Walt also valued 'Show' above pretty much everything else. And this is, without a doubt, terrible show. His park was supposed to be a place to leave the cares of the outside world behind, and you can't do that when you're wearing a mask and social distancing.
He wasn't much of a saver, but he also really only cared about money to fund his other projects. He didn't want to keep it or worry about raising stock prices. He could be ruthless and a businessman at times as well. But he wasn't motivated by money. He just knew it was something he needed to do what he wanted.
And without a doubt he was right wing. But is this Walt Disney's America? (Not referring to the theme park) Or any cheap facsimile thereof? Walt loved the American ideal. And we aren't there right now for a lot of reasons.
But thats a different topic altogether. I'd have tons more to say but not a lot of it fits here.