This is the one that scares them, and the one thing they need to realize while they plan these projects. They can't out-IP Pokemon and Mario in scale. The former is the biggest media series on the planet after only 25 years and no singular thing they have is as strong, even if they had unrestricted Marvel rights which they don't. And they might also throw out Zelda or a number of other massive IP they own, really Nintendo could make their own resort themselves and go toe to toe but Universal then has even more.
Disney obviously has massive IP, and more IP overall, and they are going to need to use it against Nintendo. So I get why Cars is coming here. But they also need to consider that their strength is the image of impeccable theming, that it's considered the best themed resorts in the world, and that the vibes are happy. All far more then Universal. The more they neglect the parks, the more theming is considered less important, the more they cut, the more stressful and pricey it gets the more the public will see that image decline and make Disney vs Universal solely a battle of which IP is more enticing to a potential guest. And if they are going against Mario and Pokemon Disney is losing that battle.