Can you ESCAPE reality at WDW as an Adult?


I was 30 my first time, now I'm darn near 49 years old and I still feels like an escape.

I'll walk around Downtown Disney after a meeting just to get that Disney feel.


New Member
Always wanted to make the trip from the UK for as long as I could remember. But in the 70's there were no cheap Transatlantic flights to Orlando.

I eventually was able to pay my own way at 20 years old in 1987. I've been another twelve times since :D


New Member
Congrats on 18 years CelticRose.....I have always wanted to go in May, keep wanting to hit the wonderful flower/plant thingy at Epcot...think thats in May? Have fun.....:animwink:

Thanks TinkWings, We have always gone in May around our anniversary, sentimental values, besides the Flower & Garden Festival at Epcot is just an extra part of the magic, I highly recommend it, it is just beautiful. I am hoping the DH and I can sneak away for a trip by ourselves perhaps after Thanksgiving, I would love to see the Osborne lIghts and the parks during the holidays, we both turn into 12 yr olds and ride everything:lol: We both loved Mr. Toads Wild Ride:cry:

So Escape everyone and pretend you are 12 again:lol:

I had an acquaintance tell me last week that I had been too many times to WDW. :brick: I did not know I had gone over my quota:rolleyes: I don't think she knows how to relax or even take a vacation.

Perhaps I can have my cell phone ring me so that I won't miss my ADR's

Oh no, WDW commercial on TV!!!!:cry:

109 days and I am there :sohappy:


New Member
Add it all up, and I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars, and a big chunk of my vacation time at Disney. Why? Because this greying, aging, chunky, business executive type guy cannot imagine doing anything else for a big vacation!

Now I will admit that my friends and extended family sometimes think I have lost my mind. But my brother and his family came with us last year and have been talking about the experience ever since. My sister and her "street smart" Chicago teen age kids (Who resisted) came a couple of years ago and had the time of their lives. Who says it's not "Cool" to hug Tigger anyway?!

Where else can you dance behind a parade, hug a mouse in the morning, see fireworks every night, eat in a different part of the world every day, ride monorails, boats, and trains, attend a dinner show, shoot space aliens, find the yeti, see Africa, defend pirates, and party with ghosts? And tomorrow do something else. DL and WDW are the only places that I have ever found where the experience EXCEEDS the expectation almost every single time. How cool is that?!

I book the hotels, plan the meals, drive the car, purchase the tickets, and budget the money. My wife comes along to supervise. And loves every minute of it.

Can you escape as an adult? You betcha. Partly because there is more to escape FROM! Partly because leaving your brain in park for a week is healthy. And partly because it's just so darn much fun!

See you in the World.

"AMEN" -- 'Brother'!!! :) :lol: :D


New Member
Original Poster
Yes the wife goes too. She is found this site for us.. so she has the Disney bug as well.... but I always outlast her at the parks!

YES :D :king:

I went first time when I was 27.. Doesn't your wife go with you? I go with my husband (yes, I am a girl although FantasMickeyM probably sounds a bit male!) and we love it!! Going back day after tomorrow, can't believe it..:king: :D


New Member
I have loved Disney for as long as I can remember and as a child I heard many of my friends talk about going to Disney World but I knew my family could never afford to go so I just accepted that it wasn't going to happen. God blessed me with an amazing woman who shares my love for Disney so it was a no brainer for us when it came time for us to decide where we wanted to go on our honeymoon. We both went for the first time during on our honeymoon(April 2005) and fell head over heals in love with the place and everything about it. We have since been 2 more times and are planning 2 more trips for this year.

We both have very stressful jobs(I am in management and she works in the medical field)and we NEED Disney. Growing up we were both loners who came from families that weren't very financially "well off". The minute we land at Orlando Airport and the realization that we are almost "Home" sets in ,all of our stress and troubles just seem to melt away and we are transported to a place where we can relive our childhood the way we had always dreamed it would be. Disney means so much to us and we can't wait to have children and raise a whole new generation of Disney Lovers.:sohappy:


