Carosel of Progress to be removed and moved to the Walt Disney Family Mueseum


Well-Known Member
Well, no.........

SEE=CoP? :confused: I guess Snow White is like Splash Mountain.

One is an omnimover dark ride showing how communication has evolved over the course of human history while the other is a rotating theatre attraction showing how electrical progress has changed the American home in the 20th century.

Different ride systems, different subjects of tech, different styles of narration etc.

Moving on, CoP should be about the 20th century. Have the last act be the 1990s and include an epilogue where the exit narration is with a "what will the 21st century bring"? speech and include a matte of Walt's EPCOT with some back lighting and limited animation.

Have Act 1 stay the same and have Act 3 be 1961 (still representing post-war America while lessening the time gap between acts). Act 2 could be the 30s, but to avoid depression era sadness they could stick with the existing 1920s scene (it's 1927 anyway).


God bless the "Ignore" button.
I know how they can add a new spin to Carousel of Progress... Make it lost themed..Richard Alpert can host since he never ages.. and each scene change could be a bright flash of light and all of the sudden you are in a new decade...
Funny joke... right?


New Member
While its a good argument, although the attractions aren't original any longer, they are at least the original concepts from Uncle Walt, himself!

As for Main Street USA, if I were Mayor of Marceline, MO., I would put up the cash and make it SIMILAR to Main Street USA, since Mercaline was the inspiration for MSUSA. Just think of how their economy would be boosted just from tourism!? They could actually invest in the town a little more and create a SMALL park with some of the main attractions! Disney could help and make it a Disney Vacation Destination...kind of a see the inspriation for the area of the park type vacation. Just an idea, hehehehe! Not a well thought out idea at that!LOL


:lookaroun ?

You said COP doesn't fit in DCA and you are wrong. When DCA is finished COP will fit there 100% better than TL. COP no longer belongs in TL, and if it stays in WDW should move to either Main Street or Some where in EC.

Again when DCA is done it will be the perfect place for COP.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member

You said COP doesn't fit in DCA and you are wrong. When DCA is finished COP will fit there 100% better than TL. COP no longer belongs in TL, and if it stays in WDW should move to either Main Street or Some where in EC.

Again when DCA is done it will be the perfect place for COP.

And why should CoP be moved from Tomorowland?


New Member

Of all the rides this one is my fav ride. No i don't go in there to rest my feet. I love love love the way it was created and the songs. I remember the first time i went on this ride I feel instantly in love. I swear I would be devastated. I truly would die.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Unless the last scene is updated to be in the future again it really doesn't fit. I think it would work much better on Main Street.

Or in WOL rethemed to progress.

CoP was never intended to be updated; it was Walt's vision of what the world would look like, or did look like, throughout certain periods of the 20th century.

There is nowhere to put it on Main Street, and it would not fit thematically in FW.


New Member
CoP was never intended to be updated; it was Walt's vision of what the world would look like, or did look like, throughout certain periods of the 20th century.

There is nowhere to put it on Main Street, and it would not fit thematically in FW.

Well it was when it was brought to WDW.

It was originaly supposed to go in an offshoot of MS called Edison Square. And don't get me wrong I don't want to loose COP I love it.


Cool...I'll help box it up for the trip to San Fransisco.:D

Nah....CoP is doomed to sit there in TL, neglected and out of place.

How is it neglected? New ceilings, new seating, repainted recently, new show elements to replace broken ones (tv, tree lighting, etc)... what gives? Because they won't update it again, or haven't yet?

Is there anything in WDW you won't about?


New Member
How is it neglected? New ceilings, new seating, repainted recently, new show elements to replace broken ones (tv, tree lighting, etc)... what gives? Because they won't update it again, or haven't yet?

Is there anything in WDW you won't about?

OMG please tell me you are joking. When was the last time you were on COP. In Jan it looked terrible they never give it any love to the point where the AA hair was sticking up and half of the effects wern't working.


Well-Known Member
How is it neglected? New ceilings, new seating, repainted recently, new show elements to replace broken ones (tv, tree lighting, etc)... what gives? Because they won't update it again, or haven't yet?

