One of the most frustrating things to us is the misbehaving children.
My DWifey and I are 61 and 62, respectively, and we both come from 4 sibling families.
We were both raised as properly as possible, and would have never gotten away with the behavior we have seen in more recent years.
We raised 3 kiddos, and all were taken out in public from day 1. We went shopping, etc., as a family almost all the time. They need to learn proper public behavior as early as is reasonable.
If there was a problem, which wasn’t often, it was my job to remove the offending child.
There was one incident, when our youngest DD was about 3, that will never be forgotten.
We were in Walmart when she had a total meltdown over something we wouldn’t buy her. Finally, I had to pick her up and take her out of the store, under my arm, kicking and screaming.
Just as soon as I exited the front doors, she started screaming “MOMMY HEEEEELLLP…?????”…little brat…!!!!!
Of course, several people stopped in their tracks, and glared at me like the kidnapper that I wasn’t…!!!!!
I announced to all of them that she was my child, and I was taking her to the white van over there (I pointed), so she would calm down, ‘til my wife got outta’ the store with our other 2 children.
Took me way too long to get her strapped into her car seat, fighting me the whole time, but after still melding down for about 5 more minutes, she finally calmed down.
Bottom line, she never did that again…not even close, ever. She knew we meant business.
We still joke about it to this day, though…!!!
I don’t know if we just got lucky, but, also, none of our kids ever had any issues with drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, etc.
If children are inconvenient for you, please don’t have them.
Otherwise, invest the time to discipline them and raise them properly from a very early age, or I guarantee you, with the relatively little effort and inconvenience it takes to do it right from the beginning, you have no clue what inconvenience your going to experience down the road for not doing so.
We now have 2 young Granddaughters (3 and 6) that are very well behaved. We’ve been present when other children have melted down near them, and they just look at them like “What’s up with that…?!”…!!!!!
Our kiddos have all thanked us many times over the years for sticking to our guns while raising them…!!!!!
Sorry for the rant, but take the time to do it right from the beginning, or pay a much heavier price later…for which you, your children, grandchildren, etc., may all pay.