Cast member strike vote, June 6, 2007

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Fantasia freak

New Member
Original Poster
Well, today is the day we vote on the same contract we rejected 2 weeks ago. Disney offered no changes to the contract and today the members of the Service Trades Council will vote again on the contract. The only difference is that todays vote will be to either accept the same contract we rejected before, or to rejected it again and authorize a strike. The STCU represents, i believe 29,000 of the 55,000 cms and WDW. Disney has done some dirty things before to get a contract passed. But if we reject it, our contract ,which has been extened 4 times during negotiations, expires on June 20th, so we could be on strike on the 21st. Or we could extend it again and wait to see what happens when a federal arbitraitor comes in to try to work out a suitable contract. we'll have to wait and see.

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
I forget which podcast I heard about this on but I have to agree with the podcaster, if only about 6000 of the members actually show up to vote, you deserve what you get stuck with. If that many people can't be bothered to vote on something so important, well, I have no sympathy. It's a shame that many peoples lazy attitude effects so many people who do care and bother to vote.


New Member
This contract focuses heavily on Food & Beverage, which I of course like because that is my department. They are finally realizing that they pay less than any other place for cooks, and that is why they are constantly having to recruit and beg us to find friends to do culinary jobs. So hopefully this raise will entice more people to become part of the culinary team at WDW. It also helps with minimal raises in healthcare, and the changing of some of the legal contract language. I agree that people who don't come out and vote have no reason to complain. I also know that most Disney employees don't get paid enough that they are willing to take time off to strike :p therefore I know I will not be striking either way.

Fantasia freak

New Member
Original Poster
they are asking us to pay the same costs for health cars as the managers and vps. Same for every employee, whether you're Bob Iger or just started working attractions yesterday. Basicly they are increasing our pay $0.40 per hour per year. so $1.20 in 3 years. Unless you are already topped out, in which case you get $0.22 an hour raise each year. but the Health care increase negates any actual raise in pay. we would in fact be bringing home less money, and with cost of living going up, the money we do bring home, will be worth less than it is now. we are voting whether to accept this contract or reject it and go on stike in hopes to get a decent contract. i have a months pay in the bank just in case we have to strike, and i am willing to do it, if it means a better contract and pay in the long run.

Fantasia freak

New Member
Original Poster
So hopefully this raise will entice more people to become part of the culinary team at WDW. It also helps with minimal raises in healthcare, and the changing of some of the legal contract language. I agree that people who don't come out and vote have no reason to complain. I also know that most Disney employees don't get paid enough that they are willing to take time off to strike :p therefore I know I will not be striking either way.

I see you are on Disney's side with this. Make sure you read exactly what you are agreeing too. It is not a good contract. But you're free to vote however you feel. if you feel the contract is good for you, then vote yes, if not vote no. Since i believe it to be a bad contract for all CMs covered by it, i won't be voting yes.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I forget which podcast I heard about this on but I have to agree with the podcaster, if only about 6000 of the members actually show up to vote, you deserve what you get stuck with. If that many people can't be bothered to vote on something so important, well, I have no sympathy. It's a shame that many peoples lazy attitude effects so many people who do care and bother to vote.
Isn't Democracy great? Same applies to Federal politics.... :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I thought you guys just did it for love and the smiles on childrens faces!!

Unfortunately, even those with the best, most altruistic reasons for working at Disney still have to feed, clothe, and house themselves.

Disney pays pathetic wages. You can make more starting at McDonalds than you can at Disney. And McDonalds is a WHOLE lot less stringent on it's employees (from everything from appearance standards to simply being able to park and walk 15 feet to work as opposed to hiking into a theme park every day from the employee lots).

It's no wonder they have such a hard time keeping good help. Some smarty pants will come into this thread and say, "Would you pay more for your ticket for them to get more money?" and some would say yes, some would say no. That denies the other option - stop paying 100's of K a year to the "VP's in charge of VP's" and all the middle management and give it to the people who count most in the guest experience, the front of the line workers.

It's really simple - Disney is simply not a great employer on many levels. That's why when I moved to Orlando for awhile when I was younger I chose not to work there. It made no sense to when there are so many other employment opportunities in the area that don't demand nearly as much from you and pay better.

I hope they do strike; maybe then Disney will wake up and start paying more decent wages. It may cause havoc for awhile, but in the long run everyone would be happier except for those middle-management folks who are so busy doing nothing.

I hope you get what you want, the way things are today everyone needs a decent raise and better benifits. The prices disney charges they should be able to compensate. What does this mean for people who will be vacationing? Has a strike ever happened before where people walk off and picket?


Active Member

Lol I thought Six Flags paid its employees bad. Hmm , I really dont think the union is helping the employees at all. I am on a union here and it does no good what so ever.

Remember Striking will not hurt disney. There are prob many people who would work at disney in place of the union workers.

I also hope this does not effect my trip first week in july.

Im in a diff sit though because i am civil service and most of the perks of my job come from civil service and not my union. I was a diff union when I worked in King Kullen and being in the union there actually made it so that our salaries where less then grocery store salaries that had no union.

IS there a comparison between disney workers salaries and other parks?


Well-Known Member
As a union member, I can tell you that helth care costs what it costs. Each person gets coverage for a certain amount that needs to be paid to the insurer. The company can't create a double standard. I can tell you I make significantly less than some of my co-workers and administrators, yet we all pay the same for our benefits. You have a valid complaint with Disney Co. on many issues, not on this one. Its standard practice.


Active Member
I'm a member of IATSE local b-4 ( theatre). I think unions have their good points & their bads points. But I'm curious. Why do you hate unions?

I dont know about him but ill tell you why I hate unions.

every union I have been with we have had lwoer slaries then non unioned people. Union leaders have always had salaries higher then people with the same job with the same experience.

Also in every union job I have been in the union only cared about union execs and the part time employees. here in the library the part time employees make as much as us full time employees and the same benifits while working half the hours. this happened in both unions I was in.

Since they dont care about other people in the union I am paying $25 dollars a week in union dues wich comes out to $50 a pay check for nothing.

I have had non union jobs take much better care of its employees.


New Member
I hate unions.

Me too. If they don't pay a living wage... find another job that does... Unions really really irritate me... They served a purpose once upon a time...but those days are past. Now they just try to paint everyoen with the same broad brush... those that work hard those that don't... Those that have aspirations and ambition in their jobs...and those that struggle to even reach the heights of mediocrity.

I believe in pay for performance... not guaranteed raises just given a span of time... Merit based pay for each individual beats massive contract negotiations that treat employees in bulk.

Okay...anyhow...I just had to add my two cents.

Secret Pixie

New Member
Um, I'm going down to Florida in a few weeks. hoping to get a job at Disney... How is this whole deal going to affect poeple like me?


Active Member
Am I missing something? Who is holding a gun to their head and making them work there? If you don't like it, leave!


Well-Known Member
Um, I'm going down to Florida in a few weeks. hoping to get a job at Disney... How is this whole deal going to affect poeple like me?
Very little actually. You can't join the union immediately upon becoming a Cast Member, and you start at the base rate, so if they need to recruit more people, your chances are pretty good.
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