captain eo closing ?


Well-Known Member
Didn't take the time to see EO during its first run but did see it this past December and as a new viewer to this show I have to say I really did not like it. Graphics were horrendous, acting sub-par, story line dreadful, and would never see it again. I say and have said before bring back a HISTA similar themed show with a scientist and maybe figment to help him/her out, along with 4-D with an educational yet fun experience.


Well-Known Member
Didn't take the time to see EO during its first run but did see it this past December and as a new viewer to this show I have to say I really did not like it. Graphics were horrendous, acting sub-par, story line dreadful, and would never see it again. I say and have said before bring back a HISTA similar themed show with a scientist and maybe figment to help him/her out, along with 4-D with an educational yet fun experience.

Well, as far as the graphics go, for the 80s, those were actually pretty good.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Spandex, Big Hair, whats not to love ? Oh maybe the two headed hand puppet is on part with Cookie Monster and the falsetto voice acting is horrendous, but Michael comes across as a nice guy at least on the screen that can sing and dance like no other. The effects are very dated though.


Well-Known Member
It needs to just close. Even when it reopened it was never busy from my experience. Epcot really needs something new and fresh so hopefully we will get something good.


Well-Known Member
EO desperately needs to be replaced with something new, but if it closes now they are just going to shutter the theater and it will be yet another empty place in FW for a very long time.

I'd rather they actually work on a replacement first before closing anything.

Dog Ate Mouse

Well-Known Member
Captain EO was great in it's time and was an EPCOT classic. I also loved the first time I saw HISTA and that was a really good show. Now it's time for something else that is origional and a little off the wall. Captain EO was a big part of what the Imagination Pavillion experience was all about. You first went to a great Ride (The Origional Imagination), then went into the Imagination Labs and then went and laughed and smiled at the Jumping water and then seen the show. I wish they would fix this pavillion and bring it back to what we all loved and went crazy over. Imagination lost it's imagination and is currently struggling to figure out what it wants to be when it is allowed to grow up. Disney was always about creativity and imagination. I feel WDW had a great ride that they felt could be made better. Sometimes the saying of if it ain't broke don't fix it applies here. EPCOT is still my favorite park because it was always different and loved the different approach. It's time to put EPCOT back on the Fun list. It can be done, it's just no one wants to put a little effort into it. They are trying to milk out all they can from this wonderful park without updates and new sponsors and attractions.

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
I hated HISTA and am more than happy to have it gone forever... I really enjoy EO, but it was always intended to be a temporary run. Something new needs to go in the Magic Eye Theater...


Well-Known Member
30 years ago, EO would have been awesome. Now, it's just pathetic.

Even EO is better than nothing, though. It sucks some people in there. We don't need MORE empty buildings!

If we cannot have something new and must have a decades-old movie, HISTA was much better. Stick HISTA in there until something new comes along. :)
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Well-Known Member
30 years ago, EO would have been awesome. Now, it's just pathetic.

Even EO is better than nothing, though. It sucks some people in there. We don't need MORE empty buildings!

If we cannot have something jew and must have a decades-old movie, HISTA was much better. Stick HISTA in there until something new comes along. :)
Hee, hee... you might want to proof read your post before you start getting letters. :cautious:

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