New Member
The first time my inlaws announced they were taking the 3 of us to Disney, I said, OK, I'll go for my daughter, then 4. They didn't want the responsibility of takng a 4 year old for 5 days by themselves although they had taken her several other places. We arrived in Magic Kingdom just as they pulled the roped across the section of Main Street to start the parade and we had a front row seat ! I took 2 rolls of film on the parade and my husband said it was more fun watching my face than my daughter's. He had been 3 times before. We were there for 5 days and it wasn't enough. Four years later my dad passed away and a year later we went to Disney over the first anniversary of his death. A few years later my brother passed away suddenly at the age of 51. We got part of the estate and with part of that that I said. Well, you are sending us to Disney as your Christmas gift to us this year.
So yes , for me it is a place to escape from everything.
It holds all the magic that it would hold as if I had gone as a child.
I am going in the summer of '08 as my daughter's graduation present from HS, just before she leaves for college.
When I was still dating the man who was to be my husband, he took me to wdw in '99. Since then, we have visited every year, sometimes twice.
One of the most significant times for me was when we took our daughter for the first time and at the same time brought my immediate family. My mother is an irish immigrant and despite living in the u.s. for 35+ years had never been to florida or wdw. At 56 years old, i saw my mom's eyes fill with tears at the mere sight of cinderella's castle. Even now when we talk about our wdw trip, she get's a far away look in her eyes.
in october, we are taking my husband's immediate family and some friends, but this trip will be even more special for us. Our three year old daughter has already been able to experience wdw three times, but it will be the first time for our seven month old son. I love it when i get to be with my family-my husband, daughter, and son-and get to be in a place where reality really does seem to cease to exist. all the extra people travelling with us will be great but there is nothing quite like being there with your children.
That said, for strictly myself, i like to thank my husband for introducing this wonderful place to me. My favorite thing to do is make an early morning breakfast reservation at the crystal palace, and get into the park before everyone else. As we enter the park, and walk along the curve at the start of main street, my heart begins to beat with anticipation at the sight i am about to behold. and as we continue walking and reach the opening of main street and can see a completely open view of cinderella's castle, my heart skips a little beat. so few times can you get a clear, unobstucted, un crowded view of that beautiful sight.

sorry to be so long winded, but rarely do i think that we as disney fanatics can express our feelings to anyone who truely understands. long live the kid in all of us:)


Well-Known Member
Yes, you definitely can escape reality at WDW.

My DH's first trip ever was in May of '04, he didn't really get geared up until the day before we left. Little did I know he was going to propose to me once we got there. From that moment on, I knew that he was in love with (not only me) but WDW. We honeymooned in Oct. of '05 and are planning for Dec. '07. Every day we find something Disney to talk about and one of the things we discuss is how much the real world fades away when you enter the property.

There is nothing like the feeling you get when you check into your resort, hop on the monorail, and hear: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Magic Kingdom monorail station. On behalf of the cast of the Walt Disney World resort we'd like to welcome you to the Magic Kingdom." That's the moment you know all of your everyday worries are back home.

Thank you WDW.....thank you for being a place my DH and I can escape the real world together!


Well-Known Member
I definitely escape reality at DL and WDW. Whenever I am having a bad day or get really stressed, my friends and I go to DL. While I'm there, I forget about the real world and about all my problems. It's great to get away from reality for a little while.


New Member
Thankyou WDWmagic

I am beyond thrilled to know there are people out there that share the same feelings I do about the world. I went for the first time when I was 5 years old with my parents and again when I was 11 with my dad. In 2004 when my BF and I ran into some money (Thanks for those savings bonds, I love you Nana :kiss:) we decided to take our kids (His DD who was 9 at the time and had never been, My DS who was 5 and had been in '02 with my dad, and Our bouncing baby boy 10mos at the time) to Orlando.
Our main interest at the time was going to Universal which we did but we squeezed in a visit to MK together and later in the week I took the two older kids to the AK because I had never been. We had a blast! So when our 2005 tax refunds came in we knew exactly what we wanted to do and I decided this time we are having a Disney vacation with a few stops over at Universal thus our stay at POP in '06. My sister came down with my niece for her 12th Bday 2 days before we were leaving and we met up with them at Universal (They were doing a Universal/Seaworld/Discovery cove trip cause my sis thought Samantha was "too old" for Disney world :brick:) It was so much fun to have extra family to share your vacation with!
I have been eating, sleeping, breathing Disney since we returned from our last trip and can not get enough. It is so hard to find others in my day to day life that understand, thats why I am so happy to find this place. Just today I was heading through my work to the break room with my WDW planning book in hand with my co-workers shaking their heads "There she goes again...." yeah so I read last years addition so what! I go to bed at night to the trip planning video (sorry but I like the happiest celebration one better than YOAMD) and it's true there is nothing like bringing your own children there even though I feel like I'm into it more than they are :lol: My friends all go on vacation to spring break places but I'm just content to spend the rest of my vacationing life at Disney resorts. Sorry for the longest post ever but I feel like I've finally found folks who get it and I'm not alone in my Disney obsessed world.:wave:


When you are young, Disney is "amazing" and "magical" for different reasons than when you grow up. Kids, at least those in my family, seem to really focus on the familiarity of the Characters and the bright colors, sound, sugar smells, etc.

As an adult, wanting to "get away from it all" occasionally; I can tell you that there is no better place to be than Disney World ... with this one little rule ... DO IT RIGHT. Don't stay off property. Don't monkey around with bus rides, and DO NOT go on I-4 ... whatever you do. Escaping the "real world" also requires a bit more $$$ if you go that route ... but in my experience it is well worth it. I think it's perhaps the best way to escape reality ... because other than the airport ... you don't really have to leave property.

It always amazes me when I hear trip reports of people who go and are super budget on the trip ... then complain about the experience ... and that they don't get the "disney magic". Or another favorite "I saw it all in one day!". Which we all know is flat out impossible. I tried the super budget trip before. HUGE MISTAKE! Stayed at the Best Worstern "Main Gate" (I've since learned that if the words ***Something GATE*** appear in the hotel name your better off sleeping in the Car! Just MINUTES from DISNEY! HAHAHA!) for like 39$ per night and dealt with 192 "Irlo Bronson Highway" traffic and "I-4" Traffic. Took a flight from a city that was a 4 hour drive from my house just to save 100$ a head. Turns out ... all that cheapness takes away from the vacation and the escapism ... IMO.

And TIME ... is 5 days enough? No. Is 7 days enough? Just. Is 10 days enough. Yes. But not everyone can do that ... including myself, least not every year. For my $$$ I say do Disney right. Give yourself enough time, enough loot, and peace of mind and you will have a wonderful escape from reality style vacation!


Well-Known Member
Yes 1000%. My wife gets soooo mad because my kids and I leave her in the dust to board the tram in the parking lot.:sohappy:


I went for the first time 4 years ago when I was 21, skeptical etc...

As soon as I walked down Main Street the first time the outside world ceased to exist. I had no idea what day it was anymore, and was 100% GONE from the real world.

I went on my first Disney Cruise this October and had the same thing happen. :)


New Member
WDW is the only place I ever want to vacation. I have been other places and they were nice, but nothing compares to the ultimate escape from reality. I am asked all the time why we don't go anywhere else for vacations. I never let it bother me since I know what WDW does for me. The second I step foot off DME and into the AKL lobby, everything is gone. Cell phones are turned off, the TV isn't on, no traffic to deal with. It is sheer bliss. I will go until the day I die. My husband will have to roll my old bones around in a wheelchair when I am 80 and still relishing WDW. It's an addiction. From the sights, subtle and apparent sounds, the smells, the colors. The more I visit, the more I want to work at AK with exotic animals. WDW is such a passion of mine. I cannot wait to return in 52 days and eat up every step I take in the magical place.


Active Member
I remember going a few times as a kid. It was so exciting to go back 15 years later with my own child. Remembering things as you see them and reliving the memories from so long ago. I definitely consider it an escape from reality whenever I'm there. 1 month till my 3yo experiences it for the 2nd time!
Yes, you can. And I have proof. Every single time I have been on Soarin', during the part where you soar over people in the water and you come really close to the people. Just about every person in my row, including adults, and myself included, raise their feet, as if they are so into what we are seeing on the screen, they actually feel as if they will hit the people. Everytime I have done it. When Disney does something right (Soarin' is a perfect example), people get so enraputured and focused on what's going on in front of them. Another great example is people's reactions during Wishes. Seeing adults literally cry (which I have seen more than once) is proof as well.

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