Is there anything in WDW you won't about?

I don't know about this, when I went in January only 1 of the threatres had replaced seats and ceiling. The other 5 had terrible looking carpets and seat cushions and the robots (Act 1 father's neck for example) and scrims looked like they needed some work too.


Well-Known Member
Or in WOL rethemed to progress.

That's my vote. Epcot as it stands now is really a version of the World's Fairs of Old. How fitting would it be to bring the CoP back to that setting.

Turn the Wonders of Life Pavilion into a World of Progress Pavilion focusing on Walt Disney as a visionary and the pursuit of progress. And I'd make it a pavilion like the Land or WoL, with a main expanse with multiple attractions/experiences. The Carousel of Progress (restored and presented in it's 1964 state), a Blue Sky cellar, the original EPCOT model, etc. I might even bring over Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln and put it in there as well.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
How is it neglected? New ceilings, new seating, repainted recently, new show elements to replace broken ones (tv, tree lighting, etc)... what gives? Because they won't update it again, or haven't yet?

Is there anything in WDW you won't about?

No, it's just that the carpet, the paint, the AAs, and the audio could all use some TLC.

And last time I checked, we were entitled to express that. You don't like the opinions expressed here, don't bother with the thread....


Well-Known Member
Walt had nothing to do with WDW's Magic Kingdom planning. When he passed away in late '66 the Magic Kingdom part of his Florida Project was just a cut and pasted map of Disneyland circa 1965 up in the corner of the property.

Look, you can see StorybookLand and the Matterhorn and New Orleans Square and the Flying Saucers! :lol:

But since Walt was responsible for the Carousel of Progress at the World's Fair a decade before it arrived in WDW, he did have a hand in that one Magic Kingdom attraction. It's really the only thing Walt would have touched that is currently in the Magic Kingdom.

But as someone who has been to the Walt Disney Family Museum in The Presidio (and it's a FANTASTIC experience!), I can assure you that there is no room for such a facility in that beautiful and historic museum space.

What about HOP? The Lincoln AA may have been replaced by now, but I am almost positive the original was also from the Worlds fair.

The CoP is still running. I think it MIGHT be seasonal, technically, but it's still open most of the time, if not all.

COP has not been seasonal since 2005. COP is currently open every day and typically follows park hours.


Well-Known Member
Yup, the Lincoln AA seen at the world's fair was sent back to Disney (CA) not sure if it was the studios or Disneyland and it remained in storage for many many years. It went on display on the D23 expo last year. The duplicate Lincoln AA that was shown at Disneyland starting in 1965 lasted for years, upgraded, then replaced with a new AA. Luckily the new Lincoln show is almost the same show seen at the world's fair.


Well-Known Member
I dont understand some of the sentiment on this post. Why does everything in Disney have to be shiney and new?...Where in WDW is there a part of "what was" Something that we know will always be there. Like an "ol'sweater" in the closet, Or when you go to grandma's house you can count on her making that favorite dish you remember as a kid?

Sure it could use some freshing up. Not only do I ride it everytime I visit, I ride it several times. They took my 20,000...they took Mr Toad....I could understand if they wanted to move it....maybe to DHS....I think it would be a nice tie-in to Walts little meuseum they have there. But it would absolutely break my heart if they moved it to DCA.

I think a huge part of Disneys success has alot to do with nostalgia....this ride represents exactly that. To me updateing it to the 21st century is like colorizeing a classic black and white movie. Comb the AA's hair for pete sake....put new carpet....paint the darn thing...but PLEASE PLEASE leave it be.


Well-Known Member
What about HOP? The Lincoln AA may have been replaced by now, but I am almost positive the original was also from the Worlds fair.
The Hall of Presidents, as an idea, does date to plans for Disneyland's Liberty Street, but I do not think they got further then vague ideas for a show featuring the US presidents. I have never seen any mention that the Audio-Animatronic of President Lincoln from the 1964-65 New York World's Fair was used for the Hall of Presidents. Why would Disney give the Hall of Presidents a seven year old figure when even a new, better figure was built for Disneyland during the run of the World's Fair?

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