just wish they had put more effort into the lion king area too
the more i see n hear of this resort, the more appealing it becomes. wouldn't mind checking it out sometime :D


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Okay Tren D I had to see what cute little tops and dresses they had in there,and I set my eye on one that I didn't buy n am now kicking myself for so hopefully in december it'll still be there.anyways I had to take this pic.....because i feel like everyone takes this pic

then H tried on this hat,and she wasn't sure how she felt about it

and I was distracted by the minnie mouse overload

then H found a hat she adored and if she hadn't broken the bank by now I totally would've bought it for her,but she was already $60 over her spending limit.Anyway here are her n Z trying them on

she needed to show that in came in other colours lol

I fell in love with these........

we continued on

Oh Hey woody!!
I'm a married spud I'm a married spud

and so the ninja -ing yep thats a word now well it continued

can we just do this to my living room wall

Duffy awe <3



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My mom wanted me to pick up a mad hatter duffy costume ,but I never found one whomp whomp whomp

Okay so I came across this n took a pic because I have to remember to try this next time

THen it happened you see my friends son L wanted to go to the Lego store and although i knew it was there I never payed it much attention,that was until this day of course this was the day that began an insane lego obsession not only for my kids but for me too

H had little knowledge about Lego at this point and is now insanely obsessed

Lego Friends

the build a mini station with Beth ,she's explaining to Hailey how you build the people and this was her gift to her,you make 3 minifigures for 9.99 and each one gets legs or a dress piece,chest with arms,head,accessory,and either a hat or a hair (these minifigures are at least $4 each at home so it's a tiny discount)Beth said H could make 3 for herself n I stepped in to say she should make 2 for her n 1 to bring home to Riley,and we all agreed that was a good plan

and I saw something that caught my eye so yeah um I dunno

bad pic quality but heres H building away

there weren't many girlish things to choose from for accessories so H chose an axe then I noticed brown hair in a braid an had a great idea I had H change the hair to the brown braid because we watch the show switched at birth and Riley n I are hooked completely on it,so in the show this girl "Bay" creates street art aka grafitti and it's always of this angry girl with an axe,so we had to make her that so here's her Bay

and h's other 2 characters ,one of which has a boys face but we didnt catch on at the time so ohwell

that same day Beth bought me a little summer scene and I decided I was going to build a beach of lego stuff so I began collecting n couldn't stop n the girls now are collecting too and we love lego so much that we now stay up past 1 am playing lego on the weekends,and we never get bored of it.It might seem silly to you that a grown woman plays lego but I'm 5 on the inside and I also colour in colouring books n I don't care because one day my kids will be telling stories about how fun their mom was instead of wishing I would've played with them more,because I do all the time n we have a blast together

also when I was 5 my stepbrother had a lego astronaut that I thought was the coolest thing ever n he never let me play with it,my mom wouldn't buy me my own legos because he had so many so now I buy them myself

our next adventure was team mickey

didn't find much in there

the plan was to eat n then do Disney Quest i loved this art



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we ate here ,my first time and it was really good I wanna go back again for sure

heres my food after h stole almost all my shrimp

n Z has found her inner ninja aswell now

so we were supposed to go to Disney Quest ,or at least that was the plan all along n then some people decided they'd rather see a movie n H had a meltdown and I didn't know what to do with her so I just figured it was best to take her back to the resort so we said our goodbyes to our florida fam and parted ways.and as I walked to the busses I took some pics

and one from the bus

then to AOA

she's seriously unhappy as she draws

she said she was making a hippie vinylmation

then we bought some snacks to try now n some for the journey home

I didn't buy this but omg my munks!!!!

a snack I still want to try

I got the cheesecake sampler n h picked out krispies for daddy n Ry

all she wanted was to colour at the gift shop

then before she got halfway through she wanted a sandwhich so back to the foodcourt area

got some pics



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stopped at pop to pick up more people

pics along the way

OMG my fave mickey toon was on I love Mickey and the seal

but If I had to guess judging by this next scene I'd say ariana bagel nana you might be such a fan

oops sorry you had to see that ...........teehee hee LOl I'm sorry i'm evil!


but then I got happy again

n then we were here

and I don't know how or why but the "other people" from the start of the trip had taken a bus 2 hours before us????? Um okay don't listen to me I only go everyyear but hey yeah u wanna sit there longer than ya have to be my guest!

OMg I gotta remember this for ry she loves Hello kitty way too much

and guess what I finally got???? OMG yummo!!!

then i ate at the gate but the funny thing was my DME thingy didn't say my returning flight # n at the hotel earlier in the day they said it was wrong so it might have changed so I checked the boards right away and was going to sit by the proper gate when the other people told me i was wrong so I asked at the SW desk n the guy said I was right n the flight number had been changed,so I went back to tell them eventhough they didn't deserve it n I was snarled at n grumpy gils grandmother of that group didn't believe me n had to go ask too then they moved to the other gate n jumped up to board the plane before I could blink an eye and I haven't seen or heard of them since n it's been wonderful LOL



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H waving bye to our home away from home

so I spotted this cloud that looked like a cruise ship

let me zoom in

do ya see it?

we had this on our way

I spy buffalo

we had a smooth flight i was glad to not see or hear the grumpies on the plane or after we landed but when we did I had the cutest surprise ever waiting for me n I started to cry uncontrollably,I missed Ry so much and it felt like an eternity since i'd seen her I just could not catch my breath I held her n cried n held her more and kept kissing her n smelling her hair,I was so so happy to be home with her,4 days felt like forever I really don't understand how some people do it any longer than that because I don't think I could and she made a cute little sign and it was perfect

the trip wasn't always great it had it's ups and downs,but it was definately a learning experience.There are some people I just can't do Disney with at all.I also learned that I left to H decide the pace because when she has a good day she goes to town but on some days she needs to be in turtle mode n thats okay too.I didn't really eat any food that wasn't good this time so that was a plus and I loved AOA so much if you're thinking about a stay there stop thinking n just book it really! It was nice to reconnect with some old friends and to this day I have not yet met a diser so here's hoping!! Also if anyone is interested in seeing my snacklist I'm going to post that in my PTR right now .Thankyou to any readers I have left and I look forward to any questions or comments you may have.........see ya real soon xo


Well-Known Member
First of all, you are a wonderful Mom! kudos to you.

Great report, we completely missed the Lego Store on our trip, so thanks for the photos and stories there!

Way to get through the trip - I know your children will someday cherish these memories and all you do for them.

Love Wolfgang Puck! Glad you enjoyed it as well. AoA looks awesome, so many photo opps!
Yes-Kona is pretty darned good itself!

Thanks again for taking us along on another of your reports!


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First of all, you are a wonderful Mom! kudos to you.

Great report, we completely missed the Lego Store on our trip, so thanks for the photos and stories there!

Way to get through the trip - I know your children will someday cherish these memories and all you do for them.

Love Wolfgang Puck! Glad you enjoyed it as well. AoA looks awesome, so many photo opps!
Yes-Kona is pretty darned good itself!

Thanks again for taking us along on another of your reports!

awe Chris thank you so much that really melts my heart! I think you seem like a great dad aswell, and am loving your report too P.s my hubby is the male version of val lol

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