Comments like Zanetti's that hype the sort of things that come up in technical reports everyday as the explanation when it's much simpler - it's not that Disney is deliberately malicious, it's that they do not care.
I think it's the history of not caring that's creating the problem, moreso than a current condition.
I'm not a civil engineer of any stripe, but locally in Tampa I've been involved in some civic activism concerning stormwater controls in some of our neighborhoods. The ponds are inadequate and lack surrounding vegetation for heat control, and the concern is that with climate change, the flooding that crops up all too frequently will continue to worsen.
As far as this relates to Disney... how often have we seen the walkways in Frontierland flood during downpours? How often do CM's have to head out with squeegees to push the water out to drain, because what was already built wasn't up to it? I was chatting about this with a fellow Disney fan yesterday, and that was the first reply he had, without even looking at this thread. If all of this is a product of Disney not keeping up their stormwater management in that area, some very wet chickens may be coming home to roost.
What's worse, the drainage demands on the area may be bound to increase once they pave and build the Villains area. If it's actually going north/northeast of this area, that's going to be a lot more water pouring in than already does. If Disney has neglected upgrading this infrastructure in keeping with possible future demand -- where have we heard
that before, damn it all? -- then this may be them trying to fob off their continual negligence as a marvelous new opportunity. (Pretty sure they've done that before, too.)
Not happy to lose ROA or TSI at all, definitely. Again, I'm not an engineer at all. I do, however, suspect that what we've been enjoying all this time has been poorly stewarded by Disney in ways we may not have fully appreciated until now, pretty much like everything else Disney has these days. The wages of negligence are bulldozers and fan fury.